Smiles and Cries
not sure if taking a hit like that was worth it, but it was a fun streamYeah, but she said the vid isn't monetized so it's okay
can't wait for this
not sure if taking a hit like that was worth it, but it was a fun streamYeah, but she said the vid isn't monetized so it's okay
are most of gen 2 in Japan?They probably should've got girls from the west instead of Japan tbh.
Oh I thought most were from Japan. The bio had them as in Japan or was that supposed to be for the company?are most of gen 2 in Japan?
have not really heard of locations they don't break the 4th wall as often as Holomyth does
most of the time Japoan is listed for the companyOh I thought most were from Japan. The bio had them as in Japan or was that supposed to be for the company?
She was not this good last year. She took the time to practice on stream. Now if she knew the shortcuts she could take on JP girlsIna is actually pretty good at Mario Kart.
Probably because of Violet?why is there a 20k sub gap between Kiara and Ina now? they always stayed fairly close.
Yeah Kiara is still playing Skyward Sword, I guess choice of games do matter. Kiara has a very limited range of games she is willing to play in Hololive's already limited because of Violet?
Ina'nis also played two based games with SOMA and Ender Lilies lately.
In comparison Kiara just kept her normal program the past 3 weeks as far as I can see.