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'Wanda and the Colossus' Media Embargo Club

Okay, after the other thread containing the Famitsu scan of this title, I decided to make a thread to be the home of spoiler-free 'Wanda and the Colossus' information. Those who choose to undergo this long, painful trial are willingly avoiding any and all media on this game. However, that doesn't mean we want to avoid all information pertaining to the game. Examples of things we would still like to see:

-Release date information and subsequently updates on any release date changes.
-Developer interviews. Hopefully the spoiler-free kind.
-Basic game progress reports.
-Box arts

Why join the media embargo 'club'?: The reason is quite simple; Wanda and the Colossus and ICO are perhaps some of the only titles to ever rely on the fact that you have no idea what you're getting into (Not 100% sure about Wanda, but I can that they are going for the same feeling.) As such, you need to feel taken by the environment and atmosphere once you are thrown into it for the first time. If you have not played through ICO, now would be a good time to do so.

Hopefully we can get such things as release dates and developer interviews soon. It sounds incredibly silly to some, but this is probably the only game where I truly want to avoid all media and spoilers until the eventual release.

Mods: would it be to much to ask for the removal of any post in this thread by those who post spoiler information? For example, someone comes in and ruins the thread by posting spoiler pictures all over the place.

To those Wanda fans outside the media embargo 'club': kind souls could keep us updated with all relevant information. In the future, simply search for this thread using the forum search feature located at the top near the navigation tree (for those who didn't know about this already.)

Current Members (don't give spoilers to these people):

Ill Saint (after TGS)
Justin Bailey (admitted cheating might be in the cards ;) )

What's it all about?
Here is a short excerpt, courtesy of GameSpot, for the newcomers:

Internally referred to for the last two years as "Nico," Wanda and the Colossus is the sophomore effort from the internal team at SCEI that produced 2001's critically acclaimed adventure ICO. Directed by Fumito Ueda and produced by Kenji Kaido, the title is not a direct sequel, although it shares much of the first game's graphic design.

The main character in Wanda and the Colossus is a boy who travels on a horse, carrying the soulless body of a little girl day and night until he reaches a shrine surrounded by vast wilderness. As the boy lays the dearly beloved girl's body at the shrine, lighting suddenly strikes, and the boy hears voices from the heavens that tells him that he can bring back the girl's soul if he defeats all the giant statues in the land without regard for his own life. There is no one in the vast desolated land except for the boy, his horse, and the godlike moving statues that appear in front of them as more lightning strikes the land. Bound together with their love for the little girl, the boy and his horse go to fight against the colossal stone beings without any hesitation.

And away we go. I will be incredibly proud if we can make it all the way to release date without seeing any more media for this title. Club members chime in! ;)
I didn't think of that. This is going to be a treacherous road we're heading down. Hopefully those in the know will be understanding towards our cause :)


This is kind of retarded. Why don't you just make non spoiler threads for LOZ GCN, MGS3, GTA:SA, GOW, FF12, DQ8, KH2 and a number of other high profile games. You make it sound like this is going to be the best game ever made.


I'd like to do this as well, I've wondered if it would enhance the game at all by not knowing anything about it beforehand and this is the perfect chance, count me in also.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
This is kind of retarded. Why don't you just make non spoiler threads for LOZ GCN, MGS3, GTA:SA, GOW, FF12, DQ8, KH2 and a number of other high profile games. You make it sound like this is going to be the best game ever made.

You don't understand :). Count me in.
AssMan, it's because of the nature of the title itself. I know it sounds 'retarded'.

Playing ICO without knowing what the hell I was even getting into was half the reason why it had such a strong impact on me. I assure you it is the same for many others. In these games, the environment can sometimes be the game. The feeling you get when you see the environment and characters for the first time is actually part of the game. That is why this is different. I know what I'm getting into with the other high-profile games, and I avoid spoilers appropriately for each. For instance, I don't mind seeing some screens for MGS3, but I sure as hell won't watch a 30 minute trailer showing story elements.


Tag of Excellence
Outside of the really basic info that's been released and the three or four basic shots that were shown I HAVEN'T A CLUE AS TO WHAT IS GOING ON.

We need like a club flag or something or a little sombrero we can wear.

Why does it say after TGS in my name? Does it mean I'm the Club Treasurer? I haven't seen any TGS video nor do I want to now.
I'm gonna start the Wanda and the Colossus Media Export Club and PM all you guys screenshots! HA HA HA HA HA.

What you say

TekunoRobby said:
Outside of the really basic info that's been released and the three or four basic shots that were shown I HAVEN'T A CLUE AS TO WHAT IS GOING ON.

We need like a club flag or something or a little sombrero we can wear.

Why does it say after TGS in my name? Does it mean I'm the Club Treasurer? I haven't seen any TGS video nor do I want to now.


I've seen the initial basic story outline (more than I knew about ICO going into that) and the first stills released from the reel they ran at the presentation. That means from this point onward I only want basic details and no media.

Yeah, that would be funny to get a little emblem for this group. Hopefully others are just repsectful of our decision and help us out with updates.


Count me in. I also knew very little about ICO other than the basic premise, the handful of Penny Arcade comics, and a couple of screens, and was also stunned by the game when playing through it.

It's really made me realize how much I've been spoiled by early trailers and screenshots. I remember the last few Zelda games I played, I sometimes tell what boss or area I would be coming across, because I had seen it in trailers how many times, and the current area I was in started looking similar in theme. I'm really glad that that didn't happen with ICO, and sure as heck don't want it to happen with Wanda (I do hope that name gets changed, though...).
After the trailer comes out i'm probably going to limit myself to info on this game. Like most people I didn't know much about ICO either. I do remember when ICO had giant horns though.



JackFrost2012 said:
I'm gonna start the Wanda and the Colossus Media Export Club and PM all you guys screenshots! HA HA HA HA HA.

Wanda and The Colossus Avatars for Everyone program.
All I knew about ICO going in was a) it was supposed to be a really good title and b) it had a kid with horns. That is all. The game had a really big impact on me.

That's a very nice picture, SSX. Is there any official ICO art floating around, besides the over-seas cover art?
Wow, cool painting there.

BTW, SSX is cool enough to enter the club. He did appreciate ICO for what it was, and I believe that is reason enough to allow him entry. Now walk this bed of coals.
Are you guys going to play a demo, should one be released like the Ico demo?

That one told you all you needed to know, without spoiling any plot.
JackFrost2012 said:
If you're as big an ICO fan as you seem to be, IMPORT THE STRATEGY GUIDE. Filled with beautiful artwork, blueprints, and storyboards. It's more of a travelogue than a strategy guide, really.


Oh wow, I wasn't even aware of this. Keep in mind that I finished ICO only weeks ago. My one regret is that I didn't play it on release (before PoP:Sands of Time).

Can you tell me anything else about the strategy guide? Is there art work and the sort?

Are you guys going to play a demo, should one be released like the Ico demo?

That one told you all you needed to know, without spoiling any plot.

Absolutely not. Full experience or nothing for me. I'll also avoid any E3 demo next year if there is one.
JasoNsider said:
Can you tell me anything else about the strategy guide? Is there art work and the sort?

(picks up guide)
The first 80 pages are strategy guide, but it's written like a book ... mostly full-screenshots and paragraphs of text, no bulleted lists or maps or arrows or anything.
6 page interview with key development staff.
2 pages of responses to a 3-question questionaire given to everyone (influences, what kind of game do you think ICO is?, favorite scene)
3 pages of rough sketches and storyboards
1 page of the Watermelon Scene! :)
2 pages of secrets, enemy bestiary, item list

Zat's all. If you can't read Japanese, your ability to appreciate a lot of it will be minimized but it's still a nice book worth picking up.
Awesome, thanks for the info. Unfortunately I cannot read Japanese yet so a lot of the value would be lost on me. I'm considering picking it up, anyway.

I'm looking to print out an ICO poster, and it's looking like I'm just going to have to photoshop that giant box-art scan to appropriate sizes and just print that out. There isn't a heck of a lot of concept art for the game. Here's hoping Wanda gets equally impressive box-art in at least one of the regions.


Tag of Excellence
God's Hand said:
No offense, JasoNsider, but wouldn't it be easier to just get a life and avoid the forums altogether?
If you'd have a life you wouldn't be posting on a video game message board to begin with. Accept and love your nerdiness.
JasoNsider said:
I'm looking to print out an ICO poster, and it's looking like I'm just going to have to photoshop that giant box-art scan to appropriate sizes and just print that out. There isn't a heck of a lot of concept art for the game. Here's hoping Wanda gets equally impressive box-art in at least one of the regions.

If there are Wanda posters at TGS I will buy like 20 and auction them off to GAFfers gladitorial deathmatch stylee!

Justin Bailey

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JasoNsider said:
Does not compute.
Haha, yeah I hate when people use the "no offense" line like it excuses whatever they have to say afterwards.

No offense, but your mother is a filthy whore and your face looks like dog shit. IT'S OK THOUGH I SAID NO OFFENSE.

Oh yeah, count me in I suppose, although I'll probably end up cheating.
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