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Want some chocolate cake? And some milk?

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Hollywood Square
Don't read my post in another thread and make a new thread like it's your idea. You thief.
Willco said:
Don't read my post in another thread and make a new thread like it's your idea. You thief.

OK then crazy guy....whatever you say. Can I have some of the hippy shit you're smoking?


That scene symbolizes how Peter is the everyman. He likes milk and cake just like us normal guys!


Hollywood Square
In THIS THREAD I posted this...

Willco said:
(Today, 12:24 AM)
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Would you like some chocolate cake? And milk?

And then YOU post this...

Invader Zim said:
Invader Zim
Junior Member
(Today, 12:30 AM)
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Want some chocolate cake? And some milk?
Why didn't he bang that chick? I would have.

You are a thief and a liar!


Hollywood Square
Invader Zim said:
I admit the timing is curious, but I didn't go to that topic.

Likely story. Bowser -- book him!

Case solved and closed. Let us go back to our official Spidey 2 thread and have some chocolate cake and milk.


Willco said:
Likely story. Bowser -- book him!

Case solved and closed. Let us go back to our official Spidey 2 thread and have some chocolate cake and milk.



So, let me get this straight.

Spidey burned out.
Spidey bummed out.
Girl offers him "cake and milk"
Spidey suddenly back to normal.

I thinks spidey shot his web all over her cake.


Hollywood Square
fart said:
wait, that reminds me. what the hell was the point of that scene again?

Here is the current speculation on the Spidey boards:

Either she was, A) Just being nice to Peter to show that even when the entire planet takes a shit on him, people can be nice or B) It was the setup for The Black Cat.

Can't confirm either right now, but when I can, you'll be the first to know.


Willco said:
Here is the current speculation on the Spidey boards:

Either she was, A) Just being nice to Peter to show that even when the entire planet takes a shit on him, people can be nice or B) It was the setup for The Black Cat.

Can't confirm either right now, but when I can, you'll be the first to know.

Well, her name ain't Felicia Hardy, so I'm going to ignore the latter. :p
Willco said:
Here is the current speculation on the Spidey boards:

Either she was, A) Just being nice to Peter to show that even when the entire planet takes a shit on him, people can be nice or B) It was the setup for The Black Cat.

Can't confirm either right now, but when I can, you'll be the first to know.

are you tellin me that skinny bitch is gonna be the black cat? R to the Oofles.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I'm thinking its A...no way could that chick be Black Cat unless she has some plastic surgery and gets a fitness coach.

Then again I'm sure they would recast the part.

MC Safety

By the way, someone in my office pointed out the cake in question was not, in fact, chocolate. It was a vanilla cake.

Boy! I hope someone got fired for that one!

MC Safety

Bacon said:

Thank you. I would have been all like, "This is yellow cake with chocolate frosting, insolent dolt!" Then I would have hurled the plate at her, saying, "You go out to the store and get me some real chocolate cake,!"

I reiterate: Boy, do I hope someone got fired for that blunder!
Yellow cake is not vanilla cake. And it's CERTAINLY not chocolate cake. Peter was decieved.

So how many possible villians were set up for the next film? Who's got their money down on a Hob/Lizard combo?


Guzim said:
That scene symbolizes how Peter is the everyman. He likes milk and cake just like us normal guys!

If he were an everyman like us he'd also like some pussy every now and then.

Disco Stu said:
By the way, someone in my office pointed out the cake in question was not, in fact, chocolate. It was a vanilla cake.

Boy! I hope someone got fired for that one!

You just reminded me of the car in the background in one of the scenes in Lord of the Rings.


I think she was just supposed to illustrate that chicks dig Peter Parker, but the only woman he can be bothered to care about is Mary Jane.

Note that virtually every shot in the middle part of the film that had Peter walking through a crowd also had at least one or two attractive young women checking him out and nodding with approval, yet he never noticed. The woman offering him cake was just fitting into that pattern.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
No, no, no. The cake symbolizes the constant battle between Americans and our diets. See, Spidey wasn't eating much....powers lost. Spidey got some simple carbs in him via the chocolate cake and BAM! Powers come back! See, the chocolate cake was really a metaphor for how awesome carbs (especially simple carb desserts) are - ATKINS is doomed! See? Now on the deception angle of it being yellow cake with chocolate frosting is an example of how no-carb diets are deceptive and how the vile nature of desserts are not what they appear to be. See, we're taught that desserts are one way, when they can really be another.

This cake reaches further into philosophical matters by asking us: "What is a man without dessert? Without enjoyment? Without leisure or relaxation?" A machine, that's what. This cake scene furthers the idea that man is not a machine and must indulge himself in acts that satisfy the Id to help protect the psyche.

This is proven by Peter Parker being so stressed and obsessed on problems and performing super-heroic feats that he begins to lose his powers. AH HA! But the cake....the CHOCOLATE CAKE...sets him free, satisfies his primal urges and reinstates his status as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. He could have satisfied them in another way by getting some from Ursula, but, well, that wouldn't have made for the beautiful "Go get 'em, Tiger" ending, you know?

I think Raimi did the right thing in making the cake do the job rather than Spidey-Sex. It's all plain and simple, really. You just had to pay attention to the movie.

How do I know this? Well according to www.undertheonewebofspidey.net, director Sam Raimi has been battling Atkins for awhile, competing with his brother Ted to see who could get to that legendary six-pack first. Now, it's obvious Ted is winning (and has been winning for a LONG time), but now Sam is fed up. They have since forgotten the contest (during post-production) and will be starting a bulking up routine soon....5000 Cals and 6 hours in the gym a day. Ted was happy to beat his big bro at something though and was a little disppointed that he couldn't show off the "washboard" on screen, but he's happy nonetheless.

Raimi used Spidey 2 as a way of expressing his frustration with sibling rivalry over pointless contests. And it's all on that webpage I just linked to.

That Raimi's a genius....a genius I tell you!


I still insist that this scene is more than it seems.

They gotta do something with that chick in Spider-man 3. like... kill her, or something.
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