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Want to buy some ripped DVDs?

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Scary Euro Man
DVD pirate's pitch ends in arrest

A man has been arrested after trying to sell counterfeit DVDs - at a Trading Standards Office.

The man had apparently missed the sign on the office in Beehive Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, and asked if anyone would like to buy pirated films.

Staff said they were very interested indeed in what he had to sell, but when he realised where he was he ran off, leaving his wares and £210 in cash.

Police later arrested the man in a supermarket in Chelmsford.

Trading Standards folklore

He was questioned by the same officers who had earlier been offered the illegal titles before he was released on bail.

Peter Martin, Essex County Council's cabinet member in charge of Trading Standards, said: "It would be great if all pushers of counterfeit goods would come to our offices to try and sell their wares.

"It would make the life of our dedicated team a great deal easier.

"It was a unique situation and our officers handled to situation well.

"No doubt this incident will become part of Trading Standards folklore."


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