I like Cruise as an actor (and he works well with Spielberg, who's been on fire lately with his movies), so there's no way I wouldn't see this. I'm also not the kind of person who wouldn't see a movie because of the way an actor acts in real life (ie Russel Crowe is one of my favorite actors even though he's a moron in real life).
That being said, I am completely sympathetic to those who say they're not going to watch it because of Cruise. It's completely Cruise's fault, because a lot of people when they see Cruise smile in the movie, they're going to associate that smile with crazy man Tom jumping on Oprah's couch, and it'll take them out of the movie and hurt the experience. Pre-release publicity is almost always good, but he went way too far. I'm just thankful I can differentiate myself from the PR circuit and the movie itself.