Sit down with members of our Animation team as they take some questions, show some behind-the-scenes clips and techniques, and discuss all things animation! We will finish off our stream with some discussion on Update 9!
Who? Geoff, Lucy, Scott J, Jay, & Rebecca! Steve will be stopping by at the end.
What? An Animation Q&A with some questions pulled from our Design Council, plus we'll wrap up our stream with some Update 9 discussion. We'll also be giving out three 1000 Platinum prizes to viewers throughout the stream!
When? Wednesday, July 3rd @ 2 PM EDT!
We'll be able to freely scroll around the map in zoomed-in view. New mission icons for special difficulty missions and "story missions" (I think that only means assassination... for now?).
These fancy 3D "dioramas" are the new lobby screen and that's the player's frame being overly dramatic on the right.
Nah, we're just playing the game the way it was designed to be played.Welp I guess the clan is kaput, even the promise of a special alert didn't get any life!
*sigh* Really wish their were more euro gaf clanners that were on when I am lol.
Added improved Solar Landmark system for Grandmasters.
Expanded animation library for the Grineer (combat and ambient animations)
MOTD now displayed in halls of the Dojo.
Added support for /invite in chat, and inviting people who aren't on your friends list or in your clan.
Added 2 options for consumable Fireworks items to the Market.
Added Red White & Blue color picker.
Added game invite and add friend options to chat user list context menu.
Doubled the length of alerts for rare rewards.
Alert System 2.0 is live
Stalker Bow and Paris 3D draw sounds now have fire rate multiplier.
3D Sounds on Pistols and Sentinel now have proper mix effects.
Improved NPC awareness transfer across host migration.
Revised multiple melee weapon animations.
Improved enemy waypoints on minimap to show true location instead of next closest nav location.
Dojo pieces that are dead ends are marked as such.
Enemies that had had elemental immunities now take regular damage, with multiplied damage for weaknesses (fire and electricity).
Updated Warframe abilities to use energy color selected by player.
Grineer now play animation while activating security system, allowing slightly more time to interrupt.
Improved anti-cheat detection.
Replaced all known Corpus consoles with Grineer consoles in Grineer levels.
Made session join failures able to identify when the failure was because the session is full; hopefuly this will make losing a void key join race a little less magical.
Added missing sounds from Prime melee weapons (swoosh!).
Only enemies that see the player will activate panic buttons, preventing enemies in other zones hitting activating the alarms.
Reduced particle systems on some fog that were causing performance issues on low-end machines.
Warframe Buffs:
Mag: Pull- Changed to pull all targets in front of the player.
Mag: Shield Polarize - Now radial instead of single target. Radial damage around enemy targets that suffer shield drain.
Mag: Bullet Attractor - Bullet attractors now become volatile when target dies before attractor is finished, these cause radial damage around the dead target.(needs more visual polish)
Rhino: Iron Skin - 400,600,800,1200 damage caps. Removed timer.
Rhino Roar: NEW POWER: Radial damage buff for all players within range (10%,15%,25%,50%)
Rhino: Rhino Stomp - Rolled Radial blast and Rhino Stomp together. Rhino Stomp now does damage to enemies(150,300,500,800)
Volt: Speed: Now a radial group buff, All Tenno in a radius around the caster will get a speed and melee weapon speed increase (speed, range, duration all increase with fusion level). Range (15,20,22,25) Speed (10%,15%,25%,50%) Duration (5,6,8,10).
Overload: Higher damage output during entire animation.
Shock: Has proper chaining, fusion now increases the number of chains and the radius it looks for further chaining targets.
Fixed Defense Missions awarding level 0 Fusion Cores
Fixed Endless Defense missions that could be ended immediately upon host migration.
Fixed AI pathfinding reported in Grineer Boss room.
Fixed areas in Grineer maps that players could wall run out of the level.
Fixed edge case issue where objective marker would not clear upon completing Capture objective.
Fixed issue where some AI types could not be executed with stealth kills.
Fixed stealth attacks on Infested Chargers that failed to bring out melee weapon.
Fixed stealth attack kills not counting towards mission kill stats.
Fixed loot crate positions in Corpus Outpost hanger that were inside the floor.
Fixed loss of functionality when loading mods if user has significant amount in inventory.
Fixed missing sound effects for Fang and Ether Daggers slide attack.
Fixed all projectiles to accept energy color selection.
Fixed lag and FX issues when shooting through Volt’s shield.
Fixed Ember’s World on Fire ability not showing effects on enemies.
Fixed missing Loc strings observed in Orokin missions.
Fixed missing ragdoll events on Infested death animations.
Fixed missing Cronus charge attack sound.
Fixed idle animations that would move the player slightly when no weapons are equipped (Dojo).
Fixed mis-aligned muzzle flash on Burston weapon.
Fixed instances of inactive Corpus AI when spawned on centre platform of Outpost Defense.
Fixed some Defense text strings that would appear to clients in host’s language.
Fixed various Warframe abilities that were not working on Cryopod/Core.
Fixed issue where pending recipe list was falsely reporting to be empty.
Fixed various reported graphics clipping and z-fighting issues.
Fixed Vortex instantly killing enemies in certain cases .
Fixed ragdolls being destroyed when held in a Vortex for too long (more than 15 seconds).
Fixed various lightmap and z-fighting issues in reported levels.
Fixed issue where game invites would not be ignored from ignored users.
Fixed Orokin traps causing shockwave will cause screen blur throughout the whole level.
Fixed a Corpus extraction level that allowed users to climb out of it.
Fixed Ash’s Smoke Screen where he’d hold both melee and primary weapon.
Fixed Kogake charge attack from damaging Sentinels.
Fixed various reported collision and clipping issues across all maps.
Fixed some edge cases where melee strikes would attack with primary weapon.
Fixed melee action being temporarily blocked after completing a slide attack with Dual Zorens.
Fixed some missions may be completed by simply walking into the extraction.
Fixed mantling not always working when there are some obstructions above the player.
Fixed issue where doors remain locked after lockdown is cleared.
Fixed Phorid not attacking crouched players.
Fixed Orokin laser trap cooldown UI timer not showing on clients.
Fixed various map holes and clipping issues based on user reports.
Fixed issue where Rescue Agents and nearby AI would pause if player ran two rooms ahead.
Fixed progression stopper where secondary capture mission target did not appear.
Fixed an issue where Trinity could get sliced in half or ragdoll when her link target was meant to receive such an injury.
Fixed rescue room triggers to only enable when the objective is active to prevent bugs when it's a secondary objective.
Fixed enemies springing to their feet immediately after surviving Mag's Crush ability.
Fixed some animation blending issues when carrying Datamass.
Fixed some common trouble spots where Datamass could get stuck and be unreachable.
Fixed issue where Corpus elevator could occasionally change direction before reaching the top.
Fixed Ember’s World on Fire ability from targeting inactive turrets.
Fixed multiple issues with Mag Bullet Attractor ability (FX on host/client, unintended projectile weapon behaviour, Glaive was not working with this ability).
Fixed Hammer Boss phases breaking after Frost’s Avalanche ability.
Fixed issue where a primary or secondary Spy objective would require 0 terminals.
Fixed multiple reported crash issues.
I'll be playing around for the upcoming event a bit...
I'll be playing around for the upcoming event a bit...
But until more content and/or dojo fix comes, I've burned myself out of things to do except level mastery...
That's a buff? That sounds like suicide and removes the one useful part - dragging downed allies to safety.Big hotfix just went live. Includes Mag, Volt, and Rhino buffs. 876mb DL...
Mag: Pull- Changed to pull all targets in front of the player.
When most things already die in one shot, that's the second to last thing this game needs.That update sure is something!
Gonna make a big difference with the enemy damage vulnerabilities.
YAY for faster ttk.
OK, this patch is pretty good.CHANGES:
Updated Warframe abilities to use energy color selected by player.
Most GAFers I know are on hiatus until the next content update. There's also an event coming up soon, so hopefully some GAF peoples will show up for that
As for starter frames, Mag just had some skills changed. I haven't tested yet, but hopefully for the better. Excalibur is a solid starter frame with a really powerful 1st ability. Loki doesn't have direct damaging abilities so you have to be creative, which can lead to many humorous happenings and devastating ambushes.
Follow the community progress bar in-game throughout the weekend. IF the community-wide event is successful and the bar is filled before Monday at 12PM EDT, the following ninja-worthy rewards will be given:
- Kill 20+ Drones & receive a SNIPETRON VANDAL!
- Don’t stop at 20—the top 100 players will receive a PRIMED CHAMBER MOD- first shot in new clip gives +25% bonus damage per fusion level.
- Part of a clan? The top clans from 4 pre-determined tiers will receive a GRINEER DRONE STATUE for their dojo -- awarded after Update 9 (see below for tier/reward details)
Be vigilant, Tenno -- Spy Drones have a new cloaking mechanism: when players are within range, they will reveal themselves but permanently disappear if they are not successfully killed with 1 shot. These Drones will only spawn in Grineer missions that are Level 15 or higher, prepare!
Remember: these rewards are only available if the community-wide progress bar is filled! Tenno, you have until July 8th @ 12 PM EDT.
*Rewards will be given after the event ends July 8 @ 12 PM EDT (Grineer Drone Statue not included until after Update 9)
**Following are the Clan ‘tiers’ and Clan Rewards:
1-10 members: Top 10 Clans
11-100 members: Top 5 clans
101-1000 members: Top 3 clans
1001+ members: Top 3 clans
Armor pen helps a lot on Grineer, but, the default weapons that you are given are pretty blaaaaaaah. Tucked away on the last pages of the Weapons tab on the Market are blueprints that you can buy for credits. Highly recommend picking out anything that tickles your fancy, because it'll be better than the default stuff
The only problem is that you have to craft them which means you need materials, more credits, and annoyingly, time. I'll can help you get materials if you want, though.
You shouldn't feel too bad because, sooner or later, the devs will force you to spend money if you want to keep playing without losing progress (i.e. sacrifice your warframes to the platinum gods), and that fails, they will certainly keep trying to annoy you into paying, and that's why I would strongly recommend holding on to your platinum until you find yourself needing more warframe/weapon slots.Woot thanks a bunch for the help today ArtistDude88, got my Boltor, Kunai and Kogake currently being built before logging off for the night, my Mag is also lvl 29 now, not too bad for my 2nd day. This game is freaking addicting, tho I feel a lil bad that I havent contributed to the devs at all, though farming for stuff makes it feel worthwhile to get these weapons, maybe I should get some platinum for some frames... does anyone play Ash? How is he in groups later on?
You shouldn't feel too bad because, sooner or later, the devs will force you to spend money if you want to keep playing without losing progress (i.e. sacrifice your warframes to the platinum gods), and that fails, they will certainly keep trying to annoy you into paying, and that's why I would strongly recommend holding on to your platinum until you find yourself needing more warframe/weapon slots.
You can obtain almost everything else in the game through other means, even if some of the items are stupidly rare at the moment (orokin reactor/catalyst and Vauban part alerts became FAR too rare in recent weeks).
Warframes can be assembled fairly painlessly, so Vauban is the only one "worth" paying for due to its rarity, but considering its $20(?) price tag, it might be best to wait until you get a 50% discount daily login reward.
Ah I didn't know that you had to delete your frames to make room for new ones and I'm guessing this is true of weapons as well :/ Hmm guess I'll be spending money on slots then eventually.
You shouldn't feel too bad because, sooner or later, the devs will force you to spend money if you want to keep playing without losing progress (i.e. sacrifice your warframes to the platinum gods), and that fails, they will certainly keep trying to annoy you into paying, and that's why I would strongly recommend holding on to your platinum until you find yourself needing more warframe/weapon slots.
You can obtain almost everything else in the game through other means, even if some of the items are stupidly rare at the moment (orokin reactor/catalyst and Vauban part alerts became FAR too rare in recent weeks).
Warframes can be assembled fairly painlessly, so Vauban is the only one "worth" paying for due to its rarity, but considering its $20(?) price tag, it might be best to wait until you get a 50% discount daily login reward.
If you like the frames and weapons you have now just level them up then Forma them a few times. That there will take a while.
I just have Mag and Banshee. May spend some money for the Anti-Matter one in the next update, she looks pretty cool.
I paid in for some plat since I was in dire need of more slots (although, I rarely find myself using max rank weapons/frames, unless I'm bringing the HEK for a boss or something).
Ended up getting some slots and some colours so far, because I am a sucker for sweet colours. I'm just hoarding the rest of the platinum.
But yes, for anything other than that, I find it's more fun to find and build it all myself.
I've never encountered any kind of stutter.
Disable DX11? The setting for it is on the launcher.
Update display drivers?
Also, the drone hunt is over! We've hit 100% with 2 hours remaining. If you haven't already, you have until 12pm EST to get your 20 drone kills for your Snipetron Vandal!
Also also, I got a Forma login reward! WOO!
I've never encountered any kind of stutter.
Disable DX11? The setting for it is on the launcher.
Holy balls. The leaderboards went up for the event. I thought I had a slim chance to get on the bottom 100 with my 525 kills. Boy was I mistaken! I like a good grind, but those numbers are just insane, lol.
D'oh! Flip and I just did the alert! Hop on and I can unlock the area for you to do it though