Just a little play at the whole Third World bullshit. But, mostly used as a means to select the server where most of the European players can play together. For now, the offer for two different servers still stand and I hope everyone can agree. This is what we have at this moment and is finalized.
Edit: Added list of players who are probably going to either of the above servers. Bolded ingame names for ease of finding.
Order - Karag-Azgal
Destruction - Karag Dorn
Let it know on time, because I want to play either a Shadow Warrior or a Marauder.
Edit: Added list of players who are probably going to either of the above servers. Bolded ingame names for ease of finding.
Order - Karag-Azgal
Destruction - Karag Dorn
Let it know on time, because I want to play either a Shadow Warrior or a Marauder.
List of Players
Blue Geezer - Bluegeezer - Dwarf Rune Priest
bogg - Yaargdal - Dwarf Rune Priest
CalamityDaunt - IrnBru - Dwarf Ironbreaker
Lord Phol - Phol - High Elf White Lion
Mrping1000 - Grammaton - Empire Warrior Priest
Vashu - Kyril - High Elf Shadow Warrior
Xaero - Xaero - Sorc?
Xizk - Kash - High Elf Shadow Warrior
Francias Castiglione - Bolluk - Goblin Rune Priest
Stop It - StopIt - Chaos Chosen
Vashu - Bartahk - Chaos Marauder