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Warp Pipe breaks silence on future commercial projects



Unconfirmed Member


"“I obviously cannot say much, but I will try to give you as much as I can. We are working on a service that will launch globally between Q4 2004 - Q1 / Q2 2005,” said Paulson. “Although this service will greatly surprise gamers, it is not what they would traditionally expect..."

More on SPOnG.

If you could not post the whole thing verbatim, it would be appreciated. Ta! :)


Unconfirmed Member
TheGreenGiant said:
:| you know better then to stain the gaf's digital space with spong crap.

* clause applies even if said news is true.

Nice one mate. That's what discussion is all about. When you're 13.


Chili Con Carnage!
er :lol

Anyway it sounds like it might be some kind of DS community (forums & junk) aswell as a games portal, still sounds like a DS thing with the release date and all.
the way I see it. You work for the site; posting your news here - is tantomount to attracting traffic for that purpose alone (hence the "post whole thing verbatim" comment). Guess if SPONG wanted R E S P E C T; you shouldn't have posted so much rubbish in the past.


Unconfirmed Member
TheGreenGiant said:
the way I see it. You work for the site; posting your news here - is tantomount to attracting traffic for that purpose alone (hence the "post whole thing verbatim" comment). Guess if SPONG wanted R E S P E C T; you shouldn't have posted so much rubbish in the past.


I'm in trouble with a 13 year-old cyberpoliceman forum watchdog. My life has indeed reached a new low.

Please, the news is valid and interesting. I post here all the time. If we run something that's of interest to this community, I post it as I would anything else.


Chili Con Carnage!
the way I see it. You work for the site; posting your news here - is tantomount to attracting traffic for that purpose alone (hence the "post whole thing verbatim" comment). Guess if SPONG wanted R E S P E C T; you shouldn't have posted so much rubbish in the past.

:lol again, get over it already.
The news itself is interesting, but I do think there's something to be said for the plugging ... especially with the questionable nature of Spong.


Unconfirmed Member
Are there guidelines on this?
We got the comment from Chad this morning. Though it would be of interest. I don't constantly plug - I am a genuine user of this forum. Please let me know how to proceed. :)
As for questionable nature, SPOnG has changed massively over the past year including a lot of staffing adjustments. Hopefully, you have or will notice this change in time.

Kon Tiki

Plugging (your own) sites is not tolerated, unless you work for Gamespot.

As far as the news itself, it is not really anything new. In fact it is a brief summary of an interview from another website.

We spoke with Paulson to obtain some kind of clarity on what is going on with his company and with all the crazy rumors. He refused to go into details about specifics of his project, but he did have the following to say:

PGC: Can you comment on the rumors revolving around Warp Pipe right now?
Paulson: I can confirm to you that Warp Pipe Technologies is working on a service that will launch globally. North America and Japan Q4 of 2004. And the rest of the world Q1 - Q2 of 2005.

PGC: Is your involvement in the current swirl of DS rumors related to your project?
Paulson: The DS rumors... There are so many. The majority of which are simply ridiculous, but I guess that's what you get with the Internet.

PGC: Let me be more specific. Did you create the picture of the guy with no eyes holding a DS?
Paulson: Yes. The child in the woods, the "findsme", and the "no eyes" are all clues from us.

PGC: Is this a project Warp Pipe is releasing independently?
Paulson: I can’t comment on that. I can confirm that there are a handful of publishers / developers are in the loop and their involvement will prove beneficial to both parties. …I can confirm what this isn't. It is not tunneling.

PGC: Is Warp Pipe a licensed Nintendo DS developer?
Paulson: I cannot comment on that.

PGC: Is this project primarily or wholly intended for Nintendo platforms?
Paulson: I cannot comment on that.

PGC: Is there anything else you can say about the project at this time?
Paulson: Although this service will greatly surprise gamers, it is not what they would traditionally expect. We (Warp Pipe Technologies) feel that online communities have been commoditized, with publishers and developers focusing on the technology instead of the social and personal aspects that truly make a multiplayer experience unique. In launching this service, we will be addressing these issues.

Planet GameCube is following this story closely, though hard facts are unlikely to surface before Nintendo lifts the rest of its DS information embargo in October. Around that time, Warp Pipe will be fully announcing their new project, and we’ll be sure to catch up with them for a detailed follow-up.

Michael Cole contributed to this story.

Reported by: Jonathan Metts


Will start substantiating his hate
Folder said:
Okeydokey - understood. How come Adam Doree gets to plug Kikizo all day long though?
Kikizo strikes me as a site that posts legitimate news unlike Spong.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
ManDudeChild said:
Holy crap, that was well played. Kikizo shouldn't be able to pull that crap either. They do it far more often at that.


Interesting debate = so what if it's some guy plugging his shit. No one moans when Adam plugs his video downlaods (as he should, they are rather lovely and they are free) and people in Europe typically don't read lesser known sites like the gamecube one quotes above, much as I'm sure it's a good site.

Regardless of whether I'm Stef's mate or not, you guys are clearly being unreasonable.


Chili Con Carnage!
What you should have done Folder was stick up a news story saying "Big online news tomorrow, you will be stunned and amazed with our incedible story", then tomorrow play it down as a social commentary. Thats what reputable websites do you see.


Unconfirmed Member
Ghost said:
What you should have done Folder was stick up a news story saying "Big online news tomorrow, you will be stunned and amazed with our incedible story", then tomorrow play it down as a social commentary. Thats what reputable websites do you see.

I've always loved Essex girls. :)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Ghost said:
What you should have done Folder was stick up a news story saying "Big online news tomorrow, you will be stunned and amazed with our incedible story", then tomorrow play it down as a social commentary. Thats what reputable websites do you see.


Every site should "pull an IGN" at least two times a month.

You guys have to promise to keep this quiet. But I've heard some buzzings that a game may be announced at E3 2005. I can't tell you the developer, or publisher, or what console it will be on, but you'll really want it when you see it in action. Just hold tight until May...

EDIT: You guys are being so bitter. I love it! But you should at least try to be nice, just say "cool" and walk away. I'm sure lots of people really want to plug their site sometimes when they get an exclusive.


PGC: Is Warp Pipe a licensed Nintendo DS developer?
Paulson: I cannot comment on that.

PGC: Is this project primarily or wholly intended for Nintendo platforms?
Paulson: I cannot comment on that.

Heh, I love how the very existance of an NDA answers some questions.


what would be cool is if it was something that allowed people with a DS to connect to others with a DS that in turn conect to still others and somewhere along the chain someone (or lots of someones) are connected to the web via a hotspot thereby giving all interconected DS owners wireless internet..

Bandwidth would suck tho, and if only 1 person was connected to a hotspot and they then run out of power it could piss off about 1,000,000 other DS owners who were all rellying on that connection :p hehe

Justin Bailey

------ ------
"we received word from project lead Chad Paulson" :lol Gimmie a break. You stole that EXACT quote from PGC's interview and didn't even cite them as a source. When the Kikizo guy plugs his site at least it's something worth a damn and not old news stolen from another site. SPOnG has gotta be the worst piece of shit gaming site on the web :lol


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Justin Bailey said:
"we received word from project lead Chad Paulson" :lol Gimmie a break. You stole that EXACT quote from PGC's interview and didn't even cite them as a source. When the Kikizo guy plugs his site at least it's something worth a damn and not old news stolen from another site. SPOnG has gotta be the worst piece of shit gaming site on the web :lol

<enter SPOnG defenders in 3....2...1....>


"Although this service will greatly surprise gamers, it is not what they would traditionally expect..."

Translation - CONNECTIVITY 2: Yamauchi's Revenge!!!

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
F. Spam

Any users that post outside advertisements or solicitations will be subject to banning.
I don't like kikizo plugs either for what it's worth, and that doesn't have anything to do with my opinion of any site, although spong has taken quotes from articles I've written in the past. It's just unethical.

(I should note that the quote taking happened back in 2002 and for all I know spong has turned over a grand new leaf since then.)


Street Fighter IV World Champion
fennec fox said:
I don't like kikizo plugs either for what it's worth, and that doesn't have anything to do with my opinion of any site, although spong has taken quotes from articles I've written in the past. It's just unethical.

(I should note that the quote taking happened back in 2002 and for all I know spong has turned over a grand new leaf since then.)

That's a fair thing to be miffed about. I know when I was on a certain site regularly, I'd be the only fucker ever making credit to a story from sites like yours (one of them was from your site I believe). The amount of times stuff was just taken without credit was astonishing.

As for Spong, I know they've turned over a new leaf, only cos I know the guys running it. Yes, they were rather snide in the past. They sure as hell aren't shy about admiting it.


Unconfirmed Member
Justin Bailey said:
"we received word from project lead Chad Paulson" :lol Gimmie a break. You stole that EXACT quote from PGC's interview and didn't even cite them as a source. When the Kikizo guy plugs his site at least it's something worth a damn and not old news stolen from another site. SPOnG has gotta be the worst piece of shit gaming site on the web :lol

SPOnG didn't steal the transcript. We emailed Chad and that was his reply. If we had known he'd C+P the text from previous interview copy, it would never had seen press.

I'd be happy to forward you the emails if you like.
The way I see it, if there are multiple pages of people masturbating on these boards after something is plugged on Kikizo, then it was worth plugging. This has been the case a lot lately (all the hi res E3 vids, the fable/lionhead video shit, jap interviews, outrun shit, etc). And that, surely, is the bottom line. Kikizo doesn't go around shouting about its fairly run of the mill news or screenshot updates.
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