Seriously though, Roseanne breathed different than most sitcoms. It wasn't afraid to go for those dramatic highs, and take its time in terms of pacing. Shit felt real. As a family, the Conners felt so real. They were relatable for someone like me who grew up poor. In a similar blue-collared sense, Married With Children was also fantastic, but that show often felt like a cartoon - and you gotta wonder how Al afforded that nice of a house on a shoe salesman's income.
Roseanne was gritty, well-written, and not afraid to take a stand on so many political issues. It was genuinely super progressive for its time in terms social issues, which is ironic considering how everything sorta flew off the rails upon the show's return. I was so excited, and was devastated once they had decided to kill off the titular character. Plus, Dan Conner is the best TV dad of all time (sorry Al). I really need to give The Conners a proper shot. I'm still kinda sore over the whole killing off Roseanne thing.