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Was Gore a better candidate than Kerry?

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I know what my outsider opinion is, but I'm wondering who the Americans on the board think was the better Democratic candidate: this year's candidate in Kerry, or 2000's candidate in Gore.


Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Just curious...why is a candidate that is either ahead or pretty close to bush in polls considered "Done"?


JC10001 said:
IMO, Gore was a better candidate but he blew it when he picked his VP.
One can argue about FL all they want, but Gore blew it by NOT WINNING HIS HOME STATE or even Clinton's home state of Arkansas. Had he done that, FL would have been a non-issue.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
When did JC argue about Florida? I agree btw, Libermann was the worst possible choice he could have made. What the hell was he thinking!!?!


I'm not to crazy about either of them, frankly, they suck. But Bush is worse, and he's retarded, no, seriously.
Doc Holliday said:
Just curious...why is a candidate that is either ahead or pretty close to bush in polls considered "Done"?

I don't understand this comment either. Not only are the polls a dead heat, but Bush's money advantage is evaporating, and Kerry can still boost his popularity by picking a proper VP (while GWB will remain saddled with Cheney). There's a long way to go before anybody is 'done'. It's going to be a horse race well into the Fall.


I definitely think Gore was better. But Kerry has a better situation. Bush's pile of lies hadn't been exposed when Gore ran.


Doc Holliday said:
Just curious...why is a candidate that is either ahead or pretty close to bush in polls considered "Done"?
OK, I kind of exaggerated. :p But the poll trends have been in Bush's favor the last few months. Yes it's close, but overall our economy is getting better and the reports of American's dying in Iraq are less frequent, and as long as this continues, Kerry's done. I'm not a fan of either, I didn't say I was happy, I just think Kerry's hope is slimming away. Hey, I could be wrong though.


Queen of Denmark
JC10001 said:
IMO, Gore was a better candidate but he blew it when he picked his VP.
Yeah, that definitely had a hand in it.

I think one of the main reasons Gore was better was simply because he had the Clinton legacy to back him up. Clinton at that point had been pretty well hounded for the Lewinsky thing, but there was also 44 million new jobs and a booming economy to speak of.
But the poll trends have been in Bush's favor the last few months.

Liar. There was a bit of the Reagan bounce over the last week or so, but Bush's approval ratings, nationwide poll raitings, battleground state poll ratings, and have been in decline for months. Right now, if polling was accurate, he'd almost assuredly lose the election.


Fragamemnon said:
Liar. There was a bit of the Reagan bounce over the last week or so, but Bush's approval ratings, nationwide poll raitings, battleground state poll ratings, and have been in decline for months. Right now, if polling was accurate, he'd almost assuredly lose the election.
CNN compared poll results among registered voters from March to May and Bush was more favorable in May. I thought I saw this before the Reagan death, but maybe you're right.

You bring up an interesting point, how long do you think the Reagan effect will help Bush?


(To the original question) Definetly. Gore was shortsighted when he shut the door on a possible candidacy way back. At the time, it looked like Bush was unbeatable. I'm sure he now regrets that decesion...
Yeah, I'm referring to polling from Zogby, Rasmussen, et. al. Most of which have had Bush in a freefall over the past couple of months, though he has gotten some recent help from Reagan and some good PR by making compromises with the UN and some good economic numbers (finally). My point was that Bush's rebound is not some long-progressing trend but a recent hop. Which is in agreement with almost all of the polls I've seen (and I see a lot since I'm a wonk).

I think the Reagan boost is probably about over, at least until the GOP convention where the planners-who have had more time to think about how to spin Reagan for their campaign-will be able to bring up the issue again. It will be a part of the usual post-convention bounce, however I believe that the conventions will not be as influential in public opinion as they have in the past. I think the debates will easily shape public opinion more than the conventions will.

Edit: Gore had some heavy baggage going into this campaign season. His decision not to run, and to endorse Howard Dean, was a wise one for the party. As shown, he can be a quality orator and an asset on the campaign trail (as can President Clinton) for Kerry. Their engagement in the Kerry campaign is essential for getting the base to come out and vote.


An anthrax infected monkey is better than Kerry - but he's all the democratic party has to offer... unfortunately.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
It's absurd to debate this before the conventions and debates. Most people don't start paying attention until Labor Day.


Fragamemnon, what do you think about Clinton's timing for his book tour? Do you think it will hurt Kerry more than help, vice-versa, or not have much effect?
I doubt it will have much effect, to be honest. He's out to sign books and talk with Americans, not stump and campaign. He's not raising cash for Kerry or anything while he's doing it, too.

I am worried about the media distortions regarding Clinton, especially in the NY Times, because I feel Clinton is a key part to an overall Democratic strategy in this campaign, especially at a congressional/senatorial level. But I don't see Americans having much opinion at all about Kerry from Clinton's increased media exposure on his book tour-with the fringe exception of how much better of a President Clinton was than Dubya, which really isn't worth mentioning anyway in terms of electorial impact.

IMO of course.


Thanks for your opinion.

I can't wait for the debates, they should be very interesting -- much better than Bush-Gore's. Both Bush and Kerry have some issues that I'd love to hear each explain. :D
I think Kerry's going to beat GW but I think Edwards would have been a better pick than both Kerry and Gore and would win by a lot.
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