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Washington authorizes the killing of an entire wolf pack.

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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Who gives a damn about some wolves. If they are attacking cattle, they could attack people also. Why risk that possibility, it's better to get rid of them.
There is no record of any wolf attacking a human in the entire history of the USA, and I would imagine the same would be true elsewhere as well. We're not in their food chain, we're too dangerous for them to hunt.

Can't they just relocate them somewhere?
There are issues there of the capture and moving of the animals putting them into shock, the results of which can't be known. They also might just make their way back.

Most those fatal reports are pre-1900 which I'm going to call sketchy at best. Especially with descriptions like:

Belliveau and a friend were hunting when a band of wolves surrounded and overcame them, despite the young men firing shots into the pack. The friend climbed a tree and watched as Belliveau was torn to pieces by the wolves at the foot of the same tree. The wolves kept Belliveau's companion trapped in the tree for several more hours until Belliveau's co-workers from a nearby railroad construction camp arrived and drove the wolves away.



This article is basically saying there is some evidence hte rancher let his cattle (That got killed) loose right on top of the wolves' den.

This changes my opinion entirely. Fuck that rancher... it sounds like he is tryign to manipulate it so they kill the wolves just cause he doesn't like them, not because they are causing a problem. Sounds like he is trying to make sure they do cause a problem so he can have an argument to get them killed.

Do you realize how spaced out those attacks are? Years apart. Years! That's like saying Washington has a huge rabies problem cause some one got rabies a few years back.

Sure, they are animals and carnivores, they aren't always going to be peaceful. But that doesn't show they are some super menace we need to worry about. You probably have a lot more chances of being attacked by a bison if you are in bison territory (vs. wolf territory) or Moose if they are in a bad mood. But I don't see people advocating exterminating them.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Can't we just pay ranchers for any cattle eaten by wolves?

And if we need to convince ranchers to stop killing wolves just maker that an illegal act?

So annoying.

KC Denton

They attack children and the elderly.

I mean, a lot of animals attack humans such as moose, bears, and mountain lions, but we don't usually call for the extermination of them all like you seem to be doing. The fact that the wolf attacks on cattle appear to have been intentionally provoked is rather troubling, seems like this is an opportunity for ranchers to exploit by just throwing one of their problem cows in front of a wolf pack and then calling for their complete extermination.


I mean, a lot of animals attack humans such as moose, bears, and mountain lions, but we don't usually call for the extermination of them all like you seem to be doing. The fact that the wolf attacks on cattle appear to have been intentionally provoked is rather troubling, seems like this is an opportunity for ranchers to exploit by just throwing one of their problem cows in front of a wolf pack and then calling for their complete extermination.

Oh yeah its a conspiracy!

And you know its BS saying that aggressive bears and mountain lions dont get culled.
Can't problematic wolves be relocated to some place far away from humans?

They are feeding on cattle, a far easier prey to hunt than deer or elk or anything else in the wild. Where ever you put them they are going to seek out cattle which in turn puts them closer to humans and raises the chance of attack.

KC Denton

Oh yeah its a conspiracy!

And you know its BS saying that aggressive bears and mountain lions dont get culled.

It's not a conspiracy, there's clear evidence the wolf attacks on cattle here were intentionally provoked by the ranchers.

Also, what I'm trying to say about the moose, bears, and mountain lions is that compared to those animals, wolves seem to be declared as exceptionally more dangerous than any of those even though its more likely someone will be attacked by one of those 3 kinds of animals, like what you seem to be implying with your continual mentions of wolf attacks on humans.
I think everyone should stop and think before just asking if a simple answer is really a solution at all. Things like wolf reintroduction are complicated on every single front: politically, ecologically, logistically, ethically... Its very difficult to wade into a topic like this and look at it in black and white.

One of the wildlife biologists I work with gave a talk on this very issue recently and I was blown away at how complex it all was.


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Have they tried kangals? If it works on cheetahs it must at least be worth a shot on wolves. I know it's different with a whole pack of animals, but I'm pretty sure they were originally used for wolves.

KC Denton

Have they tried kangals? If it works on cheetahs it must at least be worth a shot on wolves. I know it's different with a whole pack of animals, but I'm pretty sure they were originally used for wolves.

The rancher set some of their cows up to be intentionally killed by the pack so that this authorization could happen. They are more interested in getting the wolves killed as opposed to investing in protection.
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