Might be one of the best pieces of advice you can give these days. Certain folks on a certain website are current trying to, it seems to be, stoke the flames of another witch hunt or as we might say in the modern age, cancellation. It seems over the past few years a lot of developers or people within the industry have lost their jobs and had their careers ruined, not because of what they've said and done... but simply by who they followed online? Or a post they liked with good intentions but that person who made the post said something that be constructed as offensive ten years ago? Honestly, I studied game design at university and I never managed to get into the industry but the idea that developers can't even have an opinion or be friends with people is mental. Social media is making gaming a ... ugh I hate this word... toxic community. And it's really sad. I certainly don't do hours of research and go through hundreds of posts before liking or responding to something online, but imagine spending years getting your qualification, working into a senior role and you like a post on a website or service and boom. Public outrage, accusations made and without so much as any fact finding or consideration to the wider picture and hooo boy. Pulled into HR and they'd politely explain its for the best that you go. It's limited run games again. It's what has happened time and time again. What do you think about this shit GAF? Really pisses me off. Certainly when innocent folk lose their jobs and get hurt. Remember the bloke who made all the claims against Naughty Dog? Dave Ballard? Went quiet when the evidence went to show he had quite a history of hypocrisy and bullshit.