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Way of the Samurai 2

The IGN Insider video review is a lot better, all told - the written piece is more of a raging IGN forum post in tone and lack of detail.

In the (slowly downloading, wtf) video, there are definitely some contradictions (he's getting hit all the time, nearing break level on his sword while claiming the opposite) but most of what he says lines up with general feedback on GameFAQs. I'd like to see this "auto counter attack" stuff, though - the videos just showed the knocking-off-balance stuff from the first game, unless the new counterattack does the balance hit and attack hit automatically?

In any case, if the WOTS2 can't match up to the first game, why bother? :(

Ill Saint

Disappointing... I'm not sure what to make of this game. The first one was so charming and fun to play through. But this one seems more of a chore.
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