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WCW was sold 20 years ago today.


Vince's booking was mind boggling at that. Some (Bagwell) were sent out unprepared for the new environment, crowds who didn't understand or even like WCW tore them apart. Others (DDP) took bumps they really shouldn't have at that stage in their career.

Kev Kev

I never realized how doomed WCW was... but man wrestling just died for me after that.

I remember being in elementary/middle school and we would all be talking about what happened on Monday night nitro the next day. Good times.

Kagey K

Vince's booking was mind boggling at that. Some (Bagwell) were sent out unprepared for the new environment, crowds who didn't understand or even like WCW tore them apart. Others (DDP) took bumps they really shouldn't have at that stage in their career.
Vince fucked up everything about that Invasion angle. His ego wouldn't let it actually be competitive and he was more worried about making WWF look stronk, rather than what would actually put butts in seats. So WCW stars (and to a lesser extent ECW) got buried putting over established WWF guys.


the NWO was hated but loved by the crowd at the same time

and the GOAT moment in professional wrestling

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