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We Can Almost Print New Organs Using 3D Stem Cells

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Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Do not want.
You give people the idea they can live forever they just going to go nuts.
Saw it too many times with the stomach stapling - oh I'm thin now - time to eat more.

They can print livers - I'm gonna drink twice as much now.
They can print lungs - fuck that I'm going to smoke cigarettes and cigars

Well with that kind of stomach surgery you physically can't eat more.

Also if you want a lung transplant you need to meet a very big selection criteria... One of them is no smoking. Same with livers, no drinking.

So yeah.


Do not want.
You give people the idea they can live forever they just going to go nuts.
Saw it too many times with the stomach stapling - oh I'm thin now - time to eat more.

They can print livers - I'm gonna drink twice as much now.
They can print lungs - fuck that I'm going to smoke cigarettes and cigars
I can see your point, but really, ideally, if we were able to eliminate all of the consequences to eating unhealthy foods or too much food, why wouldn't that be more desirable? It would be nice if we could decouple the sensuous pleasure of enjoying a savoury rib from its biological function (that it's eventually gonna kill you). We have already done that for sex, for instance.

On the topic, one of the big incentives for printing your organ instead of getting it from a donor is circumventing the problem of transplant rejection. To that end, I don't think we've yet found a consistent and reliable way of inducing pluripotency to your own cells—making them resemble embryonic stem cells—without any side effects. Someone wanna correct me on this?


This man gets it.


Junior Member
Do not want.
You give people the idea they can live forever they just going to go nuts.
Saw it too many times with the stomach stapling - oh I'm thin now - time to eat more.

They can print livers - I'm gonna drink twice as much now.
They can print lungs - fuck that I'm going to smoke cigarettes and cigars
Instead of the usual bashing, I will bring up something valuable: if you think you should not smoke because of lung cancer or not drink because of liver damage you have the completely wrong ideas about the realy whys. I am not even judging you, it's the mainstream argument. But it's wrong. It's completely secondary.

It's about the things the stuff does with your mind. The craving for cigarettes is really distracting and it's really hindering at points.
Alcohol is such a strong intoxicant it can lead to really stupid actions which wide reaching consequences. Also, as a musician, it really tanks your skill. If you use it against anciety, it can destroy your life, no matter if you get liver problems or not.

If anything, I am all for so people stuck in bad habits have a chance that when they break out, there awaits more than a ruined body.
Do not want.
You give people the idea they can live forever they just going to go nuts.
Saw it too many times with the stomach stapling - oh I'm thin now - time to eat more.

They can print livers - I'm gonna drink twice as much now.
They can print lungs - fuck that I'm going to smoke cigarettes and cigars
I see you don't know much about science, as if you were to do those things you will do a hell of a lot more damage than to just those two organs
I see you don't know much about science, as if you were to do those things you will do a hell of a lot more damage than to just those two organs

also what sort of person is like "oh its ok I'll just get major surgery to remove my organs and replace them with new ones!" what kind of person would want to go through that ever?


So not worth it
How long until we can "print" whole humans? I need a clone to transfer my mind, just in case

The only thing we'd need to do is make sure that by law clones should not have reproductive capabilities, that way we can ensure a cloned person will not produce endless offspring for eternity.

Just imagine how much time you can waste on the internet if you never had to die. Wow, that'll be something.


I don't understand how scienticians can hail this as such a great medical advance considering the enormous death toll of all those innocent artificial babies. I'm going to print two children for every devil organ these sickos create.

First GMOs, now this. No rest for the wicked indeed.
Do not want.
You give people the idea they can live forever they just going to go nuts.
Saw it too many times with the stomach stapling - oh I'm thin now - time to eat more.

They can print livers - I'm gonna drink twice as much now.
They can print lungs - fuck that I'm going to smoke cigarettes and cigars

So do you find the entire field of medicine harmful?

Oh and since your hypothesis just seems to be a modified version of "if abortions are legal people will just have unprotected sex and abort the babies!" I take it you believe that too. Do you? If not, why not?


Do not want.
You give people the idea they can live forever they just going to go nuts.
Saw it too many times with the stomach stapling - oh I'm thin now - time to eat more.

They can print livers - I'm gonna drink twice as much now.
They can print lungs - fuck that I'm going to smoke cigarettes and cigars
Replantation sucks! People will chop off their fingers and toes willy-nilly because now they can just be sewn right back on!

Really? I mean really? Excuse me, but really? Cool slippery slope, bro.
I think I have to assume for the sake of my sanity that you're trolling.
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