What do you guys think about this? While guy in particular sounds (and looks!) like a quack, it would make sense that we have this type of shit to look forward to eventually, though I dunno about our lifetimes. It makes me wonder about overpopulation.
If you are a reasonably risk-aware teenager today in an affluent, non-violent neighbourhood, you have a risk of dying in the next year of well under one in 1,000, which means that if you stayed that way forever you would have a 50/50 chance of living to over 1,000.
And remember, none of that time would be lived in frailty and debility and dependence - you would be youthful, both physically and mentally, right up to the day you mis-time the speed of that oncoming lorry.
What do you guys think about this? While guy in particular sounds (and looks!) like a quack, it would make sense that we have this type of shit to look forward to eventually, though I dunno about our lifetimes. It makes me wonder about overpopulation.