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Web Design and Development |OT| Pixel perfect is dead, long live responsive design


Edit: got my issue figured out, the paths had to be like this:
@import "../bower_components/susy/sass/susy";
@import "../bower_components/breakpoint-sass/stylesheets/breakpoint";

i guess you have to link directly to the SCSS files. makes sense.

original post:

I'm trying to automate my workflow with bower and gulp. Right now I'm still on the bower part trying to get SASS to work with it. i think I understand bower correctly because i got everything i need installed to the bower_components folder but my SCSS file is telling me those components aren't found.


and here is what i have in the SCSS file

@import '../bower_components/susy';
@import '../bower_components/breakpoint-sass';

kinda frustrating and im not sure what im doing wrong.

I am having a huge problem with AngularJS using the command: npm install

The installation froze so I had to close the Terminal.

Now when I tried to use "npm install" again, I get this error message:

npm ERR! install Couldn't read dependencies
npm ERR! package.json ENOENT, open '/Users/tripham/angularjs_projects/package.json'
npm ERR! package.json This is most likely not a problem with npm itself.
npm ERR! package.json npm can't find a package.json file in your current directory.

npm ERR! System Darwin 13.2.0
npm ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install"
npm ERR! cwd /Users/tripham/angularjs_projects
npm ERR! node -v v0.10.29
npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.14
npm ERR! path /Users/tripham/angularjs_projects/package.json
npm ERR! errno 34
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/tripham/angularjs_projects/npm-debug.log
npm ERR! not ok code 0


Did you try uninstalling? "npm uninstall angular"


Get Inside Her!
I am having a huge problem with AngularJS using the command: npm install

The installation froze so I had to close the Terminal.

Now when I tried to use "npm install" again, I get this error message:



Wanna post your package.json?


Oh yeah, I needed a project with package.json first. :p

Ho ho well yes that'd do it. You can "npm install angular" tho I think. "npm install angular --save" if you want it to create a package.json for you and stick it in there as a dependency. Assuming there's an angular node module, that seems more like a bower thing. I don't like using a package manager for fundamental architecture stuff like angular either way.


I'm wondering which would be more worthwhile:

- learning full stack JavaScript
- learning Ruby On Rails

Anyone care to share some insight?
This might sound like it goes without saying, but it really comes down to which you prefer: Javascript or Ruby (or Express or RoR)? Both are worthwhile to pick up in terms of overall development, and you can get plenty of work with either (knowing JS will help with any web development stack however; the same can't necessarily be said of knowing Ruby, although I currently use both). Javascript knowledge seems to be increasing in demand overall but that doesn't necessarily mean you're better off learning it from a full-stack perspective if you really aren't a fan of the language (or of Node / Express / etc)


Full stack javascript is where I'm at, and it's a lot of fun with a lot of opportunities. It gets hard, but there are a ton of libraries that are out there right now, and tons down the track that will potentially make it an even more valuable language. I see growth in Javascript for at least another couple of years.

I don't know how Ruby is doing right now to be honest. Not badly, at least.

what's full stack javascript? doing front end stuff as well as node js?

This might sound like it goes without saying, but it really comes down to which you prefer: Javascript or Ruby (or Express or RoR)? Both are worthwhile to pick up in terms of overall development, and you can get plenty of work with either (knowing JS will help with any web development stack however; the same can't necessarily be said of knowing Ruby, although I currently use both). Javascript knowledge seems to be increasing in demand overall but that doesn't necessarily mean you're better off learning it from a full-stack perspective if you really aren't a fan of the language (or of Node / Express / etc)

Thanks for the insight. Yeah, I'm leaning towards Javascript after hearing about node.js and Meteor. I thought Javascript was just for front-end but it seems like it really expanded lately.
I'm wondering what goes into web-based RPG games as far as the logical side of content is concerned. I already know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery, which allow me to create interactive websites, as I'm sure you're all aware. Is there more that goes into it? Would I need to know server-side programming? If so, would Node.js suffice in and by itself? (Would be the easiest for me to pick up, considering I'm already familiar with JavaScript.)

Maybe a good example site for what I'm striving for would be Neopets. Obviously, that's a virtual pets game, but the way it is built is similar to how I would set up my own web-based RPG multiplayer. Other than the money, time, talent, and other resources that are obviously beyond a single person, what goes into constructing a website like that? Thanks for taking the time to answer me!


I'm wondering what goes into web-based RPG games as far as the logical side of content is concerned. I already know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery, which allow me to create interactive websites, as I'm sure you're all aware. Is there more that goes into it? Would I need to know server-side programming? If so, would Node.js suffice in and by itself? (Would be the easiest for me to pick up, considering I'm already familiar with JavaScript.)

Maybe a good example site for what I'm striving for would be Neopets. Obviously, that's a virtual pets game, but the way it is built is similar to how I would set up my own web-based RPG multiplayer. Other than the money, time, talent, and other resources that are obviously beyond a single person, what goes into constructing a website like that? Thanks for taking the time to answer me!
If you're going to have multiplayer and reliable persistence you'll need some sort of backend, and that can really get about as complicated as you want. It's definitely possible using Node however; your post reminds me of this talk for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpC1GbPw-fk

Daffy Duck

Actually, it (John Ducketts Javascript & Jquery) is coming june 30th.

"For all of you who have waited so patiently for Jon Duckett's JavaScript & jQuery, I have good news. The book is printed, bound, and done. 2 large trucks are moving the books to Wiley's warehouse where by next week, we'll be shipping them to Amazon and other US retailers as well as our global sites for retailers around the world. US Amazon customers might see their copies shipping as early as the end of next week. I've got the first copy off the press from in my office and I hope when you see yours, you'll agree that Jon outdid himself and this was worth the wait. Jim Minatel John Wiley & Sons"

Well damn it! Time to see when it comes out in the UK, 25th July in the UK.


Get Inside Her!
Hey dudes so over time I've been iterating on a seed project I use for AngularJS at work, adding more bits and pieces to it to make it a great starting point for any new work I need to spin up. I made it public this morning, so I'll share it here if any of you want to check it out:


It's definitely built to support how we do things at my job, with node.js as a server and an emphasis on working with a distinct API, and I think there may be a link or two to a private repo in there, but I think it could be a decent start for anyone else's projects. I may do a little work on it later to make it more consumable to a public audience.


Holy shit, I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread :D I glanced over the OP for links and all but I could use some more help from you guys.

Thing is, a while back my girlfriend, a florist, mentioned that she might want to go to school again and that her dream would be to work as a web designer. I assume she's serious, it was the only career example she gave, florist is just another dead end job. Now, I've been trying to encourage her to apply or at the very least start studying and practicing as a hobby for starters. But with work and everything, spare time is precious and rare. As far as I know, she's never really tried learning HTML or similar things, so I was thinking that since her birthday is coming up in a few months, maybe a beginner's tutorial book or website deal would be a great gift to get her started. But I haven't touched HTML since 2004 so I don't know where to begin with the modern stuff. Could you guys help with me some book suggestions or even tell me if this whole thing is a good idea or not? :) Being a young woman, I assume she would have a major advantage getting a job later on, am I right?
Any reason why the Duckett book isn't coming out in any digital way?

If it's anything like the HTML / CSS one, it's extremely visual in ways that wouldn't translate well to ebook. That might be a reason. That said, I don't know if the HTML / CSS book came out as ebook; if it did, then I'm as puzzled as you.


If it's anything like the HTML / CSS one, it's extremely visual in ways that wouldn't translate well to ebook. That might be a reason. That said, I don't know if the HTML / CSS book came out as ebook; if it did, then I'm as puzzled as you.

I suppose they do double page spreads a lot, which wouldn't even translate over to the Kindle app on iPad


hmm, guess that as a front-end and back-end developer i have a lot of new things to learn.
guess sass is really good and i might try to check it out.

also is there any experience using codekit on mac, as if it really helps your work in general?

i'm used to write all my code from 0 so i guess using sass will help in general with all the headaches and stupidity of css.
But what about js/jquery and php?
Any recomendations on how to help my work get easier and faster?


hmm, guess that as a front-end and back-end developer i have a lot of new things to learn.
guess sass is really good and i might try to check it out.

also is there any experience using codekit on mac, as if it really helps your work in general?

i'm used to write all my code from 0 so i guess using sass will help in general with all the headaches and stupidity of css.
But what about js/jquery and php?
Any recomendations on how to help my work get easier and faster?

Sass is awesome. There is a lot of developers who hate Jquery, in fact i know one personally. He hates it because of all the bloat it creates. He thinks people should fully learn Javascript and not use jquery. Which I'm in the process of doing.. but i gotta say.. learning to fully understand JS is proving to be pretty hard.

Codekit will definitely help you get work done faster. I've never used it but I got a similar setup running now. It's amazing not having to refresh the browser as you constantly tweak CSS styles. It saves time for sure. Probably something you might not realize though until you try it.


I always feel like I'm missing out on some knowledge with the way a lot of people do webdev.

I've always been a HTML/PHP, plain old CSS, and JS/JQuery kinda guy. I see a ton of other initalisations and have no idea what I'm seeing or if I'm being left behind.


i'm used to write all my code from 0 so i guess using sass will help in general with all the headaches and stupidity of css.
But what about js/jquery and php?
Any recomendations on how to help my work get easier and faster?

I'm not anti-jQuery, but I do think it certainly helps to have a good understanding of javascript and why jQuery does things the way that it does. I don't agree with everything here, but youmightnotneedjquery.com shows examples of jQuery vs pure javascript. My biggest issue with jQuery is not with the library itself but rather people who depend on it too much as a crutch. I actually had someone tell me in an interview not too long ago, "I know jQuery, but not javascript."

As far as making your work faster, Grunt, Gulp, Yeoman, Bower or any combination thereof are all excellent tools to help speed up your front-end development. Codekit is nice, but as far as I'm aware there's no portability between systems or developers. With Grunt or Gulp, all your configurations are in a file which can be transferred between systems.

Of course, having said all that you work with whatever tools allow you to cycle the fastest. The best thing you can do is experiment with different toolsets and see what works.


As far as making your work faster, Grunt, Gulp, Yeoman, Bower or any combination thereof are all excellent tools to help speed up your front-end development. Codekit is nice, but as far as I'm aware there's no portability between systems or developers. With Grunt or Gulp, all your configurations are in a file which can be transferred between systems.

Question about bower (more likely grunt):
I'm trying to make commits to git in a project much cleaner thus I don't need the other files/folders created by bower. Is there something that could just include the necessary files (say css and minified files) and w/o them stored in /bower_components/ (say directly to /js/[libname])?
Holy shit, I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread :D I glanced over the OP for links and all but I could use some more help from you guys.

Thing is, a while back my girlfriend, a florist, mentioned that she might want to go to school again and that her dream would be to work as a web designer. I assume she's serious, it was the only career example she gave, florist is just another dead end job. Now, I've been trying to encourage her to apply or at the very least start studying and practicing as a hobby for starters. But with work and everything, spare time is precious and rare. As far as I know, she's never really tried learning HTML or similar things, so I was thinking that since her birthday is coming up in a few months, maybe a beginner's tutorial book or website deal would be a great gift to get her started. But I haven't touched HTML since 2004 so I don't know where to begin with the modern stuff. Could you guys help with me some book suggestions or even tell me if this whole thing is a good idea or not? :) Being a young woman, I assume she would have a major advantage getting a job later on, am I right?
Get her both of John Ducketts books. They look gorgeous and (at least the HTML/CSS book) are a gentle introduction.

I'm not anti-jQuery, but I do think it certainly helps to have a good understanding of javascript and why jQuery does things the way that it does. I don't agree with everything here, but youmightnotneedjquery.com shows examples of jQuery vs pure javascript. My biggest issue with jQuery is not with the library itself but rather people who depend on it too much as a crutch. I actually had someone tell me in an interview not too long ago, "I know jQuery, but not javascript."
While i agree that you dont always need JQuery, some of the examples on that site are perfect examples of why JQuery is extremely nice to have:

straight from that page:
compared to
function fadeIn(el) {
  el.style.opacity = 0;

  var last = +new Date();
  var tick = function() {
    el.style.opacity = +el.style.opacity + (new Date() - last) / 400;
    last = +new Date();

    if (+el.style.opacity < 1) {
      (window.requestAnimationFrame && requestAnimationFrame(tick)) || setTimeout(tick, 16)




Sass is awesome. There is a lot of developers who hate Jquery, in fact i know one personally. He hates it because of all the bloat it creates. He thinks people should fully learn Javascript and not use jquery. Which I'm in the process of doing.. but i gotta say.. learning to fully understand JS is proving to be pretty hard.

Codekit will definitely help you get work done faster. I've never used it but I got a similar setup running now. It's amazing not having to refresh the browser as you constantly tweak CSS styles. It saves time for sure. Probably something you might not realize though until you try it.

"Hating" on any web technology is such a pose. "You have to learn *insert preferred technology here*" is an elitist and somewhat unrealistic approach to things. Using jQuery was always done in the interest of time. Not being able to learn stuff is also a time issue.

With that said, javascript does more than jQuery and is becoming so much prominent with the rise of js MV*s. Front-end developers used to be tasked with Interface work and could get aways with jQuery, but now they've got to be able to deal with what used to be back-end work and object logics. Web development doesn't care much about individuals' time or learning curve.


Another front-end dev checking in.

I'm curious if anyone here is or has ever met someone who is exceptional in at least 2 out of the 3 main sections of the web creation process: design, front-end, back-end.

At most I've known individuals who are an Ace in one section, but a Jack in another.

I'm currently employed at HTC, and the company has three teams that specialize in their respective sections. I like it that way, because it allows me to contribute what I'm good at, rather than what I'm kinda sorta good at.


Another front-end dev checking in.

I'm curious if anyone here is or has ever met someone who is exceptional in at least 2 out of the 3 main sections of the web creation process: design, front-end, back-end.

At most I've known individuals who are an Ace in one section, but a Jack in another.

I'm currently employed at HTC, and the company has three teams that specialize in their respective sections. I like it that way, because it allows me to contribute what I'm good at, rather than what I'm kinda sorta good at.

Here in France it's sort of expected that if you're a web developer, you are a jack of all trade (and expected to be a master of all) in the smaller companies. I've met very few that are good at two, none that were good at the three. Larger companies tend to be aware that specialization is more beneficial than concentration.


Holy shit, I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread :D I glanced over the OP for links and all but I could use some more help from you guys.

Thing is, a while back my girlfriend, a florist, mentioned that she might want to go to school again and that her dream would be to work as a web designer. I assume she's serious, it was the only career example she gave, florist is just another dead end job. Now, I've been trying to encourage her to apply or at the very least start studying and practicing as a hobby for starters. But with work and everything, spare time is precious and rare. As far as I know, she's never really tried learning HTML or similar things, so I was thinking that since her birthday is coming up in a few months, maybe a beginner's tutorial book or website deal would be a great gift to get her started. But I haven't touched HTML since 2004 so I don't know where to begin with the modern stuff. Could you guys help with me some book suggestions or even tell me if this whole thing is a good idea or not? :) Being a young woman, I assume she would have a major advantage getting a job later on, am I right?

Is she more interested in web design or web development? If she just wants to design, she may not need to learn code at all. She just needs to be an expert in Photoshop, proficient in Illustrator, and have some artistic talent. It would also be good to study up on the latest web trends and UI/UX standards.

If she wants to code, then some beginner books or a subscription to Code School would be a good way to get her started.

Another front-end dev checking in.

I'm curious if anyone here is or has ever met someone who is exceptional in at least 2 out of the 3 main sections of the web creation process: design, front-end, back-end.

At most I've known individuals who are an Ace in one section, but a Jack in another.

I'm currently employed at HTC, and the company has three teams that specialize in their respective sections. I like it that way, because it allows me to contribute what I'm good at, rather than what I'm kinda sorta good at.

I've known devs who are exceptional at two out of the three. Usually design and front-end or both front-end and back-end coding. Haven't met any that are great in all three areas though.


Get her both of John Ducketts books. They look gorgeous and (at least the HTML/CSS book) are a gentle introduction.

While i agree that you dont always need JQuery, some of the examples on that site are perfect examples of why JQuery is extremely nice to have:

straight from that page:
compared to
function fadeIn(el) {
  el.style.opacity = 0;

  var last = +new Date();
  var tick = function() {
    el.style.opacity = +el.style.opacity + (new Date() - last) / 400;
    last = +new Date();

    if (+el.style.opacity < 1) {
      (window.requestAnimationFrame && requestAnimationFrame(tick)) || setTimeout(tick, 16)



You can do it in other saner ways:
 display: none;
 opacity: 0;
element {
  opacity: 1;
  transition: opacity 400ms;

As of Chrome 36 (next release) with web animations:

  {opacity: 1 }
], {
    duration: "400ms",

I've found jquery has 3 main uses: keeping track of event handlers, old browser support, and DOM manipulation (inserts/changes not querys). If you don't need those so much then you shouldn't use jquery.
Another front-end dev checking in.

I'm curious if anyone here is or has ever met someone who is exceptional in at least 2 out of the 3 main sections of the web creation process: design, front-end, back-end.

At most I've known individuals who are an Ace in one section, but a Jack in another.

I'm currently employed at HTC, and the company has three teams that specialize in their respective sections. I like it that way, because it allows me to contribute what I'm good at, rather than what I'm kinda sorta good at.

Do you mean functional design or graphical design? The company I work for doesn't do graphical design but the frontend coders are ok at functional design, backend developers are terrible at that too.


Unconfirmed Member
Another front-end dev checking in.

I'm curious if anyone here is or has ever met someone who is exceptional in at least 2 out of the 3 main sections of the web creation process: design, front-end, back-end.

At most I've known individuals who are an Ace in one section, but a Jack in another.

I'm currently employed at HTC, and the company has three teams that specialize in their respective sections. I like it that way, because it allows me to contribute what I'm good at, rather than what I'm kinda sorta good at.

It used to be that you did everything but the technology has moved on so much in just a few short years that you can't really expect someone who is good a designing to create backends and vice versa (unless they're relatively small projects and even then something has to give)

I always feel like I'm missing out on some knowledge with the way a lot of people do webdev.

I've always been a HTML/PHP, plain old CSS, and JS/JQuery kinda guy. I see a ton of other initalisations and have no idea what I'm seeing or if I'm being left behind.

I core technologies aren't going to change much. A good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript will do you fine. All these new shiny tools are just layers people pile on top. You're never going to be able to learn them all and even if you find one you really like I wouldn't become too attached because there's always going to be improvements.

I can't actually think of a framework that's lasted more than a few years except maybe jQuery and even that's on the way out because a lot of what made it good is built into the browser.

edit: I watched this video last night about React. It's interesting to see how many solutions exist for a problem on the web. This is sort of what I mean. You can't know everything and there's no One Right Way&#8482; that you're missing out on.


I always feel like I'm missing out on some knowledge with the way a lot of people do webdev.

I've always been a HTML/PHP, plain old CSS, and JS/JQuery kinda guy. I see a ton of other initalisations and have no idea what I'm seeing or if I'm being left behind.

Listen to the Hanselminutes podcast. I'm a .NET guy and I've found it very useful to cruise the archives and check up on all sorts of more recent open source and js stuff such as jQuery, Angularjs, Node.js, ReST, etc.
Listen to the Hanselminutes podcast. I'm a .NET guy and I've found it very useful to cruise the archives and check up on all sorts of more recent open source and js stuff such as jQuery, Angularjs, Node.js, ReST, etc.

I'll give this a listen too, I've been in need of a tech podcast.


Question about bower (more likely grunt):
I'm trying to make commits to git in a project much cleaner thus I don't need the other files/folders created by bower. Is there something that could just include the necessary files (say css and minified files) and w/o them stored in /bower_components/ (say directly to /js/[libname])?

Are you using a .gitignore file? You can add bower_components to your .gitignore, and then simply use grunt-contrib-copy to copy over just the css and minified files to whatever directories you want.

While i agree that you dont always need JQuery, some of the examples on that site are perfect examples of why JQuery is extremely nice to have:

There's a reason why I said I didn't agree with everything. If you're doing very basic dom manipulation, you might not need jQuery. But to be perfectly honest, I very rarely do javascript animations or transitions anymore, so I would say even in that example I wouldn't use jQuery.


Get her both of John Ducketts books. They look gorgeous and (at least the HTML/CSS book) are a gentle introduction.
Thanks, that sounds perfect I think. Couldn't hurt :D

Is she more interested in web design or web development? If she just wants to design, she may not need to learn code at all. She just needs to be an expert in Photoshop, proficient in Illustrator, and have some artistic talent. It would also be good to study up on the latest web trends and UI/UX standards.

If she wants to code, then some beginner books or a subscription to Code School would be a good way to get her started.
You know what, I don't really know. As far as I know, she hasn't tried to learn Photoshop in any serious way before, although she is creative and artistic at work, albeit a quite unrelated field. I think she's talking about coding AND the graphical side, not knowing these are two different areas of expertise.


Black Canada Mafia
Been really getting into the wen animation spec, as I've been playing around with polymer, and I am really excited, these are programmable animations done right.


I wish I could get over my hate for JavaScript. It's so powerful, and it is used everywhere. C++ and Java were the first programming languages I learned, so I am used to more static typed languages. When I look at a big project heavily using JavaScript it just looks so unreadable to me.
I wish I could get over my hate for JavaScript. It's so powerful, and it is used everywhere. C++ and Java were the first programming languages I learned, so I am used to more static typed languages. When I look at a big project heavily using JavaScript it just looks so unreadable to me.

Use Closure. It makes Javascript look way more like C++ and Java code.


I wish I could get over my hate for JavaScript. It's so powerful, and it is used everywhere. C++ and Java were the first programming languages I learned, so I am used to more static typed languages. When I look at a big project heavily using JavaScript it just looks so unreadable to me.

Luckily, JavaScript is the first programming language I've learned.


or something like TypeScript

I've been meaning to look into Javascript alternatives like this or CoffeeScript. I'm a Visual Studio user so the IDE integration with TypeScript would be nice to have.

BTW, does anyone have experience with .NET web services? In the past I've just used .NET all the way which can handle both the backend and the frontend easily, but now I'm looking to integrate more javascript stuff where it makes sense. For instance, on a page that needs to have a spotlight section for news headlines, that would have to be made .aspx page with everything that goes along with it to make the database call. It makes more sense to just have a web service to serve that info and call it using javascript in a standard HTML page.

Anyway, the js side of things works fine but I'm having trouble with the actual format returned. I've got it spitting out JSON but when I am grabbing the actual news headlines from a SQL table and pulling them into a DataTable object before trying to send that out as JSON. I'm not quite able to get that to convert to JSON. I also don't understand exactly what kind of transformations the service performs on the data I actually pass to it before it gets sent out as valid JSON. BTW this is a WCF Service Library.


Sass is awesome. There is a lot of developers who hate Jquery, in fact i know one personally. He hates it because of all the bloat it creates. He thinks people should fully learn Javascript and not use jquery. Which I'm in the process of doing.. but i gotta say.. learning to fully understand JS is proving to be pretty hard.

Codekit will definitely help you get work done faster. I've never used it but I got a similar setup running now. It's amazing not having to refresh the browser as you constantly tweak CSS styles. It saves time for sure. Probably something you might not realize though until you try it.

Thanks for the tip. guess i might give codekit a try. algo i think i started a jquery discussion here xD

Well, i like jquery but manly for animation stuff like fadein. I alaways preferred and learned using javascript. But yes, i saw in my class everyone loving jquery and almost giving up on using js.
Guess they like how easy it is to use it.

I'm not anti-jQuery, but I do think it certainly helps to have a good understanding of javascript and why jQuery does things the way that it does. I don't agree with everything here, but youmightnotneedjquery.com shows examples of jQuery vs pure javascript. My biggest issue with jQuery is not with the library itself but rather people who depend on it too much as a crutch. I actually had someone tell me in an interview not too long ago, "I know jQuery, but not javascript."

As far as making your work faster, Grunt, Gulp, Yeoman, Bower or any combination thereof are all excellent tools to help speed up your front-end development. Codekit is nice, but as far as I'm aware there's no portability between systems or developers. With Grunt or Gulp, all your configurations are in a file which can be transferred between systems.

Of course, having said all that you work with whatever tools allow you to cycle the fastest. The best thing you can do is experiment with different toolsets and see what works.

Thanks for the toolsets. I guess the portability between system might be uselful depending if i get a job in the area. Already looked into grunt, will try to see Gulp now.


I think the real problem with jQuery is the emphasis on imperative programming, which quickly becomes a mess of callbacks and DOM modifications that are unsustainable.

It took me a while, but in the past couple of years I've finally taken the time to learn and understand the massive benefits of switching to a declarative model for your entire front-end. Today there are so many great options; I'd recommend looking at Facebook's React if just diving into this sort of thing today.


I think the real problem with jQuery is the emphasis on imperative programming, which quickly becomes a mess of callbacks and DOM modifications that are unsustainable.

It took me a while, but in the past couple of years I've finally taken the time to learn and understand the massive benefits of switching to a declarative model for your entire front-end. Today there are so many great options; I'd recommend looking at Facebook's React if just diving into this sort of thing today.

i guess the problem also is that for the majority of people i think imperative programming is a lot easier than declarative one.

That or maybe because i'm from computer science and that the first kind of programming you learn here.

P.S.: Never heard of React but it sounds interesting but also not sure where and how to understand how it works besides looking the videos on their homepage.
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