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Web Design and Development |OT| Pixel perfect is dead, long live responsive design

So, one of the things requested of me for my summer web internship is to create a way for the new website to allow some of the people to create website updates easier. Any ideas on what kind of third party options are out there to do that? Right now it is just a basic HTML DIV construct for the individual post, but outside of myself and maybe one other person no one else is going to have access to the HTML, so just copying and pasting code isn't feasible (nor would it be the best route to go).


Just a little idea - currently Sublime Text is described like this:
 the best text editor, free trial available (Windows/Mac/Linux)

This is just a small change, but it might make people more comfortable about trying it out:
the best text editor, [B]unlimited[/B] free trial available (Windows/Mac/Linux)

Also, hello GAF webdevs.
Just a little idea - currently Sublime Text is described like this:
 the best text editor, free trial available (Windows/Mac/Linux)

This is just a small change, but it might make people more comfortable about trying it out:
the best text editor, [B]unlimited[/B] free trial available (Windows/Mac/Linux)

Also, hello GAF webdevs.

Well, Sublime Text is kinda interesting because it isn't cripple or nagware, but it most definitely shouldn't be regarded as being free so I can see how the guys (there's literally like 2 of them) at Sublime don't want to advertise it as unlimited free trial. Like the site says, testing it out is free and non-time restricted, but the licenses do cost. What I am trying to say is that if you like Sublime Text 2, buy it you cheap bastards :p

Also Hi :p

Daffy Duck

What's the deal with etiquette and a portfolio?

I'm thinking of applying for another job and they're asking for a portfolio but I don't have a personal portfolio of personal work as I've never done personal work (only been a web dev for two years and a junior to start with), is it poor form to send examples over of work I've done at my current job?
is it poor form to send examples over of work I've done at my current job?

No, as long as you have the permits to present the work you have done at the current job and don't try to play others makings as your own. For example if you have


- My cool site 2015. I was the lead designer for the mouse wheel interactions and the React components (etc)[/QUOTE]


Well, Sublime Text is kinda interesting because it isn't cripple or nagware, but it most definitely shouldn't be regarded as being free so I can see how the guys (there's literally like 2 of them) at Sublime don't want to advertise it as unlimited free trial. Like the site says, testing it out is free and non-time restricted, but the licenses do cost. What I am trying to say is that if you like Sublime Text 2, buy it you cheap bastards :p

Also Hi :p

Or if you're rather low on budget (like me) you can still use new GitHub's editor, Atom.

Anyway, if you're scared of changing it, there's an amazing package that will make Atom just like Sublime Text, haha.


Just a little idea - currently Sublime Text is described like this:
 the best text editor, free trial available (Windows/Mac/Linux)

This is just a small change, but it might make people more comfortable about trying it out:
the best text editor, [B]unlimited[/B] free trial available (Windows/Mac/Linux)

Also, hello GAF webdevs.

Vim is the best text editor.


Anyway, if you're scared of changing it, there's an amazing package that will make Atom just like Sublime Text, haha.

This is by far the best editor plugin I've ever seen and it's getting me to finally switch to Atom. :D
even tho for some reasons it crashes on me like, instantly after a fresh install :/


This is by far the best editor plugin I've ever seen and it's getting me to finally switch to Atom. :D
even tho for some reasons it crashes on me like, instantly after a fresh install :/

That's weird.

Windows or Mac version?


That's weird.

Windows or Mac version?

Win 8.1 (EDIT: well, win version, on win8.1 :p )

Not sure which Atom version tho, as I tried installing it like 3 or 4 times (last time a couple of days ago), and everytime, after a bit of fiddling around it simply crashes.
But eh, all in all I'm totally fine with Sublime - except I love Atom's One Dark theme (IIRC its name) - so it's not that big of a problem.


So, one of the things requested of me for my summer web internship is to create a way for the new website to allow some of the people to create website updates easier. Any ideas on what kind of third party options are out there to do that? Right now it is just a basic HTML DIV construct for the individual post, but outside of myself and maybe one other person no one else is going to have access to the HTML, so just copying and pasting code isn't feasible (nor would it be the best route to go).

Look into a CMS system like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. I'm a fan of wordpress personally. There are heaps of tutorials for creating a theme and it's very extensible.

Or if you're rather low on budget (like me) you can still use new GitHub's editor, Atom.

Anyway, if you're scared of changing it, there's an amazing package that will make Atom just like Sublime Text, haha.

I'm a fan of Microsoft's Visual Studio Code which is completely free and based off Atom. Available on all OS's too!


What are the essentials to know for web development? I'm already decent at HTML5/CSS3, my Javascript is okay (although needs a lot more practice), I know Polymer (although waiting for the 1.0 release at this point, or at least away from 0.5), I'm starting to look at AngularJS, Bootstrap, Ruby and SASS and LESS. I also know PHP, Perl, and MySQL.

I assume a CMS like Wordpress? I only know of Tumblr so far if you count that.
You'd have to work on some time to set them up to a server or local LAMP stack, but updating is basically logging in and writing a post and then publish.

Do you know PHP?

Still, it's best that you'd start with Wordpress or Craft.

Uh uh. Like I said I'm really new at this, so this is kind of a new experience for everyone. One thing I will say is that this is a local court house website I'm redoing, so there is already infrastructure in place. For me it is is just trying to learn (obviously) and deliver the best system I can without screwing up too much.

I'm familiar with the process of designing web pages, but the back-end stuff is the newer territory for me.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Is it better than [Web/PHP]Storm?

It's based on githubs Atom if understood correctly. Maybe this helps you liking it ;)

It's better than any other text editor I've used so far. Doesn't quite have all of the features of a full fledged IDE like WebStorm, but it has more than enough to be fantastic at JavaScript development.


Is it better than [Web/PHP]Storm?

It's based on githubs Atom if understood correctly. Maybe this helps you liking it ;)
For me, Webstorm is still the champ. But that might just be because I'm so familiar with it. Isn't that often what seems to make software the "best"? (Or worst...)

That said, Visual Studio Code is really, really good. I'm already using it as my quick-start, single-file text editor on the Mac. On Windows, I think I may start using only VSC -- instead of the Notepad++ and full-fledged Visual Studio combo I use now.

Good for Microsoft for making this. They're doing some cool things, nowadays.


In any case it's good for us, because competition is always a good thing :)

Problem with Jetbrains is: they are so fast in adding bleeding edge tech/features, their support is awesome, and their IDEs are really well done... every time I try something different, there is too much missing that I'm used to.

Ah, does VSC support proper code reformatting and refactoring? Did not try that.


For me, Webstorm is still the champ. But that might just be because I'm so familiar with it. Isn't that often what seems to make software the "best"? (Or worst...)

That said, Visual Studio Code is really, really good. I'm already using it as my quick-start, single-file text editor on the Mac. On Windows, I think I may start using only VSC -- instead of the Notepad++ and full-fledged Visual Studio combo I use now.

Good for Microsoft for making this. They're doing some cool things, nowadays.

Speaking of Microsoft making cool things, this is a must.


Speaking of Microsoft making cool things, this is a must.

Browserstack ( it is not made by MS, right?) is such a timesaver, we love it! It's a little slow and all that, but to figure out if something works it's perfect! I'm so happy I don't have to mess around with virtual machines anymore!


Tried the VSC. It's nice but has some ways to go.

Sublime is still the ideal editor for me.

All I want now in Sublime is:

inline CSS editing from Brackets.
Code Intellisense from VSC.

Then Sublime will just be beast.
I'm becoming increasingly interested in attempting a web design project. It's redesigning a website that's done in Wordpress. I have found a few themes that I think fit the vision I have for the site, but I'd like some information on the coding side.
Would it be easier to edit an existing theme or male it from scratch? Or is there a more barebones template to start with? Part of the problem is I think it should look more like a traditional website (whatever that means) so it doesn't put too much emphasis on the blogging side, but still stands out as important. Static pages should fit in, but be different somehow.

Are there any examples of websites that have been done this way so I can better understand what I want?
And of course, design mobile first, right? Should I use Bootstrap for that or something?


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
VSC does support refactoring for JS and C# that I know of.

Also LiveStyle by Emmet is a great addition to Sublime for CSS editing.


I was hoping it'd never come to this moment, but I think I adore something that was exclusively made my MS.

Agreed. Microsoft has been on a bit of a roll recently.

It's better than any other text editor I've used so far. Doesn't quite have all of the features of a full fledged IDE like WebStorm, but it has more than enough to be fantastic at JavaScript development.

Exactly, thats basically what I'm using it for. It's like Atom but faster and a few extra features.


Unconfirmed Member
worth a read.

Tools don’t solve the web’s problems, they ARE the problem

The movement toward toolchains and ever more libraries to do ever less useful things has become hysterical, and with every day that passes I’m more happy with my 2006 decision to ignore tools and just carry on. Tools don’t solve problems any more, they have become the problem. There’s just too many of them and they all include an incredible amount of features that you don’t use on your site — but that users are still required to download and execute.

Why all these tools? I see two related reasons: emulating native, and the fact that people with a server-side background coming to JavaScript development take existing tools because they do not have the training to recognise their drawbacks. Thus, the average web site has become way overtooled, which exacts a price when it comes to speed.

That’s the problem. Remove the tools, and we’ll recover speed.



I don't understand what is meant by "tools" and I'm not convinced this person does either. It sounds like this is supposed to mean frameworks but any reasonable developer would understand this to mean things like transpilers, minifiers, linters and the like. In either case it's completely wrong, frameworks are helpful to structure code and increase maintainability while bringing the problem-solving to a higher level (at the cost of some bloat), code dev tools are useful to overcome the inherent problems with the platform simplifying development or squeezing more out of what's already available.

Maybe it could be argued we don't choose the right tools but that doesn't mean that tools shouldn't exist.


Get Inside Her!
Yeah that.. doesn't make any sense. A "toolchain" is what developers use on their systems to compile and work on their code. Stuff like grunt or gulp, testing frameworks, etc. It doesn't impact the site user in any capacity. I am not even sure what analogue the author is actually trying to talk about.

[Edit] He's gotta be referring to javascript libraries in some capacity. But I'm not sure which ones really, since not once does he actually identify one, and just keeps saying "tools" like it means something.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Okay, so update. I got the grids working that I want to use (thanks jQuery plugins!). Now, I'm working on getting a way to both collapse a grid and then reopen it into a article view. Or hell, even just fade out the image serving as a column and fade in a article.


click left image

[IMG] [article/content]

click right image

[article/content] [IMG]

All I'm saying is that this was so much easier in Muse.


"tools" are what allow me to finish projects in a reasonable amount of time without reinventing the wheel. Understanding the drawbacks is important, I will give him that, but it's unrealistic for me to not use the "tools" available to me (not to mention you don't always have a choice).
Yeah, I don't really get that article either. It would help if it specified what he means by "tools", which I'd say in that article are frameworks and libraries, instead of say build process tools. Maybe the guy is just salty that caniuse has overtaken quirksmode or something :p

I don't understand what is meant by "tools" and I'm not convinced this person does either. It sounds like this is supposed to mean frameworks but any reasonable developer would understand this to mean things like transpilers, minifiers, linters and the like. In either case it's completely wrong, frameworks are helpful to structure code and increase maintainability while bringing the problem-solving to a higher level (at the cost of some bloat), code dev tools are useful to overcome the inherent problems with the platform simplifying development or squeezing more out of what's already available.

Maybe it could be argued we don't choose the right tools but that doesn't mean that tools shouldn't exist.

Pretty much this.


fucking juniors
Hey quick question from an amateur, my friend wants me to make a simple website for his business but I could use some advice. I was originally planning on using a CMS like Wordpress to get it done but he wants something that he can just set up once and not have to deal with afterwards (like installing security updates). What would be my best approach for something like this? If I don't want to have to update it is a CMS fundamentally the wrong approach? I have some limited web design experience but I think if I tried to do it by hand I would be wasting time and end up with a worse looking result compared to existing templates.
So the NodeJS <-> iojs convergence is happening right now, it will be a (long) while until the projects are completely merged back together but I'd say it's great news for all


Hey quick question from an amateur, my friend wants me to make a simple website for his business but I could use some advice. I was originally planning on using a CMS like Wordpress to get it done but he wants something that he can just set up once and not have to deal with afterwards (like installing security updates). What would be my best approach for something like this? If I don't want to have to update it is a CMS fundamentally the wrong approach? I have some limited web design experience but I think if I tried to do it by hand I would be wasting time and end up with a worse looking result compared to existing templates.

How big is the site?

If it's a one page site, just go in with plain html - work on it and forget it. But if it'll have multiple sections and needs updating (say a blog or news) then spend a time setting up a CMS. (Wordpress has an auto update tho, but still you'd want to check if it breaks things)

Doing it by hand or using templates is the same - you're going to change and modify it anyway for your client/friend.


fucking juniors
How big is the site?

If it's a one page site, just go in with plain html - work on it and forget it. But if it'll have multiple sections and needs updating (say a blog or news) then spend a time setting up a CMS. (Wordpress has an auto update tho, but still you'd want to check if it breaks things)

Doing it by hand or using templates is the same - you're going to change and modify it anyway for your client/friend.

It is going to be around 5-6 pages (home, contact page, and a few others covering the services they offer). Currently there are no plans to change things after it's done but I guess that could easily change in the future. I think I might look into setting it up with Wordpress and using the auto-update.


So the NodeJS <-> iojs convergence is happening right now, it will be a (long) while until the projects are completely merged back together but I'd say it's great news for all
Yeah pretty good news. I was worried that the fragmentation will be too much as io.js got more traction.

Hopefully they start merging in the ES6 features pretty quickly.


So I've been reading through Ducket's HTML&CSS and in there he recommends setting text sizes uses pixels, which seems misguided to me. He says that the reason is that you can control exactly how the text will appear to users, but there are a lot of different resolution screens. This is something I think would be an especially big issue in the coming years as people transition to 4k monitors.

Surely it's better to use either ems or percents as the browser would then be able to use an appropriate baseline for the text size given the screen resolution? Besides text there's a bunch of other stuff set using pixels which seems a bad way to go about this. Maybe I just haven't read far enough into the book.


Use rem. It's like em but without the inheritance hassle.

If you use sass/less it's easy to write some mixin that does the calculations for you.

I use rem for nearly everything these days, it was never easier to scale a complete website at a single place (the base font size)


What do you all think about The Odin Project?

What about bootcamps are they a waste of money?

As a beginner, I really tried to go through the beginning part of it. (I just finished code academy at this point for html & css. ) It was a hassle for me and I personally didn't like it. : ( I got a little past the " make your own google homepage " part. I think the projects are good ideas though.

Everyone on reddit seems to love it but I didn't like it. I'd rather go through some books and just experiment. (Which is what I'm doing, but at a very very slow pace! )
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