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Web Design and Development |OT| Pixel perfect is dead, long live responsive design

So, js is pretty much necessary then. I'll do some more digging, see if I can't find a suitable plugin that isn't dependent on Bootstrap. Of course, that just works, so if it plays nice within the legacy CSS I have to deal with, maybe I'll just use that. Thanks for the pointers.

Bootstrap (4) uses Tether underneath it's Tooltip implementation https://github.com/HubSpot/tether

What is a good approach to handle "likes" in your api?

It looks like Twitter maps the likes by the authenticated user to the statuses in the backend.

Otherwise it seems pretty common that you have to make a separate api call to fetch likes.

If you have say something like the neogaf forum with topics and related posts, I guess the optimal way would be to fetch the likes of the authenticated user by an array of post ids.

How do you guys like to work with likes/favorites?

Depends totally on the functionality you need I guess.

For example, if you just want to list the likes a post has, you could just tie them to the post

  "id": "0000001",
  "likes": ["userid1", "userid2", ... "userid3"]

Then you could want a list of things you have liked,

  "id": "userid1",
  "username": "John_B",
  "likes": ["000001", "000005", "100045"]

Obviously you could populate both of those lists from each other, but most likely it would be easier just to duplicate the data and manage them simultaneously, just for the simplicity of the data model.


Depends totally on the functionality you need I guess.

For example, if you just want to list the likes a post has, you could just tie them to the post

  "id": "0000001",
  "likes": ["userid1", "userid2", ... "userid3"]

Then you could want a list of things you have liked,

  "id": "userid1",
  "username": "John_B",
  "likes": ["000001", "000005", "100045"]

Obviously you could populate both of those lists from each other, but most likely it would be easier just to duplicate the data and manage them simultaneously, just for the simplicity of the data model.
In my case I only really need the likes that are directly related to the authenticated user and the posts in the topic.

It seems a bit of a waste if I pull in all of the likes for the authenticated user and the posts and not just the ones that are related.

Or the way you describe it might just be a normal way to do it in this sorta case anyways?
Huh. So, that would be perfect to say, put a legend over top a draggable map or image.

Yup. Tooltips (and other absolute-but-relative-to-other-items) and their positions in general are really, really hard to get right (which is why Bootstrap is now using Tether too instead of their own implementation)


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Yup. Tooltips (and other absolute-but-relative-to-other-items) and their positions in general are really, really hard to get right (which is why Bootstrap is now using Tether too instead of their own implementation)

Now, am I missing something or is drop perfectly cromulent for my uses? It's built off tether.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
JS question for you smarter people. I've got 6 pics, each with a class that is necessary due to individual stylings. When I go to call the lightbox script, is there a better way of doing what I have bolded below? It works, but something tells me it's a dumb way of doing it.
 jQuery(function () {
      jQuery('[B]a.pic-1, a.pic-2, a.pic-3, a.pic-4, a.pic-5, a.pic-6[/B]').lightBox({
        fixedNavigation: true,
        imageLoading: '/img/lightbox/lightbox-ico-loading.gif',
        imageBtnClose: '/img/lightbox/lightbox-btn-close.gif',
        imageBtnPrev: '/img/lightbox/lightbox-btn-prev.gif',
        imageBtnNext: '/img/lightbox/lightbox-btn-next.gif',
        imageBlank: '/img/lightbox/lightbox-blank.gif',
        maxHeight: 600,
        maxWidth: 800


Get Inside Her!
JS question for you smarter people. I've got 6 pics, each with a class that is necessary due to individual stylings. When I go to call the lightbox script, is there a better way of doing what I have bolded below? It works, but something tells me it's a dumb way of doing it.

Are the anchors all inside a container? A selector like ".container a" or ".container > a" should get the job done.


Get Inside Her!
Unclassed list, actually. Would giving the list a class and then .listName a work?

That would work, sure. D4Danger's way would be a bit more elegant, assuming you have no anchors elsewhere in the document that have "pic-" on them. But you could also just travel up the chain until you have something that's already classed or in some way unique. ".container > div > ul > li > a" or something like that.


Unconfirmed Member
This is the simple answer but it's not a great one unless you can't modify the markup. Add another class to the pictures so you can target them directly.

I know but I'm working with what he posted. matching is usually a bad idea because you pick up things you don't want.

I agree that you should either add a class to each item or the parent. That's what they're there for.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
<div class="class1 class2 class3"></div>
To select such an element and only elements with all 3 classes you write:
Useful for treating elements like compositions of classes.


I'm always amazed by how my students are surprised by this :D I teach them basic jQuery and the guy teaching them HTML/CSS just always fail to tell them they can have more than one class. Which is weird because he taught me and I thought it was obvious, so I must have picked it up from somewhere else.


I know but I'm working with what he posted. matching is usually a bad idea because you pick up things you don't want.

I agree that you should either add a class to each item or the parent. That's what they're there for.

I was more responding to WanderingWind who seemed to be more novice and might actually implement that, I'm sure you know what you're doing.


I now feel reeeeealy dumb. Thanks everybody. lol

That's what IDs are for ;) You can only have one ID but tons of classes.

Anyway, I for myself don't use css classes for ANY JS interactions. Someone may change a css class or remove it, add one to an element that should not be used by some JS.

I prefer custom attributes for that. In your case that would be something like:

<a class="pic-1" data-hook="lightbox">...</a>



Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I'm going to play around with that, see what works best. I can think of about 10 different things over the past year that knowing about multiple classes would have solved. It's fun to see what you've learned.

I looked back on a project I did in Feb that I was so proud of at the time. I'm a wee bit embarrassed by it now. But I think that's good, because I'm learning stuff literally every day, it seems. Today, I learned about mutliple classes, yesterday, I learned how to parse out linked css files and bottom of page js within our CMS to cut page load times down by like, a crazy, crazy amount.

Tomorrow? I'm making waffles. Or, figuring how to put layered photos (faux Polaroid type deal) within a responsive div without it looking like 2002 era garbo.


I do this web dev thing for a while now, but after every project I want to do some things differently the next time.

Sure, this gets less and less frequent with projects flying by, but I never stopped learning new things.

I love web development, there is always something new to do, it never stops evolving and I don't get bored. Awesome!

Regarding the css classes in javascript: I think css should be used for styling/presentation only. It's a matter of separation of concerns. Sure, in a one man project this might not be a problem, but working in bigger teams can change things drastically. Someone may refactor a css class and it's pretty likely that it breaks js that uses this class.
I can' t wait for the 12th but still it's not all rosy: I am using flex extensively right now on a project and eeeveeerryyyything is all over the place on IE11.

I'm using postcss-flexbugs-fixes but that still isn't helping much as Bootstraps preprocessor breaks stuff so that's a dead end.
Ah yes, back in office after 2 weeks of holidays ... drowning in updates, e-mails and calls plus seeing yet ANOTHER freaking Joomla update.
How i enjoyed calling all clients with Joomla sites, backing up and applying the update on a sh*tload of sites on the final day at work before the holiday vacation, i'm glad that i can do the whole stuff again on the first workday! :D ... seriously Joomla devs ... get your stuff fixed.

Those news of Firefox allowing some Webkit CSS stuff in future releases and MS trying to kill anything old IE-related are soothing for the work-soul, though!

I still have to make apps that work on IE7. Flexbox might as well be magic fairy dust.
Big companies ftw. I know of many medium to large companies here, that still use IE7 because of some unique add-ons or services they use in their intranet. Some former colleagues from college and work told me that their management think it's too much of a cost to get those updated for newer browsers ... dreading.


Unconfirmed Member
I still have to make apps that work on IE7. Flexbox might as well be magic fairy dust.

I started to download a IE7 VM the other day and before it finished I thought "what am I even doing?" and deleted it.

I haven't used a version of Windows that can run IE7 in years. Do they care that it's out of date and a massive security risk?
Do you have a link for this? I know IE Mobile and Edge will render stuff like -webkit-border-radius but I haven't heard about Firefox
Only german sources, sorry.


And this one blog post:

All links should be safe for work.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I love you people. Do you have any idea how much time I just saved during this project mult-classing stuff? It's almost 3pm and I'm done with today's milestone. I wasn't planning on leaving until 7-8. I owe you all a beer.

Thanks, this is good to know. Probably won't affect me because I'm using autoprefixer, but it is huge for Firefox mobile users.


I have a question mainly regarding getting a job as a web designer/junior web developer.

What exactly do you need to know to get a job in the field?

I've been looking since late August to get a junior position in either a web design or web development and I don't seem to be getting much luck to get one. That's making me think that I'm missing fundamental skills to actually landing a job.

The web languages I know are:
- CSS3
- Javascript
- jQuery
- AngularJS (currently learning)
- Perl

(plus other non-web languages)

Admittedly, I need to do a lot of reference checking with my Javascript (especially with the syntax) but I'm very comfortable with it since I studied computer programming in college. I also need to learn how to use APIs but that's what I'm doing with a project I'm doing in AngularJS (linking a photo gallery with Imgur or something similar)

I also have a design background dealing with UI/UX design with web and mobile (graphic design as well) so i'm not very picky with what position I get.

But that's the problem, I don't seem to be getting job offers. I have been trying to improve my portfolio the few months when I've been looking and while I had a few interviews here and there, nothing seems to come out of it. I unfortunately don't have much experience in the field than just doing freelance projects.

Am I missing something? What are tips to landing a position in the industry? I have been looking for internships as well and having the same problem. Some startups have praised my wider skill set but startups seem to be looking for more experienced people since of their limited funding.

Any help would be great. I'm getting really discouraged from this lol. I might make a thread in OT to try to get more answers
I have a question mainly regarding getting a job as a web designer/junior web developer.

What exactly do you need to know to get a job in the field?

I've been looking since late August to get a junior position in either a web design or web development and I don't seem to be getting much luck to get one. That's making me think that I'm missing fundamental skills to actually landing a job.

The web languages I know are:
- CSS3
- Javascript
- jQuery
- AngularJS (currently learning)
- Perl

(plus other non-web languages)

Admittedly, I need to do a lot of reference checking with my Javascript (especially with the syntax) but I'm very comfortable with it since I studied computer programming in college. I also need to learn how to use APIs but that's what I'm doing with a project I'm doing in AngularJS (linking a photo gallery with Imgur or something similar)

I also have a design background dealing with UI/UX design with web and mobile (graphic design as well) so i'm not very picky with what position I get.

But that's the problem, I don't seem to be getting job offers. I have been trying to improve my portfolio the few months when I've been looking and while I had a few interviews here and there, nothing seems to come out of it. I unfortunately don't have much experience in the field than just doing freelance projects.

Am I missing something? What are tips to landing a position in the industry? I have been looking for internships as well and having the same problem. Some startups have praised my wider skill set but startups seem to be looking for more experienced people since of their limited funding.

Any help would be great. I'm getting really discouraged from this lol. I might make a thread in OT to try to get more answers

I wrote this couple of days ago to the programming thread which I think applies to you too:

Start building an open source portfolio and I don't mean a portfolio in a PDF format that's open source. Go to GitHub or similar, find open source projects you like, find entry level bugs, features requests or other things that you can try your hands on with. Most open source projects welcome beginners and you get tons of feedback: absorb, adjust and rewrite. You get to learn de-facto tools in your field, you get to learn good coding practices, you'll get to learn tons of code written by others, you get to write tons of good code. Or go to StackOverflow and start answering questions. Or both.

Every time I get contacted by recruiter or an employer the message starts with "I saw your profile at GitHub and I think that you would make a good addition to our team X. Would you like to discuss more" instead of "I saw your impressive school history on LinkedIn" or "I liked your work description at company X". Obviously some of the recruiters are just shooting everywhere and trying their luck, but I have gotten many interesting job opportunities just by doing stuff that I like in on my free time.
I have a question mainly regarding getting a job as a web designer/junior web developer.

What exactly do you need to know to get a job in the field?

I've been looking since late August to get a junior position in either a web design or web development and I don't seem to be getting much luck to get one. That's making me think that I'm missing fundamental skills to actually landing a job.

The web languages I know are:
- CSS3
- Javascript
- jQuery
- AngularJS (currently learning)
- Perl

(plus other non-web languages)

Admittedly, I need to do a lot of reference checking with my Javascript (especially with the syntax) but I'm very comfortable with it since I studied computer programming in college. I also need to learn how to use APIs but that's what I'm doing with a project I'm doing in AngularJS (linking a photo gallery with Imgur or something similar)

I also have a design background dealing with UI/UX design with web and mobile (graphic design as well) so i'm not very picky with what position I get.

But that's the problem, I don't seem to be getting job offers. I have been trying to improve my portfolio the few months when I've been looking and while I had a few interviews here and there, nothing seems to come out of it. I unfortunately don't have much experience in the field than just doing freelance projects.

Am I missing something? What are tips to landing a position in the industry? I have been looking for internships as well and having the same problem. Some startups have praised my wider skill set but startups seem to be looking for more experienced people since of their limited funding.

Any help would be great. I'm getting really discouraged from this lol. I might make a thread in OT to try to get more answers

Be prepared for what could be the worst interview of your life. For sure - no matter what projects you've done or how large your portfolio is - you'll be asked to write some rinky-dink code you'd never use in real life with pen and paper as some sort of pathetic competence test. I've never once had a programming interview that didn't insult my intelligence or completely ignore my past work.


Be prepared for what could be the worst interview of your life. For sure - no matter what projects you've done or how large your portfolio is - you'll be asked to write some rinky-dink code you'd never use in real life with pen and paper as some sort of pathetic competence test. I've never once had a programming interview that didn't insult my intelligence or completely ignore my past work.

Yeah. I think it's fascinating that we developers seem like the exact sort of people who would embrace Moneyball-like hiring practices, and yet so many programming interviews are just like old-school sports tryouts for scouts. Instead of judging people by how they've performed in an actual work context (at least for those who have work experience), programming interviews are often the equivalent of drafting someone based on 40 yard dash speed and arm strength.

Whenever this topic comes up, I reread this Aaron Swartz How I Hire Programmers article. He does not bury the lede: "There are three questions you have when you&#8217;re hiring a programmer (or anyone, for that matter): Are they smart? Can they get stuff done? Can you work with them?"

Swartz hated programming interviews. "The traditional programmer hiring process consists of: a) reading a resume, b) asking some hard questions on the phone, and c) giving them a programming problem in person. I think this is a terrible system for hiring people... Programming isn&#8217;t typically a job done under pressure, so seeing how people perform when nervous is pretty useless. And the interview questions usually asked seem chosen just to be cruel. I think I&#8217;m a pretty good programmer, but I&#8217;ve never passed one of these interviews and I doubt I ever could."


Anyway, jokkir, it sounds like you definitely have the skills you need to get -- at the very least -- a junior-level position. I would take PetriP-TNT's advice on building a portfolio of sorts. Get involved with something that gives you a history to which you can direct people.

Also, you didn't specify how you've been applying. That can make a difference, too. If you're just sending applications into a company's Taleo or Jobvite or whatever meat grinder, it's tough to know if your name is even popping up on their screens. If you've got any connections (personal or via your school), use them! If you don't, try to reach out to HR people, personally. If you have (or can find) a recruiter's email, maybe send a cover letter and resume directly to them, letting them know of your interest. You can do the same via LinkedIn messaging (though maybe you have to pay for the account upgrade for a month to contact people outside your network). If you look at the jobs listings there, you can see who posted the job and contact them directly.

Good luck!


I wrote this couple of days ago to the programming thread which I think applies to you too:

Yeah, I've been trying to make steps in this direction uploading stuff to my Github and trying to share projects I've done with its source and whatnot. I should look at those projects though and try to do some commits to them. I've also helped a few people on Stackoverflow but I could always put more effort to this.

Be prepared for what could be the worst interview of your life. For sure - no matter what projects you've done or how large your portfolio is - you'll be asked to write some rinky-dink code you'd never use in real life with pen and paper as some sort of pathetic competence test. I've never once had a programming interview that didn't insult my intelligence or completely ignore my past work.

Yeah, I had one the other week where I wasn't prepared for the questions they gave. One was a simple riddle that I knew the answer to (but forgot how to solve it correctly) and a programming question that I knew how to solve, but my Javascript syntax needed references so it took longer than expected.

Needless to say, I don't think it went very well lol

Anyway, jokkir, it sounds like you definitely have the skills you need to get -- at the very least -- a junior-level position. I would take PetriP-TNT's advice on building a portfolio of sorts. Get involved with something that gives you a history to which you can direct people.

Also, you didn't specify how you've been applying. That can make a difference, too. If you're just sending applications into a company's Taleo or Jobvite or whatever meat grinder, it's tough to know if your name is even popping up on their screens. If you've got any connections (personal or via your school), use them! If you don't, try to reach out to HR people, personally. If you have (or can find) a recruiter's email, maybe send a cover letter and resume directly to them, letting them know of your interest. You can do the same via LinkedIn messaging (though maybe you have to pay for the account upgrade for a month to contact people outside your network). If you look at the jobs listings there, you can see who posted the job and contact them directly.

Good luck!

I've been looking at job boards and contacting them via email with a resume + cover letter + links to my work. I also recently started expanding signing up for some sites like Angel List. Unfortunately, I don't have many connections to the industry. I've been trying to go to more networking events and I've met people but unfortunately haven't kept touch with them. Would it be odd to message them and ask them for tips to getting into the industry?

I am also looking into getting into hacker nights since a Startup recommended for me to check it out for networking + expanding my portfolio.


I've been trying to go to more networking events and I've met people but unfortunately haven't kept touch with them. Would it be odd to message them and ask them for tips to getting into the industry?
Can't hurt! You just need one to work out.
Be prepared for what could be the worst interview of your life. For sure - no matter what projects you've done or how large your portfolio is - you'll be asked to write some rinky-dink code you'd never use in real life with pen and paper as some sort of pathetic competence test. I've never once had a programming interview that didn't insult my intelligence or completely ignore my past work.

For most companies that have programming tests like this -- which mine does and I've had to proctor/implement for an interviewee -- they're not there to make the interviewee look stupid or struggle with a project, or use some "gotcha," they're there for a few reasons:

- To gauge how an candidate will approach a problem
- To get a better feel for their personality when presented a problem
- Finally, to see if their development methodologies are reflective of their past work

Also, portfolios can be misleading. We hired someone a couple of years ago who had a pretty good portfolio. He passed the at-home "test" that we proctored and did fine. He was a good interview for the most part, eager and friendly, which we're always happy to work with. He started and we wasted a full year on him because he just couldn't develop to any standard... And it wasn't even hard stuff. He just didn't have a command of either markup, css, or JS, and these were things that his projects reflected fairly well.

We did not give him any technical quizzes during his interviews, and frankly, we should have. Even if it frustrated him or made him feel stupid -- which is never the goal -- we wasted 18 months with this guy... and it wasn't just his pay that we wasted, but everybody that had to work with him, everybody that lost time having to explain something again, every code review where we sat in a room and said "Yeah... this... probably has to be rewritten.."

I've been on both sides of the coding test, passed them as a candidate, failed one or two as a candidate, and have seen people pass and fail. As somebody who gives them, I'm really looking for those top 2 things... Let's see a methology, let's see how a candidate approaches a problem. If the code works I really don't care most of the time (because I trust someone could get this to work on their own, googling anything).


I don't see how an in-person assessment would have filtered out someone who couldn't write HTML/CSS/JS any better than looking at their portfolio/at-home assessment and asking the right questions.

I still like the idea of paying them to do a small amount of work.


Since getting new jobs seems to be the topic recently, I'll ask my questions.

I've been at this place for a few years now doing Wordpress sites. There has been very little work in the past few months and I'm probably going to need to find a new job soon. My biggest problem is that I don't know JavaScript at all. I've managed to get by so far but I know that won't be able to find a good job if I don't learn it. Are places like Codecademy and Treehouse good places to start and will I be able to learn enough to be able to find a job? I don't know how much longer I'll stay at my current place. If things keep going the way they are, I would like to leave in a few months but I don't know if I can learn JavaScript well enough in that amount of time.

My other problem is that I've only developed for Wordpress. I'm good at using it. I have no experience with Bootstrap, Foundation, HTML5 Boilerplate or any other frameworks. From what I've seen, they're pretty simple to use so I'm not too worried about not using them before.

I really like developing sites and would like to keep doing it. My primary goal for now is to learn JavaScript. Any tips or recommendations to help with that would be helpful.
Yeah. I think it's fascinating that we developers seem like the exact sort of people who would embrace Moneyball-like hiring practices, and yet so many programming interviews are just like old-school sports tryouts for scouts. Instead of judging people by how they've performed in an actual work context (at least for those who have work experience), programming interviews are often the equivalent of drafting someone based on 40 yard dash speed and arm strength.
Want to have a good laugh?
Recently i was hearing from a company.
Passed the first interview..
Passed a second technical interview..
I was asked to write the code based on some interfaces and write the tests for it.. After that i would have to defend my implementatiion choices.
Well no biggies..
The project i received had interface like

public void findUser(String user)
public void findUser(Long userId)

And other nonsensical stuff like that..
Since the instructions stated "if something is unclear//doesn't fit modify as you would do in real life"

So i changed those interfaces into something more.. Acceptable.. To return at the very least a user object..
Since there was a method that would check if you legged past a certain date, i implemented as well a method that would be called after login to update the last login..
And other stuff like that..
Heck since there was no db, to simulate it i built an in-memory hashmap accessed only via some service that would prevent concurrent modification on objects via a custom notation working like @verision, so that if two thread would try to modify the same item after fetching it via a "simulated" query, the first One to save (pseudo-commit) the result would actually commit (change the item) and the second One would receive a staple object notifications as the object had changed in the meanwhile.

I got refused the further discussion about the implementatiion supposedly because the modifications were too "intrusive" when compared to the original mandate..

Like.. You give me shit to do, i embellish it to make it more serviceable and i get complaints?

Let's just say it was hilarious...

Ah yeah, it was for a senior position for 69k euros...
I mean if you pay me this much i expect that you want me to overperform, not to just connect the black dots in a poorly designed "skill evaluation" software and stay silent... Christ, i wrote software that is currently validiting transactions through europe and the end result of our job (me and a team of 7 other developer) won the agency some praise from wsj for a system that managed to meet european stakeholder expectation and managed to highlight suspect situation in energy trading after not even One month of production data collection's from 1/20 of the full scale users//data providers... I take great pride in my job, and while i have my own shortcomings i am one of those developers that thinks that refactoring code is the basic, so if i see code that could have been written better and time/budget allows it, i'd rather change/enhance some code rather than drink img coffee on my couch being content that everything simply works..
Frankly i was quite pissed, but oh well guess i can spend 5-7 more months at my current company and look elsewhere..

Nelo Ice

Anyway, jokkir, it sounds like you definitely have the skills you need to get -- at the very least -- a junior-level position. I would take PetriP-TNT's advice on building a portfolio of sorts. Get involved with something that gives you a history to which you can direct people.

Also, you didn't specify how you've been applying. That can make a difference, too. If you're just sending applications into a company's Taleo or Jobvite or whatever meat grinder, it's tough to know if your name is even popping up on their screens. If you've got any connections (personal or via your school), use them! If you don't, try to reach out to HR people, personally. If you have (or can find) a recruiter's email, maybe send a cover letter and resume directly to them, letting them know of your interest. You can do the same via LinkedIn messaging (though maybe you have to pay for the account upgrade for a month to contact people outside your network). If you look at the jobs listings there, you can see who posted the job and contact them directly.

Good luck!

Yup gotta say going to networking events is your best bet. I went last night and made a bunch of connections and I think I may actually get a hit if all goes well. And I don't have much of a portfolio or really anything imo. But I've basically been getting by on my soft skills and I've managed to convince alot of people that I'm worth listening to and potentially now worth hiring lol. I should also note I'm cheating since I live in the Bay Area so getting contacts in the industry is absurdly easy. Like how I went from having no LinkedIn 7 months ago to having a pretty sparse profile and having 50+ connections. And most of those connections are in the tech industry and people I just met within the past 7 months.
I just landed an entry level full-time web dev position with a marketing company.. Most of my work involves working in Wordpress, and my workflow consists of PHP, SASS, trace amounts of JavaScript/jQuery and some other things. Still feel behind on a lot of the more advanced web concepts/libraries, but I'm trying to make up for lost time. Definitely want to do the best I can to keep this job and learn as much to help speed up my Wordpress development time.
Well this sucks. Just discovered that one of my clients completely tossed out all my work from 2-3 months ago and have a brand new site. I walked through the design with them every step of the way and they seemed really happy with it so I wonder what changed. If they want to piss away the money they paid me that's their prerogative but I can't exactly point at their site and say it's one of my designs to prospective clients anymore.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here. I have two divs side by side, with a full width div underneath it. Like so:
Jfizzle: https://jsfiddle.net/WanderingWind/1sLdc3b8/

Looks fine on desktop. On mobile, it does this:

I absolutely must have those two side by side elements remain the same height on mobile, without losing any of the text. I can't shrink the text or the element on mobile. I don't even understand what's happening. The second div starts with the second 'lorem.' I'd really, really appreciate any help here.


I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here. I have two divs side by side, with a full width div underneath it. Like so:
Jfizzle: https://jsfiddle.net/WanderingWind/1sLdc3b8/

Looks fine on desktop. On mobile, it does this:

I absolutely must have those two side by side elements remain the same height on mobile, without losing any of the text. I can't shrink the text or the element on mobile. I don't even understand what's happening. The second div starts with the second 'lorem.' I'd really, really appreciate any help here.

I may be wrong as I've had a bad day in the office and I can't think properly, but try removing the float:left from the text and add a float:right to the red box.
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