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Web Design and Development |OT| Pixel perfect is dead, long live responsive design


yea I'm a photographer and just need a simple website for my portfolio basically. I'll look into GitHub.

I use Adobe Muse... do you know if I'm able to just FTP my site to GitHub?

Not FTP, but you can use version control system called Git (https://git-scm.com/) to upload your output and you get all the benefits of using a proper version control system too! The basics are pretty easy to learn and there are also GUI applications (for example GitHub Desktop) that you can use to ease yourself into the wonderful world of version control.


Get Inside Her!
What are the limitations on Github pages anyway? Is it a free replacement for S3/Cloudfront? Could I host basically any static site there without issue? Hit an API hosted elsewhere?


What are the limitations on Github pages anyway? Is it a free replacement for S3/Cloudfront? Could I host basically any static site there without issue? Hit an API hosted elsewhere?

It's like hosting in S3. They don't really have any hard rules as far as I'm aware and some documentation sites probably get a lot of hits. You can hit whatever API you want as long as you can make an AJAX request to it.


Get Inside Her!
It's like hosting in S3. They don't really have any hard rules as far as I'm aware and some documentation sites probably get a lot of hits. You can hit whatever API you want as long as you can make an AJAX request to it.

Well that SOUNDS good. I wonder what the catch is. Probably the total lack of server configuration.


I have a bit of a doubt on if and how to follow up an interview where I feel I failed to describe well enough some of my skills.

Basically I'm currently applying for a JS/front-end position, so all my preparations are going toward JS stuff, and my GitHub account has mostly JS stuff (and a couple of WP themes I use for one of my sites).

At some point during the interview, the guy tells me that as they are a small team, they prefer applicants who know their way around both ends and, as I mentioned I know PHP, he asks me if there's some back-end PHP on my GitHub for them to check, but of course there isn't any.

Now, at that point I could have mentioned that I've used PHP for most of my career (and in fact, I've started going full-on JS only in the last couple of years), but I didn't.
I don't really have any PHP code I'm confident enough to show them on GitHub, but it occurred to me that, what the heck, one of the first things I did when I started working as a web dev was a CMS backing a LinkedIn-like site for one of the major job fair in Italy (a site eventually used by plenty of big names - one of my fondest memories of those times is a compliment by some HR from Google!).

I've used that CMS for years, until eventually I decided that it was best for me and my clients to switch to WordPress, as honestly, I've started that CMS' codebase when I was really young and inexperienced, so it's inevitably full of crappy code and bad practices.

Point is: I could put that CMS on GitHub (and prep up a little demo site) and tell the hiring guy that I don't have any really up-to-date PHP projects to share, but even if it totally doesn't reflect my current skills, here is something I did years ago.
On one hand, it should show that I'm so interested in the position that I took my time to dust off an old project of mine just to show it to them; on the other hand, IIRC it's super bad (I mean, it works, but there is no real security and I even used the og crappy MySQL API instead of PDO) and it could easily nail down my coffin.

What would you do if you were me?


What's the easiest way to implement a sidebar that turns into a hamburger menu/side panel when the width becomes mobile?

I haven't found yet if this degradation is covered in Bootstrap or jQuery, there's a lot of sidebar menus but I'm looking for one that starts as a permanent sidebar and degrades.


What's the easiest way to implement a sidebar that turns into a hamburger menu/side panel when the width becomes mobile?

I haven't found yet if this degradation is covered in Bootstrap or jQuery, there's a lot of sidebar menus but I'm looking for one that starts as a permanent sidebar and degrades.

Use a media query. Often it's easier to just have two implementations on the page because setup and tear down and state maintenance for javascript controls on page size change is usually more trouble than it's worth with the same markup.


Guys I have a question on some projects I am doing for my friends. I am currently learning to web dev online I have a good grasp with html and Css, and now learning JavaScript basics.
I was wondering if it's best to use Wordpress or Jekyll or build from scratch but I think I would need to use serverside stuff correct? I'm doing these to put in my portfolio, they will most likely be 1pages with a mobile first approach

Daffy Duck

Not adhere, but usually aim for AA. Sometimes it's not reasonable or even possible have perfectly accessible sites and that's ok, but blind disrespect towards any accessibility standards is just plain baffling.

Regarding accessibility, pa11y is a pretty great (and easy to use!) tool to finding and solving accessibility problems: https://github.com/pa11y/pa11y

Cool, thanks for that it was just something that cropped up at work that was on one of our tenders that was sent out to someone that got me thinking and assessing sites done previously that were supposedly aiming for AA but obviously looking at the criteria fell well short, and that tool looks good.
I have just run into a particular problem. I have a navigation bar with a drop down link, basically I want to be able to go into the drop down, but also be able to click the parent link. I am finding that this causes a bit of an issue with bootstraps' collapsable nav bar. Does anyone have any ideas? I will also need to make sure it is tappable when it is on tablets/smartphones.

Daffy Duck

Am I wrong to think jobs (as in site builds) should be planned in with timelines and deadlines set for the project? Or am I just a radical idiot who knows nothing because I've been doing this gig for five minutes?


Am I wrong to think jobs (as in site builds) should be planned in with timelines and deadlines set for the project? Or am I just a radical idiot who knows nothing because I've been doing this gig for five minutes?

You mean push to prod at the end of a sprint? That's pretty standard for anyone who isn't on a waterfall model.

Daffy Duck


I don't follow you there chief.

I basically mean laying out a schedule of work with deadlines a project will be finished by.

I basically had a "discussion" with my boss about actually planning work and working towards deadlines and his answer was basically you can't plan anything and it's a positive not to tie anything to a deadline.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Somnid's referring to agile development, which eschews timelines and deadlines in favor of flexibility and adaptability. It's the current fashion in software development, particularly in web.

Daffy Duck

OK, well my company certainly are not an agile user, there is literally nothing in place when a job starts. No nailed down spec nothing, I know that sounds daft but that's how it is.

Client briefs are hand written scribbles by the owner on a back of some paper that make no sense to anyone, even him several months after he made them when the job starts. I'm talking proper basic stuff here like a few simple pages with a CMS nothing full blown systems or anything it's real basic stuff we do.

Yes I'm pretty annoyed at the moment with everything to do with the place I am at.



I don't follow you there chief.

I basically mean laying out a schedule of work with deadlines a project will be finished by.

I basically had a "discussion" with my boss about actually planning work and working towards deadlines and his answer was basically you can't plan anything and it's a positive not to tie anything to a deadline.

Go with your boss, it'll be better for you. In general he/she's right, plan and estimate all you want but it takes what it takes in the end regardless of what you estimated (and estimation takes time). Generally projects need deadlines for business reasons (timetables, resources, money) if you haven't been constrained then don't subject yourself to it because that's how crunch happens and crunch makes bad software and unhappy people. What you do need is a means of creating steady, valuable, progress, tracking it and preventing scope creep. This is often done in sprints. Each sprint (usually a 2 week chunk of work) should have a goal and you should settle on a feature set that can be completed in that time such that it is released to a production environment at the end. You can botch a sprint and it's not the end of the world, you just pick up the leftovers next sprint but it does force you to set a goal and meaningfully drive the product forward.

Daffy Duck

OK I get where you are coming from, and reading around the web about agile it seems good and I see the benefit but the key stage that is missing is what I posted above, there is nothing laid out at the start or the project is not broken down in to deliverables, there is literally nothing.....

I guess I was getting at an agile process with what I was trying to say but conflicting that with throwing in a deadline. As things stand there's nothing planned or laid out at he start, no milestones or anything.

Edit: I will also add that reading about methodologies my boss is vey much a waterfall methodology person as his process is visuals/sign off visuals/prodiction/delivery

God I'm so confused over all this and overwhelmed by it. I'm just the sole web designer at my company.

Edit2: reading this https://www.inqbation.com/agile-methodology-of-web-development/

Most organizations try to come up with every possible requirement on their wish list, drop it into a Request for Proposal (RFP), and then require a detailed project plan, crystal ball for the cost estimates, and a complete work breakdown structure (WBS) associated with milestone-driven payments. Agile doesn’t work this way. If this is what your organization needs, please consider the traditional method of web development.

That is exactly how our clients work.


Clients never give enough information required to properly estimate and even if they did it's really hard to actually estimate how long it will take to do something. So many factors end up slowing shit down whether it's programmers waiting for designers, waiting for copy/content, requirements, etc. Best thing is to get your estimate and add a few months haha.

In my experience people hype up Agile but even if they think they're following it they are usually doing Waterfall anyway.


Clients never give enough information required to properly estimate and even if they did it's really hard to actually estimate how long it will take to do something. So many factors end up slowing shit down whether it's programmers waiting for designers, waiting for copy/content, requirements, etc. Best thing is to get your estimate and add a few months haha.

In my experience people hype up Agile but even if they think they're following it they are usually doing Waterfall anyway.

Generally true, there's this nasty breed of managers who went to agile class and just take away all the ritual aspects (T-shirt/Poker sizing, sprints, standup, retros etc) but don't actually get to the heart of delivering constant value but just fit the dressing into the current business structure with no changes and everybody hates it. The key is flexibility on the details.


Had a web dev interview today and fucking forgot how to use flexboxes on the coding portion fuck.

I really liked the place too.


Did they outright reject you? That seems pretty ridiculous, it's not like flexbox is completely widespread yet.
No, no. Just I didn't complete the entire thing during the interview, just got the basic layout set up by fiddling with margins, padding, and display. It was near the end they suggested I could have used flexbox. No on-the-spot rejection though; I'd be super hype to work there since they'd be going all-in on training me to use React.

Edit: they gave me some premade JSX and CSS and told me to make it emulate visually the concept image. I got the main layout, nav bar, and text in all the right places in the right sizes but yeah...


don't worry too much about coding in interviews, they're aware you're under a lot of pressure !

Flexboxes are great but I mean, if they didn't specify a browser... you usually don't take the chance


So about 3 years ago I build a dropbox client for js applications. Took a long time to make like maybe 40+ hours and was built in 3 tiers ajax, oauth and the client API itself and had a dependency on a cryptography library. Debugging was so hard as requests just wouldn't work and I had to compare them using pre-built libraries until I eventually go it right. After all that it wasn't ideal because the app secret was stored in code.

Anyway yesterday I decided to rebuilt using their new 2.0 API. Using fetch I eliminated the ajax layer, oauth is greatly simplified for client apps now (and no secret needed in the code) and so now it's just one small file and they have a nice playground with example requests and descriptive error messages. What once took 40+ took about 2 hours this time. Just cool how far we've come.


don't worry too much about coding in interviews, they're aware you're under a lot of pressure !

Flexboxes are great but I mean, if they didn't specify a browser... you usually don't take the chance

It was in chrome. They gave me sublime and told me to take a crack at it.


Does anybody know any sites or companies to apply for a traveling type job for web developing? Like being a digital nomad. It's my dream to travel and work
Hey guys, I need to make a vector version of this font and the client doesn't recall the font being used. Anyone recognize the fonts being used here?




Neo Member
A guy I am making a website for is a professor of film at the uni.
He says he wants a simple site but then he says he wants it to be "exotic... richly visual... 'out there experimental'"
These words do not belong in web design. In film design, yes.

Kill me.


Holy fucking shit, styling emails. I thought it would be like styling a webpage.

Boy was I wrong.

I seems like email design standards were left in the 90s. Tables nested in tables nested in tables. Clients stripping away all my margins and paddings. Gmail stripping away pretty much all CSS and media queries. Required to use deprecated HTML. I am in hell.


Holy fucking shit, styling emails. I thought it would be like styling a webpage.

Boy was I wrong.

I seems like email design standards were left in the 90s. Tables nested in tables nested in tables. Clients stripping away all my margins and paddings. Gmail stripping away pretty much all CSS and media queries. Required to use deprecated HTML. I am in hell.

lmao yeah it's terrible
Holy fucking shit, styling emails. I thought it would be like styling a webpage.

Boy was I wrong.

I seems like email design standards were left in the 90s. Tables nested in tables nested in tables. Clients stripping away all my margins and paddings. Gmail stripping away pretty much all CSS and media queries. Required to use deprecated HTML. I am in hell.

Gmail just strips everything in <style>, so it all has to go inline its why a lot of email service providers have functionality to take the declarations inside style tags and write them all inline. If your ESP doesn't than you can just use a tool like this:



Holy fucking shit, styling emails. I thought it would be like styling a webpage.

Boy was I wrong.

I seems like email design standards were left in the 90s. Tables nested in tables nested in tables. Clients stripping away all my margins and paddings. Gmail stripping away pretty much all CSS and media queries. Required to use deprecated HTML. I am in hell.

It just doesn't seem to get any better either. It was horrible 10 years ago and it's still awful today. Possibly even worse now since there's a ton of mailclients around, all butchering your HTML/CSS in different ways.
Would someone be able to take a look at this question I posted to stack overflow:


I have my website functioning mostly how I want it to, but I am looking for a more efficient way of making the Who We Are page responsive.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Holy fucking shit, styling emails. I thought it would be like styling a webpage.

Boy was I wrong.

I seems like email design standards were left in the 90s. Tables nested in tables nested in tables. Clients stripping away all my margins and paddings. Gmail stripping away pretty much all CSS and media queries. Required to use deprecated HTML. I am in hell.

I haven't used it yet, but my company uses Foundation for Emails.


So A lot of jobs I've been looking up are requesting me to know wordpress and to build templates from scratch. I am currently studying Front_end dev from the scratch I am onto JavaScript and J-query right now. Should I also learn how to do wordpress as well and combine the two or just focus on one route?


The Everyman
i want to choke IE and edge to death in a baby's crib.

these two browsers are easily the worst thing about front end development.

i'm all for competition but i really want ms to just stop trying to make a browser.



I've got a client I'm making a new wordpress site for. It has a membership system. The client is a group of old men who are incredibly paranoid about evil hackers stealing personal info, and want next to no member information stored in the database.

This would be fine if they weren't also saying I couldn't store member EMAIL ADDRESSES in the db. How do I convince them that's a bad idea? I tried to tell them it will be encrypted, and that no emails would leave members without an automated way to change passwords but I'm not sure they fully understood/cared

I don't follow you there chief.

I basically mean laying out a schedule of work with deadlines a project will be finished by.

I basically had a "discussion" with my boss about actually planning work and working towards deadlines and his answer was basically you can't plan anything and it's a positive not to tie anything to a deadline.

sounds like an agile approach. After working both with agile and waterfall Agile is king and waterfall doesn't work
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