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1. The Mollusk
2. Pure Guava
3. Chocolate & Cheese
4. God Ween Satan: The Oneness
5. The Pod
6. quebec
7. 12 Golden Country Greats
8. White Pepper

Mmm..that's not to say 12GCC or White Pepper are bad, none of their records are bad, in my opinion. White Pepper, while my least favorite Ween record, is still better than 99.9% of everything else.

Buy them all.

Go see them live.
I absolutely hate ranking things that I love, as there really is no "best" Ween album - it all depends so much on the mood you're in at the time and many other factors. Also, some of my favorite live songs come from Ween albums that I don't listen to very much, which messes things up a bit. That said, I'll give it a go.

1. The Mollusk
2. God Ween Satan
3. White Pepper
4. Chocolate & Cheese
5. Pure Guava
6. The Pod
7. 12 Golden Country Greats
8. quebec

The funny thing is, I'd rather hear songs off of Pure Guava, The Pod, or Country than anything else live. And I totally appreciate the completely fucked-up production values of the album versions, but I can't honestly say that I listen to them anywhere near as much as the better-produced albums. Yet I think they have the best songs. I love Quebec also, but it's much too 'down' for me to want to put on regularly - it basically makes me want to die. Again, though, I absolutely love its songs live, and I could probably do without having to hear ANY songs from Mollusk or C+C in concert at this point.

So in other words this ranking attempt is a complete failure, not to mention one huge contradiction - just buy them all, ok? :(


12 country greats
white pepper
the pod
pure guava
the mollusk
painting the town brown

ween fans are the worst though. they hate a lot of ween's truly great songs in lieu of shitty oneliner/novality songs. powder blue, falling out, exactaly where i'm at, even if you don't and if you could save yrself, you could save us all are almost better than every other song they've written combined.
Lambtron's constant posts of them made me check them out. For some reason I always thought they were some 80s crap rock band. No clue why.

Awesome stuff though. I've since bought a good deal of their catalogue.

I like The Mollusk and Chocolate and Cheese most out of what I have.


I was rather suprised by Quebec. I used to have a couple Ween disks kickin around years ago, and I always thought of them as a humor type band, but very talented. Sort of like Zappa. Quebec was very different, which made me rethink them altogether (thus spawning this thread). Still pretty good though.
swoon said:
ween fans are the worst though. they hate a lot of ween's truly great songs in lieu of shitty oneliner/novality songs. powder blue, falling out, exactaly where i'm at, even if you don't and if you could save yrself, you could save us all are almost better than every other song they've written combined.

I agree that all of those songs rule (though Powder Blue is the epitome of a one-line novelty song, if you ask me), but I wouldn't necessarily say that their fans hate them. It's just a lot of fun to hear the more fucked up and funny songs live. Or, better yet, a nice mix of the entire spectrum! If they're gonna do 30+ songs every time you see them, why not.
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