Fact: There is nothing in the commonly accepted definition of what a "documentary" is which requires it to abstain from taking a stance on the subject. In fact, WITHOUT an angle, what the hell would be IN a documentary?jecclr2003 said:Face facts, Moore isn't a documentarian if he keeps twisitng facts to suit his needs.
jecclr2003 said:Sorry you twist things around to serve your agenda and it isnt documenting anything. Go ahead laugh it up, but frankly he's making fiction out of fact.
If you take this guy seriously at any of his MOVIES (because in essence thats what they are, not docementaries) you're as big of a joke as he is.
You want to know what a documentary is? See anything by Ken Burns, you don't see any of his stuff twisiting around facts and rearranging speeches and happening to fit some type of BS, political agenda he might have.
Facts can be twisted around to suit whatever purpose you may have if they are presented out of context.
According to dictionary.com and Websters...
doc·u·men·ta·ry ** (*P*)**Pronunciation Key**(dky-mnt-r)
1. Consisting of, concerning, or based on documents.
2. Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.
Base point is this, he isn't a documentarian of any kind, but he knows how to make a powerful propaganda film.
this wasn't O'Reilly's doing, I mean, O'Reilly has Democrat operatives on all the time, doesn't mean he's for or against them, this was a guest...deadlifter said:You missed the fact that that poll was on Fox News on BILL O'REILLY's show OF ALL SHOWS!!
Duck of Death said:There is no one definition to the documentary. It is the oldest form of cinema (beginning with the first actualities) and has taken many forms.
Michael Moore's films are documentaries.
jecclr2003 said:Call it semantics, but I won't call it a documentary. Not until he can prove a point without lying and bending reality to do so.
xsarien said:There were no major, OMGWTF! lies in F9/11. If you don't like his editing, which he freely admits is the manifestation of an agenda, well, no one's forcing you to watch it.
trippingmartian said:I don't see how approx. 51% of USA voting for Bush makes Moore's message any less relevant.
KingV said:I didn't think Moore could become less relevant.
jecclr2003 said:http://images.kenyonhill.com/tz/avatars/54024_brocknew_gif
Zaptruder said:Your avatar is EXCEPTIONALLY inconsiderate. Makes reading your posts or even skimming over them a chore; flashing in the periphery of the vision. Very annoying.
jecclr2003 said:Hammy apparantly not....
When I find a suitable replacement I'll put it in. Until that point Lesnar stays.
jecclr2003 said:I could find the seizure enducing Pokemon episode and put it in if it annoys you so bad.
jecclr2003 said:Hammy apparantly not....
When I find a suitable replacement I'll put it in. Until that point Lesnar stays.
xsarien I haven't seen "Supersize Me" so I can't reall form an opinion..