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Well that was unexpected... (GAP Related)


Just got a swank hat from the Gamer Advisory Panel...

It's a grey NuFit hat with a Playstation Logo just off center to the left, as pictured below:


It came with a letter:


Thanks for being an active Playstation Underground Gamer Advisory Panel Member.

Dear Canadian G.A.P Member,

It's not fair, is it?

Just because you live in Canada, certain rules prevent you from participating in some of our programs and contests. To dull the sting of disappointment for the moment, please accept the enclosed official Gamer Advisory Panel Playstation hat. It may seem like a small token, but remember -- you didn't have to do anything except live in Canada to get it. Trust us, in the U.S., G. A. P. Members never get off so easy.

Having you on board as a G.A.P. Member is very important to us, and to the industry. Your expertise and insight really do influence the future of gaming.

Enjoy the hat, and hang in there -- we truly value your input!


Playstation Underground.

Cool, thanks GAP even though you never seem to give me any beta testing work!!!

Any other CDN Gafers get it?


works for Gamestop (lol)

Canadians get do beta testing or something? I find that pretty funny, but it's cool that they gave out something to Canadians. You guys finally get something free for once :p


Wario64 said:
Canadians get do beta testing or something? I find that pretty funny, but it's cool that they gave out something to Canadians. You guys finally get something free for once :p



There are tons of Canadians in the Rachet & Clank beta. If they aren't excluded from betas, what are they excluded from?


Canadians are usually excluded from the GAP monthly giveaways and contests... other than that, we do get beta testing and such...

I was in the Socom2 beta test... but my PS2 decided to NOT read blue discs, so I missed out on that. Which is probably why that was my first and last beta program... :\
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