Welcome to Werewolf |OT| Was it all just a Dream?
The current inhabitants and visitors of this Village
01 [m] CrimsonFist - New
02 [m] Xamtheking - New
03 [m] Style - New
04 [m] Lollipop Dave - New
05 [m] FluxWaveZ - New
06 [m] CzarTim
07 [-] Darryl
08 [m] RobotNinjaHornets - Replaced by Trigger
09 [m] ultron87
10 [m] MattyG
11 [f] StarSketch - Replaced by Sawneeks
12 [m] Septimus Prime
13 [m] QuantumBro
14 [m] Timeaisis
15 [m] GreatLord Tiger - Replaced by Hyperactivity
16 [m] CornBurrito
17 [m] El Topo - Replaced by Burbeting
18 [m] Terrabyte20xx
19 [m] Makai
20 [m] batsnacks
21 [m] cabot
22 [m] *Splinter
23 [m] Rats Off To Ya
24 [m] Zippedpinhead
25 [f] Swamped
26 [m] kingkitty
27 [m] Drop - New
28 [m] Boo Boo 'n - New
29 [m] Fireblend
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Example role PM:

Night had fallen on the town of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, and Bob wandered through the town square in a drunken stupor. His wife had left him earlier in the day, angry at him for not batting an eye when she revealed that she had been cheating on him with the Butcher, the Baker, and the Candlestick Maker.
At the same time.
He didn't care. This town was a cesspool, filled with the worst sort of people. He longed to leave the town, to walk down streets lined with primrose instead of tobacco, to sleep on a mattress filled with wool instead of tobacco, and to smoke something finer than the horrible marijuana that grew there. The only escape, he felt, was death. He desired the release from this mortal coil, but not before he saw everyone else get horribly murdered.
He heard a knock at the town gate, and he stumbled towards it, letting out a gruff "Hello?"
"Uh, hello. We are, um, wol- I mean, traders from Adifferentvillage, totally miles away from here. You've probably never heard of it. We have many goods to sell - may we enter?" A voice from the other side of the gate responded.
"You're not trying to trick me, are you? You aren't wolves, are you?"
"No! No, of course not. That would be just terrible. We are perfectly normal humans with perfectly normal tails."
Bob mused over the response, rubbing his chin, but only rubbed thin air, because he was fucking plastered. "Eh, we don't want any traders."
How about some wandering prophets? We can help your town see the future!
Ive already seen the future. Its lined with dog shit and broken dreams.
Darn. Can we at least have some food and water?
I dont have any, sorry. All I have is this ball. You want the ball?
Bob's eyes widened, and a dark smile grew upon his face. "I knew it! You're wolves! You're more than welcome! Come in, come in!" He unbarred the gate, easing it open with a creak.
A group of wolves, baring their fangs, grinned. "Thank you, human. We shall kill you last."
"Oh, thank you! Thank you!"
The wolves transformed, assuming human appearances, and they made their way into the village, ready to fuck some shit up.
The current inhabitants and visitors of this Village
01 [m] CrimsonFist - New
02 [m] Xamtheking - New
04 [m] Lollipop Dave - New
05 [m] FluxWaveZ - New
06 [m] CzarTim
09 [m] ultron87
12 [m] Septimus Prime
14 [m] Timeaisis
19 [m] Makai
20 [m] batsnacks
23 [m] Rats Off To Ya
25 [f] Swamped
26 [m] kingkitty
28 [m] Boo Boo 'n - New
29 [m] Fireblend
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Example role PM:
Welcome Dogmeat!
You are an Ordinary Villager.
You can vote!
Villagers win when theyve eliminated all threats to the VIllage.