Never thought I'd get such a good laugh from a Westboro Baptist Church story
screaming at this quote from a man who goes by the name "Drain"
screaming at this quote from a man who goes by the name "Drain"
Drain, a large, bearded 50-year-old, said the goal, is to carry out the message in Leviticus telling Westboro followers to love thy neighbors, which means warning people of impending disaster if they continue to sin. Specifically, Drain said, treating Christianity as a "smorgasbord" where a person picks and chooses parts of religion they can embrace is wrong.
They intend to tell Davis, who drew worldwide attention for denying to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, that she's a hypocrite for violating the biblical directive against divorce and remarriage, Drain said, adding that Davis "is sitting over there remarrying like she's changing her socks."