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what are you looking forward to?

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me? i'm anticipating finishing up work and going home to a pack of these.



Getting healthy. I've been sick as hell for over a week -- laryngitis so bad I couldn't talk earlier this week, and bronchitis so bad that I hadn't slept through an entire night since Friday -- and I MIGHT be turning the corner at long last. Either that, or I'm still high. Do NOT mix alcohol with dextromethorphan...BAD idea.

(I suppose I ought to explain that one. The doctor was going to prescribe me a codeine-containing cough syrup when I saw him on Tuesday, but I can't handle any opiates -- they make me VIOLENTLY sick to my stomach. In the past, I've reacted badly to dextromethorphan -- the over-the-counter cough suppressant in Robutussin DM, for example -- by getting some of the psychoactive effects even at normal dosages, so I have avoided it for years. Seeing that I was at my wit's end because of being sick and not being able to sleep, a friend of mine semi-jokingly suggested that I do a couple of shots before bed since alcohol is a CNS depressant, which would also help reduce the cough reflex. Tried it, caught a buzz...but didn't stop coughing. My girlfriend gave me some Sucrets with dextromethorphan, and even given my past bad history with DM, I simply HAD to get some sleep last night...so I took the recommended dose. Those suckers worked great -- no urge to cough, dropped right off to sleep. However, when I woke up at 4 AM to take a leak, the whole UNIVERSE was spinning around me. I staggered to the bathroom, almost threw up while pissing, and staggered back to bed. Turns out that you don't want to mix alcohol with DM...and I'm hyper-sensitive to DM as it is. I was still woozy when I drove into work, but now -- thankfully? -- I just feel hung over. At least I slept through the night...damn.)

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Skiing season here, can't go for 2 weeks though. The Mardi Gras on 4-8th of August. Good times to be had.

In the nearer future, I'm going to a friends 25th tomorrow night and have taken it upon myself to get drunk on tequila shots only from sober to fall down. huzzah.

White Man


Wed07/21/04 The Icarus Line Crocodile Cafe
Sat07/24/04 !!! (Chk Chik Chick) Neumo's
Wed07/28/04 Sufjan Stevens Neumo's
Fri07/30/04 The Hives Showbox (Sorry Ratatat, The Hives get priority)
Wed08/11/04 The Robot Ate Me Sunset Tavern

Those are the next 5 do-not-miss shows that aren't Bumbershoot on my roster, and those are what I'm anticipating most.


Extreme Short Term (~4 Hours) - Sleep
Short Term (~24 Hours) - Friday Night Sushi Dinner! Wh00t.
Short Term (~36 Hours) - Saturday BBQ @ Friends

Long Term (~Few Months?!) - Nintendo DS & PSP
Long Term (~8 Months) - 24 Season Four!! Their new format better be worth the wait.
Long Term (~9 Months) - My new house!


Litigation Manuel said:
My new avatar. Seriously, what the hell is this thing? Is it a penquin? A fish? Why is it smoking? I really don't know.
Just for that, I'm throwing both issues of SeaGuy your way, now.


MAF moving to Seattle, heh, that is where I live. I go to the University of Washington up here.

I am looking forward to my girl coming back from Greece.


White Man said:

Wed07/21/04 The Icarus Line Crocodile Cafe
Sat07/24/04 !!! (Chk Chik Chick) Neumo's
Wed07/28/04 Sufjan Stevens Neumo's
Fri07/30/04 The Hives Showbox (Sorry Ratatat, The Hives get priority)
Wed08/11/04 The Robot Ate Me Sunset Tavern

Those are the next 5 do-not-miss shows that aren't Bumbershoot on my roster, and those are what I'm anticipating most.
first of all fuck the hives, second of all i hate you :(

White Man

I bet the Hives do a killer live show. I'm not huge on their music since it's essentially the same song over and over again, and the song wasn't even original when they first played it. They've got energy. And I melt for Howlin' Pele.


FUCKING RATATAT skipping them for the hives is like skipping a good show for the dunk-your-head-in-a-fucking-toilet-and-piss-on-yourself festival at the local fairgrounds

whatever you know what i mean.

White Man

dunk-your-head-in-a-fucking-toilet-and-piss-on-yourself festival

Woah, I'm so there. What's the venue?

And alright, I'll plan on Ratatat instead. It's cheaper, and like 4 blocks from my place. Yay convenience.
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