Help Me! said:
Tell us what you think after you have read ASoIaF.
Still plugging away at American Gods (some of its very good and some kinda blah), but I'm going to Vegas on Sunday and plan on taking The Way of Kings. Hopefully, I will finished AG first.
wrowa said:
He already read through a long series of books whose original author died before he was able to finish the series, I can understand why he doesn't want to start another unfinished series where the possibility that it will never be finished is pretty daunting. Considering how much GRRM detests fan-fiction I'm not even sure whether or not he would allow anyone to continue his series if something should happen to him...
He is already rather old, and if he writes as "fast" as during the last years... the next two ASoIaF are still a very long way off, aren't they? :/
suffah said:
One day you'll look at this and die in shame.
I have made my thoughts very clear on this in the old Dance thread the past few years. What can we do but hope for the best?
Haha, it looks like we have song George R.R. Martin fans in here eh? I know his books are really good, and I plan on reading them soon actually. I consider his series part of the big 3 (What I call the three best fantasy writers in recent memory. Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, and George R.R. Martin). Why do I include Martin if I have not read the books yet? Because of the feedback from fantasy fans like yourself I have seen over the years I know his series is one of the best.
I actually own all the books expect for the newest. I have a really bad habit of buying books I know I am going to read one day and just collecting them for when I want to dedicate myself. When I read a series, I like to focus on that series alone and not get distracted with other books. So he is next on my list no worries
As I stated, I love the The Wheel of Time. I thought The Sword of Truth novels were amazing as well and I think it's just about as good as a series as The Wheel of Time....however you can definitely tell the similarities of ideas that Goodkind took from Jordan, but you could say the same thing about Jordan taking ideas from Tolkien.
After I read A Song of Ice and Fire I'll let you guys know if I need to hang my head in shame lol.