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What can we expect from Sega in 2020? Any surprise announcements?

What is your most hyped Sega game of 2020? I'm feeling generous, so feel free to choose up to 3 ;-)

  • Yakuza 7

    Votes: 28 34.1%
  • Streets of Rage 4

    Votes: 30 36.6%
  • Panzer Dragoon Remake

    Votes: 25 30.5%
  • House of the Dead Remake

    Votes: 14 17.1%
  • Persona 5 Royal

    Votes: 16 19.5%
  • Persona 5 Scramble

    Votes: 7 8.5%
  • Humankind

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • More Sega ages Releases

    Votes: 6 7.3%
  • Phantasy Star Online 2

    Votes: 15 18.3%
  • Yakuza games on Xbox

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • Sakura Wars

    Votes: 15 18.3%
  • Total War Saga: Troy

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • As yet unnamed Creative Assembly First Person Shooter

    Votes: 6 7.3%

  • Total voters
This has always been a consistent problem for SEGA and something I've talked about before in other threads. Outside of Sonic and a select handful of other IP like Virtua Fighter and Yakuza, they have usually had some questionable handling of IP retainment for keeping mindshare and marketshare for those IP. Sequels would either be spread way too far apart (Outrunners (1993) to Outrun 2 (2003), a 10-year gap in IP activity), be one-and-dones with no follow-ups despite having the potential (Ristar, Burning Rangers, Deep Fear, SOR4 being cancelled by SOJ and turned into Fighting Force, Eternal Champions 2 being cancelled by SOJ because they wanted VF instead), or be overall poorly managed (Sonic).

I think them being a platform holder and having all the internal conflicts between the branches is the chief reason they could not focus on prime IP during the periods they needed to. It's why Saturn went without a true Sonic game, as well. All of those problems were internal and caused by pointless internal competition and drama driven by overinflated egos. That's why there was usually not much synergy between the branches in tuning marketing for games to different markets globally (i.e VF being popular in Japan but not in US or UK, intentionally under-shipping Panzer Dragoon Saga and mocking people looking for the game in magazine adverts, etc.).

They also had problems with retaining top talent and properly promoting people in the company or putting them on projects in roles that fully suited them, again because of internal political drama. It's only after they weren't a platform holder where they've kinda gotten the message and that's why we've seen IP like Yakuza in particular be regularly retained with a consistent level of quality for multiple years over multiple generations, which is why it has a healthy fanbase. They were doing something sort of like that with VF too, but that IP is dormant and has been for several years (despite that, it's gotten more popular in Western FGC events and tournaments still are a big draw for the older games in Japan and Korea).

So while they're a bit late with the renewed focus on more proper/smarter IP management for long-dormant IP than I'd personally like, at least they're finally kind of getting the message. A lot of these are still baby steps in my eyes; they need to start buying some of these companies and making them a part of the corporate structure, that way they can retain the talent. Once they start doing that and doing some in-house sequels to some of these (no reason a SOR5 can't be on the Yakuza engine, for example, with some fine-tuning. The DotEmu guys would probably love the opportunity working on that alongside the Yakuza team and/or AM2), then I'll know they're fully on-board with the right approach.

...and they need to let Sonic Team do something that isn't Sonic. Why not a Burning Rangers remake? It's just an idea ;0

SEGA's internal conflict I felt was really blatent after Sonic became big and Tom Kalinske went full on Microsoft before Microsoft did ut with the 360/one and made some terrible decisions on not promoting their own bread and butter franchises (a famous example was charging $100 for Phantasy Star 4 because they felt it wouldn't sell and wanted to prove a point. I believe Victor Ireland said this as they wanted to put it on the SEGA CD and were turned down).

I think SEGA's mistakes have bitten them way too many times and they should have gotten rid of the top brass making these endless mistakes early on and perhaps empty out the US branch as well (Phantasy Star Universe was treated terribly by the US Staff and thankfully SEGA of America is just a Sonic promotion machine now).

ATLUS USA have essentially taken over and I am so happy they have done so as they have treated every SEGA game with as much love as their SMT/Persona/Etrian Oddysey projects and it shows!

I would love for SEGA to add Vanillaware to their family of Developers and give them a good budget to go wild on their next game. They seem suited under ATLUS/SEGA.

Oh and SEGA needs ATLUS to re-establish Career Soft again and give us more Growlanser!!!
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SEGA's internal conflict I felt was really blatent after Sonic became big and Tom Kalinske went full on Microsoft before Microsoft did ut with the 360/one and made some terrible decisions on not promoting their own bread and butter franchises (a famous example was charging $100 for Phantasy Star 4 because they felt it wouldn't sell and wanted to prove a point. I believe Victor Ireland said this as they wanted to put it on the SEGA CD and were turned down).

I think SEGA's mistakes have bitten them way too many times and they should have gotten rid of the top brass making these endless mistakes early on and perhaps empty out the US branch as well (Phantasy Star Universe was treated terribly by the US Staff and thankfully SEGA of America is just a Sonic promotion machine now).

ATLUS USA have essentially taken over and I am so happy they have done so as they have treated every SEGA game with as much love as their SMT/Persona/Etrian Oddysey projects and it shows!

I would love for SEGA to add Vanillaware to their family of Developers and give them a good budget to go wild on their next game. They seem suited under ATLUS/SEGA.

Oh and SEGA needs ATLUS to re-establish Career Soft again and give us more Growlanser!!!

There's a lot of IP they could bring back and tune for a more modern market: Virtua Fighter 6 (tho the window is closing on that, depending on Riot's LOL fighter and how well that's received; their previous fighter did well with casuals but not so much with the FGC due to over-simplicity), Panzer Dragoon Saga 2 (maybe as spinning off a new storyline with new factions after the original series), Ristar (the werehog parts of Sonic Unleashed on Wii literally screamed Ristar in concept, if not execution) etc.

But I don't see them getting to those if they don't take full seizure of the opportunities they have now. After Sonic Mania, SEGA should've been offering that team a full-on partnership or even buy them out as a development team under their wings. That was a no-brainer but they didn't do it; even if the team wished to stay independent the offer should've at least been made (and a case to bring them on-board while retaining most of their perks from being independent).

SOA does deserve a lot of the blame as well for how they've treated various IP, but I feel a lot of that was reactionary to actions SOJ initiated. So it also makes sense that SOA contributed to the toxic corporate culture in SEGA during that time, but again I think if SOJ were more cooperative and less petty to SOA for Genesis's success outside of Japan, SOA wouldn't have done its own petty actions.
I would also like to see a Skies of Arcadia remaster/remake or even Skies of Arcadia II but I don't think there is enough interest for it to happen. Especially when it comes to a localized version. But it would be a pleasant surprise - the enhanced port for the GameCube is my favorite game of all-time.


Writes a lot, says very little
I'm genuinely curious to know why is taking Atlus this long to show some gameplay of this game. Maybe I'm remembering wrong but I don't think it took Atlus this long to show us the first gameplay trailer for Persona 5. Are they having trouble with UE4 or they entirely switched to different engine?

I read somewhere that they had to start over on development.



Well, it looks like my predictions are off to a great start :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Sanic ain't coming in 2020, you can quote me on it. The only thing you're gonna get is the Sanic movie, which you will watch and enjoy!



Some words from Sega/Atlus developers in a recent Famitsu interview about what to expect in 2020. They're not giving much away:

Atlus’ Katsura Hashino:
“We’re challenging a new RPG at the studio we started several years ago. In my previous title Persona 5, I think we were able to deliver the fun of an Atlus RPG to users around the world, but what can we create if we commit our efforts to a fantasy RPG? I hope to be able to make an official announcement soon.”
Atlus’ Kazuhisa Wada:
“I am valuing and taking one step at a time towards the 25th anniversary of Persona approaching in 2021.”
SEGA’s Hiroyuki Sakamoto:
“We are making various preparations for 2020, so it will be a year of new challenges for Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios.”


1. Humankind
2. P5S, hopefully pc version to follow
3. Panzer dragoon remake
4. Yakuza 7
5. House of the dead remake
6. Streets of rage 4

Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
Some words from Sega/Atlus developers in a recent Famitsu interview about what to expect in 2020. They're not giving much away:

Atlus’ Katsura Hashino:

Atlus’ Kazuhisa Wada:

SEGA’s Hiroyuki Sakamoto:
Sakamoto ?(one of the key architects of F-Zero GX and Binary Domain).

Good to see he is treated as well as Hashino or Wada here.

Hope he is working on a new IP.
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Sakamoto ?(one of the key architects of F-Zero GX and Binary Domain).

Good to see he is treated as well as Hashino or Wada here.

Hope he is working on a new IP.

Me too. As much as I love Yakuza, I really want to see them try something different next gen. I was initially disappointed when they announced Judgment, as they said beofrehand that it was going to be a "new IP", but it turned out being another Yakuza spon-off (great game though)

Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
Me too. As much as I love Yakuza, I really want to see them try something different next gen. I was initially disappointed when they announced Judgment, as they said beofrehand that it was going to be a "new IP", but it turned out being another Yakuza spon-off (great game though)
What we need:
Akira Domain
Bare Knuckles ga gotoku
Daytona 3
Jet Set Radio Revolution
Panzer Dragoon World
Binary Domain 2
Motor Raid 2 (feat Sakamato and the team F-Zero GX)
Golden Axe ga gotoku
Shenmue 4

That would be a good start.:messenger_beaming::messenger_ok:


I’d love to see virtual fighter 6...

I choose yakuza in Xbox (at last with the superior game pad)
Panzer dragon remake and street of rage 4..
What we need:
Akira Domain
Bare Knuckles ga gotoku
Daytona 3
Jet Set Radio Revolution
Panzer Dragoon World
Binary Domain 2
Motor Raid 2 (feat Sakamato and the team F-Zero GX)
Golden Axe ga gotoku
Shenmue 4

That would be a good start.:messenger_beaming::messenger_ok:

Well technically Daytona 3 already came out in arcades in 2017 but the bad initial impression forced them to rename it. The game was updated since then however so it's probably a lot better off. As for Shenmue 4....meh. 3 is kind of marred in controversy and doesn't seem like it clicked with people outside of the hardcore fanbase. Dunno if there is enough there for SEGA to warrant investing in a 4th game in all honesty, because by virtue they'd have to give it genuine production values right off the bat. And they definitely don't want to be tied to four of those games (Suzuki said it'd take many more games to complete the story).

A VF6 would do much better in Shenmue 4's place. Dig the Bare Knuckles and Golden Axe ideas tho; they already got the Yakuza engine. Just tailor it some and make new graphic assets, a cool story and you're good to go. Sequels to PD Saga and JSRF would be cool; Motor Raid was a neat concept but they'd have to flesh out a lot of the lore and world building (basically kind of like how the F-Zero games do it) to justify a new one.

Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
Well, except Motor Raid, I was just focusing on Yakuza Studio and its talents.
I knew about the UK Daytona... But it needs to comeback home.(Nagoshi)

The Power Drift clone of Yakuza 7 is a good thing but Yakuza Studio needs to Switch IPs as often as possible. We want more variety.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
It would be nice if SEGA did a real Virtua Fighter RPG now that Shenmue is for all intents and purposes no more with the final nail in its coffin being 3's under-performance. Give it to parts of the Yakuza and Virtua Fighter teams but make it less about flashy shit confined to a single area and more akin to an adventure, kind of like Shenmue used to be. Something like a young Akira upon his grandfather's natural death closing the family dojo or leaving it to the hands of the best, better than him too, students and going on a journey like Ryu has done in this or that anime to become a better fighter and person through his encounters with old and new friends, martial arts masters and occasional evil doers with the intention to return and take over when he's ready (and after beating the shit out of the previously best in the style). With or without an underlying bigger plot to engage.
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There's a lot of IP they could bring back and tune for a more modern market: Virtua Fighter 6 (tho the window is closing on that, depending on Riot's LOL fighter and how well that's received; their previous fighter did well with casuals but not so much with the FGC due to over-simplicity), Panzer Dragoon Saga 2 (maybe as spinning off a new storyline with new factions after the original series), Ristar (the werehog parts of Sonic Unleashed on Wii literally screamed Ristar in concept, if not execution) etc.

But I don't see them getting to those if they don't take full seizure of the opportunities they have now. After Sonic Mania, SEGA should've been offering that team a full-on partnership or even buy them out as a development team under their wings. That was a no-brainer but they didn't do it; even if the team wished to stay independent the offer should've at least been made (and a case to bring them on-board while retaining most of their perks from being independent).

SOA does deserve a lot of the blame as well for how they've treated various IP, but I feel a lot of that was reactionary to actions SOJ initiated. So it also makes sense that SOA contributed to the toxic corporate culture in SEGA during that time, but again I think if SOJ were more cooperative and less petty to SOA for Genesis's success outside of Japan, SOA wouldn't have done its own petty actions.

I don't really play Virtual Fighter much but a sequel could work if there is enough demand. Although I think a Fighters Megamix Sequel would work much better to get the VF characters a chance to shine, and possibly get Power Instinct, Yakuza and Bayonetta in as a Cameo for the new IPs. (Hell, ask Arc System works for the Persona Assets to use)

PDS2 would be incredible but a lot of fans are still whining for either a port or remake of PDS first. I hope we get both though.

Ristar 2 would be also incredible and I read that the director wants it to happen but I would give it to Taxman amd Co as they seem to nailed what Sonic was about.

I wish they did that but Sonic Team likely said No to that given they have some strange authority over Sonic there.

Yeah both were to blame for different oversights but looking back SoA seemed to focus more on getting EA and Western support over their own games being developed which is why I think SoJ not only got jealous of SoAs success but I heard that the CEO started attacking his own teams saying "Why are you guys not as successful as the US branch?" which started the whole us vs them mentality for both sides. It certainly seems that way after SoJ shut down STI and any Western Studios SEGA supported at the time were out of contract which is why we don't get Ecco or Vectorman on the Saturn.

I am just glad that now there is some form of synergy between the two branches and I would say that ATLUS USA have contributed to some of that by taking on SoAs role and making both ATLUS and SEGA games a moderate success without hearing of being overworked (which was my concern of the Yakuza series as ATLUS USA was a small team).

I think SEGA at the time said thy looked into why ATLUS USA was well renowned for their localisation efforts and wanted to leverage that in the future which seems to have worked well for both parties.

The SoA now (the one downsized) seems best concentrating on just making Sonic the best he can be as Aaron Webber seems to have a good handle of things there (the less said about his VC3 promise the better), trying to get Team Sonic Racing the best it could be (which I think they influenced Sumo Digital to make a Sonic only game but barebones to keep costs down, which I think is why the game didn't do so well vs Crash Team Racing).

As long as SEGA and ATLUS focus on getting their games out there and market them well then I think they have a good future ahead of them!


Writes a lot, says very little
It would be nice if SEGA did a real Virtua Fighter RPG now that Shenmue is for all intents and purposes no more with the final nail in its coffin being 3's under-performance.


A lot to unwrap with this post. What does one have to do with the other? SEGA didn't develop Shenmue 3, so it was never in the way of a Virtua Fighter RPG, because Yu was working on that before Shenmue 1, it would be more likely they even ask him to do it (if thats what you even mean btw).

The next thing is, I don't think Shenmue 3 did bad enough to not have a sequel considering its on a existing engine, was fan backed and doesn't account for PC sales, so I think it very much might see a sequel as the game didn't need to move COD numbers to exist or something.

So the thing you are asking for can happen with or without Yu and has next to nothing to really do with Shenmue as that isn't SEGA internally, thats not the Yakuza team etc. For all you know, that could get done by the Yakuza team btw.
I don't really play Virtual Fighter much but a sequel could work if there is enough demand. Although I think a Fighters Megamix Sequel would work much better to get the VF characters a chance to shine, and possibly get Power Instinct, Yakuza and Bayonetta in as a Cameo for the new IPs. (Hell, ask Arc System works for the Persona Assets to use)

PDS2 would be incredible but a lot of fans are still whining for either a port or remake of PDS first. I hope we get both though.

Ristar 2 would be also incredible and I read that the director wants it to happen but I would give it to Taxman amd Co as they seem to nailed what Sonic was about.

I wish they did that but Sonic Team likely said No to that given they have some strange authority over Sonic there.

Yeah both were to blame for different oversights but looking back SoA seemed to focus more on getting EA and Western support over their own games being developed which is why I think SoJ not only got jealous of SoAs success but I heard that the CEO started attacking his own teams saying "Why are you guys not as successful as the US branch?" which started the whole us vs them mentality for both sides. It certainly seems that way after SoJ shut down STI and any Western Studios SEGA supported at the time were out of contract which is why we don't get Ecco or Vectorman on the Saturn.

I am just glad that now there is some form of synergy between the two branches and I would say that ATLUS USA have contributed to some of that by taking on SoAs role and making both ATLUS and SEGA games a moderate success without hearing of being overworked (which was my concern of the Yakuza series as ATLUS USA was a small team).

I think SEGA at the time said thy looked into why ATLUS USA was well renowned for their localisation efforts and wanted to leverage that in the future which seems to have worked well for both parties.

The SoA now (the one downsized) seems best concentrating on just making Sonic the best he can be as Aaron Webber seems to have a good handle of things there (the less said about his VC3 promise the better), trying to get Team Sonic Racing the best it could be (which I think they influenced Sumo Digital to make a Sonic only game but barebones to keep costs down, which I think is why the game didn't do so well vs Crash Team Racing).

As long as SEGA and ATLUS focus on getting their games out there and market them well then I think they have a good future ahead of them!

I think Taxman and co. could do work on a new Ristar, but no reason to keep the original dev out of it if he wants in. Plus while Sonic and Ristar have some similarities, they're pretty different. What works for Sonic might not work for Ristar (and we already know what works for Ristar doesn't quite work for Sonic i.e Sonic Unleashed on Wii in the Werehog sections, grabbing the enemies like Ristar did in his game).

Team Sonic Racing just didn't seem like the best concept IMHO; it felts like a reduction from All-Stars Racing Transformed, because that game had other non-Sonic SEGA IP covered in it, like Outrun, Space Channel 5, Panzer Dragoon etc. CTR Remake just completely outclassed TSR and it was pretty embarrassing because we know kart racers like Racing Transformed are at least on par with the best Mario Kart ones (some even preferred Racing Transformed over that gen's Mario Kart offering(s)). Hopefully they go back to the broader concept of the All-Stars series with the next installment and make sure it's loaded with a good amount of variety and content.

TBH I like your idea for a Fighters Megamix fighter better than Virtua Fighter 6; I still think there's a gap in the market for a fighter between the likes of SF/Tekken and Smash Bros, a new Fighters Megamix would be a perfect fit. And like you said, they can bring in Power Instinct, Bayonetta, Space Channel 5, Monkey Ball etc. characters in it too. They need to be planning that game out right now, opportunity would be rife around start of next-gen (say a year or two in).

Overall I think SEGA is back to a good renewed start, but they still need a breakthrough hit IMHO. Something to put them on people's lips the way we've been seeing with Capcom and Square Enix for example. They have the potential for it but all their ducks need to be lined up in a proper row to do so. If they can get that one or two big mainstream IP hits that would also help with funding smaller initiatives and reinvigorate their public image with the larger gaming scene as a whole (who still might only associate them with mediocre Sonic games and that's it).

I think we'll be able to tell if SEGA is serious about their commitments if we start seeing some of the following:

>Streets of Rage-themed game using modified Yakuza engine, in-house

>or a Streets of Rage x Golden Axe themed game in a modified Yakuza engine, in-house

>Bring Taxman and co. (Sonic Mania team) in-house as a dev under their publishing label

>Bring in M2 as a 2nd-party dev house (basically give them the platform freedom MS gives IP like Minecraft)

>Idea being that Taxman's team and M2 could be for developing smaller-scale efforts of classic IP that wouldn't command big budgets.
A new ThunderForce or Outrun game, for example.

>New next-gen AAA IP (maybe with some throwbacks to classic IP)

>Some kind of Phantasy Star x Persona/SMT crossover game done in collaboration with Atlus

Those are the big ones. Other stuff like say a follow-up to Saga, a new All-Stars/Sonic kart racer etc. are either givens or would be icing on the cake. They cold maybe give Shinobi a revival with a bit of design cues taken from the Sekiro/Ni-oh series but splicing in-between those and the Ninja Gaiden Black games.
I think Taxman and co. could do work on a new Ristar, but no reason to keep the original dev out of it if he wants in. Plus while Sonic and Ristar have some similarities, they're pretty different. What works for Sonic might not work for Ristar (and we already know what works for Ristar doesn't quite work for Sonic i.e Sonic Unleashed on Wii in the Werehog sections, grabbing the enemies like Ristar did in his game).

Team Sonic Racing just didn't seem like the best concept IMHO; it felts like a reduction from All-Stars Racing Transformed, because that game had other non-Sonic SEGA IP covered in it, like Outrun, Space Channel 5, Panzer Dragoon etc. CTR Remake just completely outclassed TSR and it was pretty embarrassing because we know kart racers like Racing Transformed are at least on par with the best Mario Kart ones (some even preferred Racing Transformed over that gen's Mario Kart offering(s)). Hopefully they go back to the broader concept of the All-Stars series with the next installment and make sure it's loaded with a good amount of variety and content.

TBH I like your idea for a Fighters Megamix fighter better than Virtua Fighter 6; I still think there's a gap in the market for a fighter between the likes of SF/Tekken and Smash Bros, a new Fighters Megamix would be a perfect fit. And like you said, they can bring in Power Instinct, Bayonetta, Space Channel 5, Monkey Ball etc. characters in it too. They need to be planning that game out right now, opportunity would be rife around start of next-gen (say a year or two in).

Overall I think SEGA is back to a good renewed start, but they still need a breakthrough hit IMHO. Something to put them on people's lips the way we've been seeing with Capcom and Square Enix for example. They have the potential for it but all their ducks need to be lined up in a proper row to do so. If they can get that one or two big mainstream IP hits that would also help with funding smaller initiatives and reinvigorate their public image with the larger gaming scene as a whole (who still might only associate them with mediocre Sonic games and that's it).

I think we'll be able to tell if SEGA is serious about their commitments if we start seeing some of the following:

>Streets of Rage-themed game using modified Yakuza engine, in-house

>or a Streets of Rage x Golden Axe themed game in a modified Yakuza engine, in-house

>Bring Taxman and co. (Sonic Mania team) in-house as a dev under their publishing label

>Bring in M2 as a 2nd-party dev house (basically give them the platform freedom MS gives IP like Minecraft)

>Idea being that Taxman's team and M2 could be for developing smaller-scale efforts of classic IP that wouldn't command big budgets.
A new ThunderForce or Outrun game, for example.

>New next-gen AAA IP (maybe with some throwbacks to classic IP)

>Some kind of Phantasy Star x Persona/SMT crossover game done in collaboration with Atlus

Those are the big ones. Other stuff like say a follow-up to Saga, a new All-Stars/Sonic kart racer etc. are either givens or would be icing on the cake. They cold maybe give Shinobi a revival with a bit of design cues taken from the Sekiro/Ni-oh series but splicing in-between those and the Ninja Gaiden Black games.

Taxman and Co with the Director heavily involved then? I think Ristar should stick to the old school formula with some added inspirations from Tempo and perhaps NiGHTS in terms of Level Styles and Enemies. Those games felt like they had some Ristar left-over assets to me.

It is a shame really as I really was looking forward to it, and I felt that some of the courses were not made for skilled racing, and the Sonic Lore did not go in deep enough. The game itself was competent but they messed with the difficulty on the Story and Challenge Modes, as well as made the game very barebones so I am not surprised it sold terribly vs CTR which keeps getting new tracks and characters. I just hate those Time Trial Trophies and Difficulty has jumped up since the original! :LOL: I love the Panda Racer as she is so cute! (Looks more a Sonic character though than Crash).

Regarding Transformed, I loved the variety of Tracks and Characters and even liked the Boat/Kart racing....but what let it down for me was the Weapon Choices, the Flying didn't work too well as no one could overtake each other (if skilled enough) nor hit one another with Items (unless it was homing). I also think the unlocking requirements was too damn high for players which would certainly put off people wanting to get AGES and Robotnik (I did it on the 360 but PS3 burned me out). If they extend on it, I would like them all returning as Retro Tracks and adding a Bayonetta, Yakuza/Binary Domain, Sakura Wars, Resonance of Fate, 7th Dragon, Shining Series and a Phantasy Star Track and taking out the Flying segments entirely (that is just me though, I am fine if they retain it but improve on it). Oh and change the weapons to SEGA stuff! Girls Garden Flowers, Pengo Ice Blocks, Panzer Mini Dragon Burst Shots, Sonic's Shield (from ASR), Graffiti Screen Splatter from Jet Set Radio and perhaps a "Justice Shot" attack to the First Placed Racer to slow them down!!!

Yeah! I would love to see it happen and I think it would certainly get those games out there if it can be accessible like Marvel vs Capcom 3. I just hope that SEGA has a similar idea really. :(

Perhaps getting Bayonetta 3 out there with Nintendo's marketing would be a good start. It has a lot of potential and the series seems to be of a high quality that SEGA have stupidly ignored. I have no faith in Streets of Rage 4 being that big hitter despite being a big name still in the UK/EU as DotEmu tend to have issues in one way or another but it seems very promising to hope for it to do much better than it should. Personally, the best chance SEGA has getting a game popular would be in the e-sports with Virtual On. They should market the hell out of the games and the Twin Sticks (for a reasonable price) and get some streamer influence with big names getting into it, perhaps persuade Ninja with a Twin Stick Controller and teaching him how it works and let him go to town with some newbies and then plonk him with the Japanese players to see if he can hold up. You would then see fans think "This is an actual good game I could stream!" BOOM! There you go, a big IP in the e-sports scene. SEGA have always had one, they just need to get it out there and not make it too exclusive to Japan. Hell...Border Break is another!!!!

The Dragon Engine is capable of many things but could they possibly pull it off with SoR or GA? Perhaps Golden Axe to see how sexy Tyris Flare is now! :LOL:

Taxman/M2 would be perfect but the latter is sadly committed to resurrecting Toaplan and CAVE IPs at the moment. :(

I think Phantasy Star Online 2 could be a big potential game should Microsoft give it a big push and let it on other systems. I honestly want people to try it out after 7 years of waiting. It is also that one game where it could have been the "Monster Hunter" in sales but it never did. :(

Shinobi should be like Metroid in their 2D and 3D efforts. The 3DS game was good but I think it was pretty inaccessible due to difficulty. A "Shinobi" Mode would appease long time fans for the 2D games with the game being accessible to those who like the games but were scared of playing them. Shinobi Souls I think Sony's making kinda, so people would point out how Shinobi is copying it, but if SEGA were to make it different in gameplay then I think it should sell very well!
Starlight Lotice Starlight Lotice Virtual-On E-sports could be a very cool thing and give SEGA a differentiating factor from the other companies in the fighting game and competitive genre; there's really not quite anything like Virtual-On in the market.

I am still waiting on your thread dude! Where is it! I NEED IT! :LOL: (Stealth mention that I made a Neo Geo Pocket Color Thread)
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Are the majority of you guys just not interested in another Jet Set Radio? Only a few people have mentioned it in this thread other than me. Personally, I loved both games and thought they were fantastic. Two of favorite games of all-time. I would kill for another entry at this point. I don't know why Sega just seems content on ignoring this franchise. It's frustrating as all hell being a fan.

Oh, and I want a new Sonic game too. Something really good. I think Sega can do it. Let's see it, fellas.
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Definitely looking forward to finally playing Phantasy Star Online 2. Hell, I'll be psyched to play any version as I've never played one.

Though I'm not expecting a release this year, I do want a new Sonic game announcement and it better fucking be Sonic Adventure 3 (and no: Sonic '06 is NOT Sonic Adventure 3). I'll also take an announcement for Sonic Mania 2.

Are the majority of you guys just not interested in another Jet Set Radio? Only a few people have mentioned it in this thread other than me. Personally, I loved both games and thought they were fantastic. Two of favorite games of all-time. I would kill for another entry at this point. I don't know why Sega just seems content on ignoring this franchise. It's frustrating as all hell being a fan.

I would love one. It's just not realistic to me though.
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Are the majority of you guys just not interested in another Jet Set Radio? Only a few people have mentioned it in this thread other than me. Personally, I loved both games and thought they were fantastic. Two of favorite games of all-time. I would kill for another entry at this point. I don't know why Sega just seems content on ignoring this franchise. It's frustrating as all hell being a fan.

Oh, and I want a new Sonic game too. Something really good. I think Sega can do it. Let's see it, fellas.

A new JSR is no 1 on my list of wanted IPs. I think there is a decent chance of it now, given the resurrection of other old IPs already.
To not have a new Virtua Fighter feels like slowly dying, it hurts so much to think maybe we will never get a VF6...

This fighting game was so amazingly good.

I'm so disapointed with SEGA.

This company is like a love relationship that just ended and it's hard to admit, but you tell yourself that you better look forward for the best, and then time passes and you completely forget about them.

SEGA is like Konami or Atari now, not even the shadow of themselve anymore or just simply dead.


I didn't think this was starting a new thread over, so I'll post it here:

Doe anybody think Sony (seemingly) about to release AAA first titles on PC makes it more likely for Atlus to release their stuff on PC too? We already got Catherine Classic last year, but everyone is hoping for Persona 5. What excuse can they have when even Sony don't care about maintaining exclusivity anymore?

Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
I didn't think this was starting a new thread over, so I'll post it here:

Doe anybody think Sony (seemingly) about to release AAA first titles on PC makes it more likely for Atlus to release their stuff on PC too? We already got Catherine Classic last year, but everyone is hoping for Persona 5. What excuse can they have when even Sony don't care about maintaining exclusivity anymore?
Catherine's results were quite disapointing compared to Bayonetta, Valkyria and Yakuza (between 500K and 1 million
which is pretty nice for PC ports) bit it's not like
Persona was ten times more famous.

Persona on PC is just a matter of time but Sega is probably taking its time since The Phantom Thieves are the most important serie of Sega Atlus and Virtua Fighter the most tricky.(a single mistake can ruin the whole thing)


Unconfirmed Member
I didn't think this was starting a new thread over, so I'll post it here:

Doe anybody think Sony (seemingly) about to release AAA first titles on PC makes it more likely for Atlus to release their stuff on PC too? We already got Catherine Classic last year, but everyone is hoping for Persona 5. What excuse can they have when even Sony don't care about maintaining exclusivity anymore?
Nah, considering how the newer IPs sold like shit on PC I doubt it.


The nicest person on this forum
Nah, considering how the newer IPs sold like shit on PC I doubt it.
Unfortunately I have to agree and for some reason Atlus doesn't make games for multiple system at same time like other their party developers do, Catherine for 360/PS3 was very rare case.


According to steamspy, Catherine has sold between 100-200k, which doesn't sound too bad to me. Besides, I don't think it was any kind of "test case". It would be like Nintendo releasing Captain Toad's Treasure Hunter on PC and saying "Well that didn't sell gangbusters, let's not bother with Breath of the Wild, that probably wouldn't sell that well either." I still think Persona 5 will come to PC, maybe even this year.

Not holding high hopes for that announcement:

It should also be noted that because Sega helps publish other companies’ games in the Taiwan region, such as Cygames and Arc System Works’ Granblue Fantasy Versus, and Aquaplus’ Utawarerumono Zan, it could be an announcement for a Chinese localization as well.

Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
Nah, considering how the newer IPs sold like shit on PC I doubt it.
Vanquish, Catherine had hard Times at launch but are probably profitable right now for Sega West.
On the other hand, Yakuza, Bayonetta sold over 500K which is great considering it's still growing Year After Year.

Sega West is lobbying for Persona 5, they even said it was on the table with Yakuza.

Persona is the biggest (non Sonic)Sega Japan franchise, that's why it won't be a minor announcement...
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Vanquish, Catherine had hard Times at launch but are probably profitable right now for Sega West.
On the other hand, Yakuza, Bayonetta sold over 500K which is great considering it's still growing Year After Year.

Sega West is lobbying for Persona 5, they even said it was on the table with Yakuza.

Persona is the biggest (non Sonic)Sega Japan franchise, that's why it won't be a minor announcement...

I think some PC gamers were a little miffed with being fobbed off with Catherine "Classic", rather than the new Full Body version. I wonder if Sega Europe will port Persona 5 Royal, or will PC gamers get Persona 5 Classic.
PSO2 is going to be my go too. I have very fond memories of the 1st PSO on the og Xbox. Back during the magical time when people weren't utter cunts on the voice chat.


Unconfirmed Member
Vanquish, Catherine had hard Times at launch but are probably profitable right now for Sega West.
On the other hand, Yakuza, Bayonetta sold over 500K which is great considering it's still growing Year After Year.

Sega West is lobbying for Persona 5, they even said it was on the table with Yakuza.

Persona is the biggest (non Sonic)Sega Japan franchise, that's why it won't be a minor announcement...
That article is over 2 years old still no Persona on the PC. (outside the original) At the end of the day it is up to Atlus since Sega lets them do whatever they want honestly.

Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
That article is over 2 years old still no Persona on the PC. (outside the original) At the end of the day it is up to Atlus since Sega lets them do whatever they want honestly.
So what ? It's not like Sega remained silent for 5 years after the Valkyria Chronicles port.
2017 Bayonetta
2018 Yakuza
2019 Catherine (Atlus...)

2020 just began so rejecting the possibility of a Persona 5 is irrelevant. Especially since the Sega "Best of Japan" initiative is only two years old and continues with Puyo Puyo, Kiwami 2, Monkey Ball...

It's far too early to abandon the possibility of a Persona port.

Persona and Virtua Fighter are two major franchises that Sega West will keep trying to port. It won't be easy but no doubt they won't abandon the idea easily since they are basically Sega Nuts.



I suddenly feel a little less sure about a new JSR :lollipop_sad_relieved: (unless they are doing it, just without the involvement of the original creators)
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