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what does Darksiders needs to escape mediocrity ?


Darksiders is a nice series with great potential , it has that awsome biblical/apocaliptical lore with all kinds of archangels and demons

Darksider 1 and 2 were pretty good , 3 wasnt recieved so well because the combat was very different but overall the games are considered mediocre by most , not bad but not great either

What does this series need to break the barrier and become a great action adventure series ? because the potential is there

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I feel like the art style totally robs it of any real relevance to Christianity. When you see stuff like Lords of Shadow 1, 2 or Blasphemous, you see how much cooler dark Christian imagery could look in a fantasy setting. The artist isn't bad, but it doesn't really fit the content.

Then they just have to actually make a game that excels past average in terms of story, gameplay, level design. Being average is fine. I do think the biggest weakness is the art style just not fitting.
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Better art direction and bigger budget.
Decide it’s a Zelda clone or a DMC clone, not both. Darksiders 1 was more Zelda and Darksiders 2 was more DMC.
Yet to play Darksiders 3 in my backlog on storage.
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I think the first two are considered good, not mediocre. Indeed they are not great games but very few are.

Darksiders 2 had huge cut after the second world, could have been more than what it turned out to be.

First off right now the IP lacks money. It was the problem with the third one, not really the combat system itself. Then it needs to be more than a patchwork of ideas that are just reused without a deeper understanding. I like Darksiders 1 and 2 but the Zelda rip off was too much.


It's simple, they just need to release the game the end of darksiders alluded to. All 4 horseman ripping shit up together, maybe with some multiplayer coop option but that shouldn't be the focus. Or they can just do an animated series/movie like that league of legends one, you didn't say it had to be a game ;)


Gold Member
Yeah, I really like the lore and the genre. But the artstyle I really don't like. I go back and forth on some aspects like Vulgrim and Samael.

It also has some strange design/control decisions that are bad at times and uniquely Darksiders.
- It needs to settle on an identity rather than revamping each game to be a clone of another game series(DS1 basically is gow mixed with zelda, DS2 is prince of persia, DS3 is dark souls, DSG is diablo).

- 60fps standard

- Add a co-op feature

- Keep the way customisation and exploration works in DS3

- Faster pacing for the stories. Most of DS1 was a macguffins hunt for one. The story should advance at steady intervals not just like 40% of it happening at the start then you hunt down items until you can continue the story in the last few hours of the game.

- Tone down the puzzles. DS3 has the right balance of puzzles, combat and exploration however.
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Better art direction and bigger budget.
Decide it’s a Zelda clone or a DMC clone, not both. Darksiders 1 was more Zelda and Darksiders 2 was more DMC.
Yet to play Darksiders 3 in my backlog on storage.
I felt like 2 was Zelda with good combat, I loved that game start to finish!


Darksiders 1 & 2 weren't mediocre at all, they were good games. Darksiders 3 on the other hand, had poor polishing. It was janky and buggy which ruined the experience for me. If they could have done more of that then it would have been better.
Better art direction and bigger budget.
Decide it’s a Zelda clone or a DMC clone, not both. Darksiders 1 was more Zelda and Darksiders 2 was more DMC.
Yet to play Darksiders 3 in my backlog on storage.
I think you’re looking at the series differently than what the creators are attempting to do. So far each entry has been a different genre because they’re intentionally not trying to stick to one style.

Darksiders 3 is a soulslike.
Darksiders Genesis is a top down Arpg.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
I've heard peopel say if you love Legacy of kain or Soul Reaver, Darksiders is THE game to play.

True or bollocks?


I've heard peopel say if you love Legacy of kain or Soul Reaver, Darksiders is THE game to play.

True or bollocks?
definetly not
legacy of kain had a great story and better/darker art style and atmosphere , the voice acting is better too , the gameplay ofc might be worse now but for 1999 it was pretty good
I'm going to go with, "finish the main f--king story."

And gameplay-wise, stop trying to dick around in other genres. Just iterate on what was good about the first game.


I think the first 2 Darksiders were great tbh, had ton of fun with both of them, i can't get into DS3, it's so generic to me, everything in the game.. so for your question.. i think make it more like Darksiders.

Astral Dog

I love Darksiders 1, its a genuine ,well crafted Zelda + God of War mix ,as a Zelda fan this is the only 'clone' i enjoy and would recommend it to anyone who likes the series

The problem is the publisher/developer didn't have a proper vision how to continue and manage the series,instead of focusing on what made the first game so good(the gameplay and art) and just offer more of the same,polished with expanded combat,story and puzzles,new engaging gameplay mechanics, Darksiders 2 was a side chapter and a completely different beast, it was bloated,boring, full of annoying design.loot,it had more in common with other games than Darksiders 1 and was a big dissapointment for me .

And they keep changing genres with Darksiders 3 and make it a lame Souls clone

Idk what went wrong ,but their design philosophy is upside down, Darksiders 2 didn't even need a massively increased budget to focus on shit and resemble other games,its a problem with the AAA industry,the end result was an overbudgeted okish game wich appealed to some people, but was a mixed bag to fans of the original, they already had a great template for a game,but changed it to pursue the AAA market.

Anyways, its the perfect example of how more content,filler and budget does not always equal better games, if the design suffers for it you end up with a worse game


Darksiders 3 was actually pretty fun. They tried a different tact with the combat, but gave you the option to play it like a regular Darksider’s game (which I think was better).

I don’t feel the series is mediocre. They’re pretty solid action games that don’t bring anything new to the table.
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Gold Member
I feel like people who shat on d3 never played the game or just listened to shitty reviewer who can't even deal with a tight evade window...
Darksiders 1 was great, they should've expanded and honed that formula rather than going in a different direction. I couldn't even bring myself to finish 2 or 3.


There's a slight delay in D3 after the dash and before you're ready for the next interaction. I'd really love if they can get rid of this delay since it would make the game feel much smoother and more fluid. I'd also like a parry ability added to the combat. Just realized I never finished Genesis for no particular reason.


Game has been on my back burner for a very long time, I played a bit of the first one, but I never got far, did the same thing on the warmastered edition. I think it suffers from the drab, brown and grey era of art style. Just kind of boring to look at from what I recall.


Gold Member
Even though the sequels aren't bad, I think the franchise would have stood out more if they kept closer to the style of the original.
1 was a decent 3D Zelda type experience on non Nintendo consoles, something that even today somehow remains a rarity. They could have kept on polishing that formula and given the franchise a clear identity.

But with the constant changes and shift in focus it's honestly hard to say what makes Darksider Darksiders outside of a distinct visual style and a story which IMO aren't strong enough to carry the franchise.


Out of the 4, my favourite will always be the first game. The artstyle is the main draw for me, a western manga-ish style which was the staple for Joe Mad. I felt Darksiders 2 over complicated the game in terms of loot. There was just too much dropping that it became almost meaningless with such small incremental improvement with each drop. Darksiders 3 was a bit boring to be honest, didnt like Fury that much. Genesis was a fun experiment, I like the idea of collecting enemy souls but not being able to see the action up close made the action feel a bit lacking.

If they could just polish the systems of the first game and add the souls collecting from Genesis, maybe that could add a more meaningful progression.


Darksiders 1 was a huge surprise to me, I bought it because of some guys on a forum hyping it up and a friend of mine who was a fan of Joe Mad. It was great, felt like a proper action adventure with mechanics borrowed from castlevania and zelda. I thought its puzzles were good, and it was just about right in terms of length. I went out of my way to find the Abyssal Armor etc... it was great.

The second game was not as good, but still had its moments. The gameplay was spot on, and the dungeons were great but I felt there was too much of it. Like, collect 3 things to collect another 3 things. They could've axed the whole Kingdom of the Dead and still have enough game.

Darksiders 3 I never played. I was happy it was announced but what I saw of it couldn't hook me in. I think I have it, as its been part of Plus or still is.
For me, I'm not sure there's much that could be done. As I understand it, comic artist/writer Joe Madueira owns the company that owns the IP and I just don't like his art style or writing. Never have and never will.


Hire good writer(s). Its the one thing that can carry games.

So many of the "great games" would be below average had they not had good writing that makes them stand out. Cyberpunk, Gotg2021, Witcher, Uncharted, Last of us & Bioshock series would all be meh without good writing.
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Darksiders is a nice series with great potential , it has that awsome biblical/apocaliptical lore with all kinds of archangels and demons

Darksider 1 and 2 were pretty good , 3 wasnt recieved so well because the combat was very different but overall the games are considered mediocre by most , not bad but not great either

What does this series need to break the barrier and become a great action adventure series ? because the potential is there

I call BS.

Who considers the games mediocre? They consistently score 75+ and pretty much every ody enjoyed DS1, DS2, and DSG. Three is the only divisive one, and even that got good scores.
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