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What game are you currently playing?

Bouncing back between FFXIV (so damn addicting) my fiancé started playing it recently and she’s enjoying the hell out of it.

When I’m not doing that, I’ve been playing Hitman 3 and some older games I never got around too.

Currently on Yakuza 2, DQ XI,
Gran Turismo Sport for my racing fix and been jumping back into RDR2 postgame as John Marston. I’ve finished all the story missions but it’s fun to just explore the world and play around in it to relax. I’m waiting for another game that’s going to hook me like Ghost of Tsushima did.
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Just fired up Automobilista 2 again for the first time in a while. Automobilista 2 is improving every time I play it but it already plays, looks and runs better than Project Cars 2 did. It just needs more content to feel complete. It's too bad these guys don't have more budget to polish things up.
Finshed a platted Astobot on PS5 yesterday. What a great game. Hope Sony makes this a full franchise down the line. The guys from Asobo are really talented.

Moving on to The Last of Us 2 now. Took a peak into it yesterday. Kinda disapointed by the graphics tbh. So far I think RDR2 looked more impressive.

That being said, I was curious to see how much SJW stuff will be in the game after all the talk and boy ND does not disapoint. 5 minutes in and I hear the word bigot. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Well ,let's see how it goes on.


Finished Miles Morales on the PS5 yesterday. Short game, should be a DLC not a full-price game.

Finished Astro Playroom on Saturday. Short, sweet and for free. Nice to test the Dualsense Controller capabilities.

Juggling between Demons Souls, Fifa 21 Career mode on PS5, Dirt 5 on PC, and Forza 7 on the Series X.

Naked Lunch

Outrun 2 (Original Xbox) -Im not exaggerating when I say I think this might be the best videogame ever created. Its that good. I could play it forever. Its been over a decade since I had my og xbox hooked up. Im going thru these missions I never really played back when the game originally came out. I didnt realize there were so many unlocks - including some tracks from ScudRace and Daytona 2 (!) Some of the later missions are insanely difficult. Next up is a revisit to Outrun 2006 Coast to Coast. I barely remember it.

Otogi (Original Xbox) -Early From Software, this one is super weird. Definitely not the greatest game in the world but still interesting and unique. Every boss ive encountered so far has been more of a puzzle than a fight ala certain Souls bosses. The no nonsense tone and dialogue is vintage From.

Ridge Racer 4, Rage Racer, and V (PS1 and PS2) -Im kinda exploring the Ridge Racer series for the first time. 4 is the total package, a classic. Rage is like a roller coaster ride. V isnt quite up to 4's standards but still quite good in its own right.

Daytona USA (Dreamcast - US version) -I had the Japanese version of this back when it came out in 2001. I could never understand how to play the DC version - completely stumped - my car slid all over the place. Turns out 20 years later, I play the US version - and it has one key addition: an analog sensitivity calibration (this is not in the Japanese version). I also learned how to properly gear shift drift in combination with selecting the right tires - and its like solving a puzzle that took 2 decades to figure out. Really quite rewarding finally being able to play this game. The Sea Side Street Galaxy track is just too good in this version. Pretty wild it has the Saturn CE tracks too.
No clue why the DC version of Daytona doesnt have more fanfare - this is an all time Sega great. Nagoshi did some work here.
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I am trying to get into Elite Dangerous, but it's taking an age and a half just to get it all ready to play on the Xbox 1 via GamePass


I stopped playing shadowlands bc it got boring, but I did start up classic again. Otherwise, I’m playing dragon quest xi on the switch.

Mr Hyde

Finished Resident Evil 3. It was... okay. Very short. Completed it in about 7 hours. It had some good parts and intense action, but overall it's kinda pointless remake. I still consider Nemesis to be the weakest entry in the franchise together with Zero and RE6.

Mr Hyde

Super Mario 3D World.

Feels good so far. Feels like a modern take on SMB 3. Been wanting a more old school linear Mario over the fully 3D ones.
I have sad news. I finally started playing bioshock and couldn't get through the first 45 minutes, because the game was making me feel motion sickness. It is sad because somehow I had avoided all the spoilers related to this game. It's been what, over 7 years since it came out? After giving up I went and read the entire plot of the game online. I can see how people loved bioshock so much. I wish I could have experienced the twists and turns of the game firsthand myself, but at least I know what all the praise for bioshock is about now.


°Temp. member
I’m replaying Persona 5 Royal, this time on new game plus mode to get the true ending and I’m also picking up trophies that I missed out on the first time.


I'm playing Haven on PC (via Game Pass). So far, so good. A nice change of pace with simple, beautiful graphics and a really nice soundtrack.


Since I've pretty much fully optimized all of my builds in the Division 2, I picked up Division 1 to pass time until the next big content drop. Going into Div 1 blind has been a lot of fun so far. I'm looking forward to hitting end game and putting together some vicious builds to tackle the hardest content the game has to offer.


finally gave a chance to finish Super Mario Advance (SMB2). I've never liked this game when i was a kid and find out now I still don't. Something with the level design and the physics of it, the way the camera moves vertically just dont click for me. Only thing I like is grabbing throwing stuff and getting random things after that.
Now moving on to Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and loving it.


The nicest person on this forum
Mostly Bravely Default 2. I LOOOOOVE the job system in this game is so fun and addicting and the boss fights nice amount challenge that makes you want to change up your tactics........LOVE it!!!!


Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

Went as far as the final Japanese mission so far and got Silent Assassin rank for every mission. Cool game.


Just started Bioshock Collection on PS5. Never got around to playing them, I'm about an hour and half or so in on the first one and I'm feeling like I don't know about this.. It looks pretty for its age in parts but gameplay still feels dated.. Is it going to get better?

Edit: I usually have trouble getting into older games coming off newer games unless its super fun or something I'm re-visiting because I loved.
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-MGS Peace Walker - Never played more than a couple of hours of it, being a part of the HD collection. I got the Metal Gear itch so I’m probably going to run through GZ and V again after this. Really enjoying the short missions since I don’t have a ton of time for gaming right now.

-Wreckfest - Awesome Game Pass add.

-Neotokyo - On Fridays.


Gran Turismo Sport - Daily races

Been trying to get a *adequate* qualifying time in the Group 4 at Spa circuit last week, trying here and there. Tonight I pulled a first place win, pretty happy about that.

Oh man I suck at competitive shit; adrenaline and nerves mostly get the best of me but damn if it isn't thrilling and rewarding sometimes; chasing that high I guess.

I've also been playing Dirt 2.0, which is just breathtakingly awesome.

With that said, what's GAFs been playing on this nice Friday night?

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Just started Bioshock Collection on PS5. Never got around to playing them, I'm about an hour and half or so in on the first one and I'm feeling like I don't know about this.. It looks pretty for its age in parts but gameplay still feels dated.. Is it going to get better?

Edit: I usually have trouble getting into older games coming off newer games unless its super fun or something I'm re-visiting because I loved.

Not sure what to say or ask. I mean you got the shooting/plasmids/traps/looting and exploring loop surfing on a very immersing visual and narrative wave. It's pure and beautiful. Maybe when you get more weapons/plasmids/traps an are playing on an higher difficulty so you have to get creative about using those tools it'll open up perhaps? Happy gaming.


Gold Member
Latest game I played was Snowrunner (again). Pretty fun, but frustrating. :messenger_weary:

Before that it was Cyberpunk, which I enjoyed a lot but I hated the ending.
I am preparing to replay Metal Gear Solid on PS3 and replay the whole Resistance Trilogy. I just started MGS today. And probably I will play Dead Space 1 and 2.
Resistance is a super fun trilogy. My favorite is the first, controls are kind of wonky because it was before COD became the standard but man it has an awesome campaign.


Gold Member
I am replaying NiOh 1. I played through the DLC for NiOh 2 Remastered. Still on the fence about the Remastered NiOh 1. I fought
Joro-Gumo tonight. Weakness talisman did the trick. I am playing sword.
I went back to Mortal Shell for the patch. It certainly looked better. Combat is a whole other ballgame after NiOh. I’ve been on a NiOh rejuvenation kick lately. That’s all I’ve been playing lately.


I have more than once read that 2020 is a poor year for jrpgs. With that said, what am I playing?

Bravely Default II - Switch
Persona 5 Strikers - PS4
Ys IX - PS4
Takuza: Like A Dragon - PS5

I'm having a blast with all four games.


What time is it?
It's like the perfect crime drama.

I've always loved the series but I was a little worried about the new main character and switch to turn based combat. An hour in and I already love him and the combat is a breath of fresh air. No other series is as earnest, laugh-out-loud funny, goofy, charming, melodramatic and heart warming as Yakuza. It reminds me of older Hong Kong cinema were they'd throw every genre into one movie so the whole family could get something out of the viewing experience. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Persimmon to protect and a date with a Crawfish named Nancy.
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Where to start.

Mainly Monster Train, which I've been playing a lot over the last 2 months. I think I'm at like 60 hours, but still only covenant 7 out of 25. Then there's the Last Divinity DLC releasing this month.

Next are Valheim, Loop Hero, Baldur's Gate 3, Death Stranding, Sekiro, Immortals FR.
On XSS I have about 20 other games, including Red Dead Redemption, Star Wars JFO and Burnout Paradise.

Some of those titles are another playthroughs, so I might drop them any moment, while others I will probably play (and maybe finish) over the course of this year.

Mr Hyde

Just completed Hardcore in Resident Evil 3. That was a major pain in the ass. Died countless times and some parts were so frustrating. But with that out of the way, I finally got hold of the Rocket Launcher which should do the next couple of runs a bit easier.
I'm playing Days Gone now but I'm near the ending.

Fantastic game that deserves a sequel. A solid 9.5 out of 10 for me.

The only blemishes are the very slow start (I almost quit at the first few hours but if you breakthrough it the game just picks up VERY nicely) and a few glitches. It's clear that this game was too ambitious for Bend Studio but the sum of its parts shows how passionate the team was about this project.

Days Gone and Ghost of Tsushima were the greatest surprises for me this generation as Horizon Zero Dawn, TLOU2 and Gears 4 were one of the greatest let downs.
Oh, and I'm playing some DIRT 5 on the One X...great game that I don't think that deserves the hate it gets sometimes. The visuals are inconsistent though, sometimes bland, sometimes downright AMAZING. Next will probably Demons Souls Remake.
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