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What game are you currently playing?


Final Fantasy XIV on PS5. Starting from scratch, i played the game on PC back in 2014 until the first expansion, but after so many years it's like a new game for me. Great story (currently finishing Heavensward), great content. The problem is it take nearly all my gaming time so for now i'm stuck on it... but it's addictive for sure.

Such a great game. It's only been sitting in my backlog for over a decade, lol. I don't know why I waited so long to play it. Superstar Saga is one of my all-time favorites and I also enjoyed Partners in Time, although I thought it was a (small) step down.

The writing in these games is so hilarious to me, and the gameplay is consistently fun and engaging with everything having such a whimsical and joyful tone. This is one of those games I'm already sad knowing it will end.
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I've been slaving the Last Epoch beta pretty hard until I turned on my ps4 for the first time in a few weeks the other day and saw that everyone of the desktop icons i had installed on it, I was about half way through (give or take).

So, in the coming week or two I plan to finish: Alien Isolation, Wasteland 3, Darksiders Genesis, Last Guardian, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Torchlight 3 and Bloodstained. Maybe Subnautica too but I'm near the end of that and its all gotten pretty spoopy and scary so I'm not sure how I'll go with that.

Chances are though I'll likely get distracted by something and none of it will get done, but I'll give it my best shot


Death Stranding.
On the one hand the whole delivering stuff has been more fun than I expected. On the other hand I'm now 20 hours into the game and if it's really another 20-30 hours of more of the same I'm not sure I'll be playing it until the end.

Story is pretty intriguing but I'm starting to fear they won't explain much and it will just be weird for the sake of weird.
Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners

was talking to a npc last night, she was asking me to kill her husband and bring his wedding band back because he turned. I grabbed her tits mid sentence and she actually said WOOO WOWO what are you doing.

the future
The Pathless - Really enjoying this one more than I thought I would. Going to wrap it up with the Platinum trophy this weekend

Persona 5 Strikers - Pretty good so far, but sometimes it's hard to tell what is happening in battles. More long stretches of dialogue than I remember from P5
I'm about to start Wonder Boy Asha in Monster world on Switch.
I'm really hoping that it's a decent game because from what I've seen not many people were impressed.
At least the original MD game is on the cartridge so I can play that even if it turns out bad I guess!

Dr. Suchong

Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
Great so far.
Skill system clearly a nod to Hollow Knight.
Kind of "Throw all this extra shit in and hope something sticks" not the gentle evolution I was expecting.
Not knocking it, kudos for improved combat etc.


The nicest person on this forum
Smt 3 nocturne remastered. I'm about 10 hours in. Liking the game so far.
Some advice, at least have one Demon with Lightoma skill, there is gonna be dungeons later on that becomes hard to progress without that skill.


Gold Member
Death Stranding. honestly don't think I'll finish it. i was enjoying it on PS4 but stopped and bought it on PC cause i was gonna sell my PS4. i need to play about 10-11 hours to get to the point where i was on PS4. i don't know where i got to but i remember retreiving some dudes tools and then taking someone a pizza.

maybe if i get to 15-20 hours in i'll get hooked again but it's so tedious having to go through the early game again. i'm about 3 hours in so far. just arrived the distribution centre where you get the first bike.

i am planning to play Death Stranding > Control > Cyberpunk before Diablo 2 resurrected comes out. I'm setting 1 month for each game. so if i don't finish Death Stranding by 23rd July then i'm giving up on it for good. I feel like I've been trying to get into it forever and I'm getting real sick of having games on my backlog. Need to get it out the way.
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Just got the platinum in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.

It was fantastic on all fronts!

Now I’m off to play Star Wars Squadrons for the first time I got from PS+.


Getting towards the end of Yakuza 7. The difficult ramps up with the later bosses, but the battle area (hosted by the robot) is great for leveling and making money.
Bayonetta 2 (Switch). I enjoyed the first and this is more of the same so far, so its been good. Assuming its short I'll probably start Trials of Mana (Switch) next.
Bayonetta 2 is arguably the best action game ever made, Nintendo needs to stop messing around and release Bayonetta 3!
Finally catching up to my new games, right now I'm playing

Scarlet Nexus
Evil Within 2
Control Ultimate Edition

Persona 5 Strikers
Xenoblade Chronicles: DE
Xenoblade Chronicles 2


Biggest Trails Stan
Been playing Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age (Switch)

I'm 63 hours in

I been grinding my characters to level 99 and been doing all the sidequests/hunts.

I'm gonna be getting all the Espers

My party consists of Vaan (74), Basch(74) and Ashe (79)

I got my license boards maxed out

I completed about 20 hunts

I'm at the end of the game before the final dungeon


VF5US, even tho i shouldn't play it this much because of the not so good netcode (that give me hedaches sometimes)

But gotta say i forgot how much VF is so awesome, Harada better bring back Tekken to its roots with T8 or VF will def become the superior 3D fighter.
Getting towards the end of Yakuza 7. The difficult ramps up with the later bosses, but the battle area (hosted by the robot) is great for leveling and making money.
That's exactly what I'm playing and exactly where I'm at. I died to a boss, then went back to the arena. Currently on level 26.


God of War on my PS5 that was delivered today. Played from 7pm to 1am. Game is an absolute stunner and at 60fps.

My base PS4 nearly exploded playing this game, quite frankly I don’t understand how the base PS4 can run this game at all.

PS5 was whisper quiet and cool throughout.


The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure (Geofront translation)

I'm closing in on the end of the Chapter 2 (presumably). Shit be escalating. Allot more effectively than in Trails from Zero too. The villains in this game are easier to take seriously than some of the goofs in the last (the final boss is the best of mostly a bad bunch). Character crossovers from Trails in the Sky are fitting in better too. Not that the stuff in Zero is *bad*... (kinda not bad?) but the crossovers fit more into the overarching story and play on some of the series' stronger assets. I mean, Bestelle is Bestelle for a reason, but the Renne subplot has generally been one of the weaker ones and Trails in the Sky 3 handled nearly every element of it better than Zero does. Estelle sorta steals the spotlight from the poor SSS in a way that she didn't from Kevin.

I patched in JP voices and the Evo music too. The voiceover work in this series, as always, is stellar. I'm surprised at how much more I'm liking the Evo music. I don't know why I should be since this is Falcom, but allot more liberties are taking in adapting Zero's/Azure's OSTs than the Sky games'. Whether it's an electric guitar or a sax, there's usually some dude going ham in the latter parts of the tracks, and it's almost always good. Also, I'm apparently one of those weirdos who likes the Sky Evo music so take as you will I guess?


Playing hellblade. Had no idea I would enjoy it this much. Gonna have to play it again because the achievements are bugged which pisses me off


That's exactly what I'm playing and exactly where I'm at. I died to a boss, then went back to the arena. Currently on level 26.
Nice. I had to go over it a few times (level/floor 20-30 only), but came away with higher levels, better items, and a lot more money. Still had to take a few breaks because it was getting repetitive with each run. I found no other way to level efficiently enough to face the final string of bosses. And they aren't all near each other either: 3-4 level gaps between some.


Mouse Ball Fetishist
So, I just played Tekken 7, but sadly I don't think I enjoyed my time with it.

Tekken and Street Fighter were some of my favorite childhood games. The fighting genre was actually at some point the only thing I played. But it's been many years, I missed the launch of both SFV and TK7, and now I feel overwhelmed. Not because they're new to me, but because I haven't played fighting games seriously for about six or seven years now.

Learning a new fighting game used to be exciting for me, but now it feels exhausting and soul draining. I tried the assist mode that they included in TK7, but I feel that it sucks the fun out of the game.

I might give it another shot later, but for now I'm sticking to the old games. If somehow by some miracle they added Tekken Force as a DLC then I'll surely come back for it.

However, I have to say that Namco nailed the presentation and feel of TK7. The game seems as adrenaline-pumping as ever. The music and sound design are also fantastic. The intro cutscene was hype as fuck.
Star war Jedi? I don’t even know the name.

star war games but kinda “uncharted” for PlayStation 5.

game is good but popup everywhere, popup assets, popup animations, popup textures


Recently reloaded Resident Evil 5 and played Mercenaries mode, and did a chapter select for the Wekser Fight. I forgot how awesome the music was.


So after 25 minutes playing Star Wars Squadrons, it got deleted.

Thank god for PS+ because this would’ve felt like a waste of money to me.

I hate that the game is First person only. I want to see my X-Wing flying and shooting through space. Whoever thought of making this strictly First Person needs a swift punch to the nuts.

I’m off to play Journey for the first time.


Finished up Yakuza 7, which was pretty great. First time playing the series. At least for me, it dragged on too long towards the end, and they could have done a better job of the pacing. It would have been nice if they allowed a harder difficulty without having to complete it on normal first -- I generally don't replay games until years later, when they've been long since uninstalled (due to space).

Right after that I jumped into the Tomb Raider reboot from the Steam sale, and enjoyed it a lot. Reminded me of Uncharted -- which I also greatly enjoyed -- but with its own unique elements. It wasn't very long (2 days of play time), but it didn't have to be. It didn't wear out its welcome and had fun content with some interesting tomb puzzles. Like with movies, every game doesn't have to be an epic masterpiece -- it was a solid action adventure ride that kept me on my toes.

Since yesterday I've been replaying GTA 5 (on PC) for the first time since release (on Xbox 360... wow). It's crazy how quality the content is, and there aren't many dull moments between missions. You never have to "look" for anything, the characters are fun (and insane), and the gameplay is solid. I can see the widespread appeal.
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