I finished up Kingdom Come Deliverance this weekend. I loved that game. It's very elaborate, and maybe a little big for It's britches, but I can't think of another game that was so ambitious that pulled off so much. I put nearly 130 hours into it. The biggest problem is the combat. I specialized in the longsword and even after so much time I felt like an amateur. The way the enemy surrounds you...if you stumble upon a group of three decently armored guys, you're dead. Duals are very fun though. I'd love to see them take another stab at it.
The story is interesting and a bit rambling at times, like any good RPG. Most of the sidequests just fill out the world really well but aren't particularly important, with one of the DLC chains as an exception, making a big impact on the character's story. Some of the quests are too much busywork fetch quest stuff and once I realized it on a few of them, I just stole whatever item I needed instead of doing the quest. There's lots of freedom to do that. There's one quest involving a scamming charlatan that I hated in particular involving stealing various things and replacing them with others.
Overall, a really great game that I can see playing again in a few years.
Metro Exodus; I started this up this week and am almost done with the first zone. Unfortunately, I'm not really liking much about it. I really liked the first two games in the series so much that I played them at least twice, but the tight quarters gunplay does not translate well to open world. Every gun feels like crap. Very weak and extremely fragile.
Also, your character is apparently a mute. It wasn't a problem in the earlier games, because they were very linear story driven, but every time I take a turn around my base there’s two or three people ready to unleash a monolog they must have been practicing for hours. They all go on way too long, and are constantly trying to talk over each other, like in movies where the kids all pile around daddy the second he gets home from work to tell him piles of words. It's really over the top. Even moreso when you're off on a mission and people are almost nonstop asking if you can hear them over the radio and you can't take five seconds to just say "yes, now shut up." It's really grating on my nerves.
All those negatives aside, the main story still has me interested to see where this goes, so to hopefully grind some kind of enjoyment out of it, I've just turned it down to the easiest difficulty and will try to mainline it. We'll see if I stick with it. I don't know.