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Dear mother of Jebus, just finished Brightmoon Tor second level (a secret mission in Final Fantasy Tactics A2). I think it took me about two hours. My characters were a little over level 50, and the last floor had level 99 enemies. Was using Arise and Phoenix Downs like a mofo, but finally got through it.

Just finished Turok on the Xbox 360 and two playthroughs of Demon's Souls on the PS3. Still need one more trophy (Friend Ring) but that can wait for now.

Now started Prey (followed by the Mooncrash DLC) on PC.


Gamebillet had a Steam key for Humankind in sale for 28 €. Can't wait to start.

Also Goose Game and Anno 1800 Sandbox.


Trying to find time going through the backlog.
On rotation:
  • Returnal - so good to drop in/out with the save feature, thank god.
  • CrossCode - not making any progress because combat is fun and I find myself just grinding for no reason.
  • MH Rise(PC) - time sink, already maxed out the Switch version. Most time is spent here.
  • Forza Horizon 5 - not making progress here either, just fun to drive around and get mad I don't have enough credits to get more cars.
  • Halo Infinite - can't stand to play more than half an hour at a time.
  • Miles Morales - just started. Self-proclaimed high fps snob, yet I keep turning on fidelity mode cause it's pretty.

Mr Hyde


Much more enjoyable now that Dontnod put out a 60 fps patch (and upscaled 4K). It had some annoying performance issues before but it's a breeze. A true hidden gem.
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A miracle happened yesterday: I was able to buy a PS5, so I put in a few of my PS4 discs for 60fps versions of them and/or upgrades to PS5 versions. One of those is GoT, which I will be playing in a few hours (after work) for the DLC and possibly NG+.


Gold Member
I’m playing Kena: Bridge of Spirits cause the next game I’m getting is Dying Light 2. Kena gets a little repetitive at times, but I’m having a great time with it. Great graphics and fun combat. I’m also blazing through it. All the harder games pay off. I heard the difficulty peaks towards the end. Overall awesome. I’m glad I got it when I did. I paid for quite a few PS5 games and I’m waiting for Elden Ring out of all of them. Also playing Suikoden 1 on Vita. I remember Suikoden II very well, so I wanted to go back. My party is at a Level 12, so under 10 hours into it so far. Overall it has great music.
Unmetal - don't know why the gaming media weren't jumping up and down over this game, I found it by luck while going down a recent old-school pixel art rabbit hole. It's a homage/parody of the original Metal Gear (and the MGS series in general) and it's absolutely awesome. It is - and I can't stress this enough - one of the most hilarious games I've ever played, over-the-top bonkers in the best possible way. I'd say the less you know the better, just *buy it*.

Huntdown - another pixel art game, it's what you'd get if CONTRA, Rolling Thunder, NARC (all amongst my childhood faves) and The Warriors had a baby. Violent, funny, action-packed.

Astalon: Tears of the Earth - yet another old-school pixel art game, this one in the evergreen Metriodvania genre. Recently finished it, loved everything about it, new modes open up upon completion too, plenty of quality bang for your buck.

Dirt 5 - completely taken by surprise this one, if it weren't on PS+ I might have never played it. Some of the most fun I've ever had with a racer, runs at a near flawless 60 fps in Resolution Mode on PS5, looks gorgeous, tracks have plenty of eye-candy and the racing feels exciting and consistently fantastic, I've got 2 trophies left to plat.

Wasteland 3 - only just started a couple of days ago but really loving it, it's essentially Fallout 3 as an isometric SRPG (indeed, aesthetically similar to the first couple of Fallout games). Lots of freedom to develop your squad however you wish, choices that have consequences, a cold unforgiving world with plenty of dark humor to keep you entertained, I'll be spending a lot of time with this one. Do need to say it looks like a PS3 game but whatever, it is what it is.
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Dysmantle. A fun little project zomboid like game on console. Big open world, souls-esque like death system, nice little progression tree, plenty to do. Only jarring element is the use of text to speech for the poorly written in-game radio broadcasts dotted around the map. But we'll worth the asking price, you'll easily get 20-30hrs plus put of it.


Finished up all of Biomutant I'm likely to play. What a weirdly obtuse and likeable game that was... It plants it's flag firmly in the b tier, but they really swing for the fences with some of the design decisions.

Combat never really feels that great until all at once your weapons are overpowered and you start getting other effects stacked in. That may be my fault though, because leveling up is a pretty free spirited decision. You can boost one of your stats, health, strength, speed, intelligence, luck, and something else. Well, the characters moved pretty slow so I went for speed early on. That caused a slower ramping up of my abilities I think. Combat in general reminds me of an old game like Freedom Fighters, where they hadn't quite worked out how it should feel. There's a loose lock on system, where you are kind of locked onto whatever is in the direction you are facing, but it's very loose. You kinda just have to flow with the combat and attack whatever gets in the way. Don't worry too much about targeting particular baddies, because you will get frustrated by all the jumping around between targets. There are some simple combos, but they never seemed especially more effective than mashing X. You can use ranged attacks during combat too, but just accept that you won't always be shooting where the camera is pointing. There is no zoom to aim down sights here.

The story is presented through flashbacks and local rumors and legends. Most of the time NPCs end conversations with a question about what kind of person you are, if they make even that much sense. I get the sense that whoever came up with these conversation ideas really loved the druggie caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland. Also, by default the game is extremely slow when presenting these conversations. You'll talk to an npc, they will mumble incomprehensible sounds, then ten seconds later a flowery British narrator will give his interpretation of what they said. It's cute for an hour or two, but by then you'll be searching for a solution, which they fortunately patched in eventually. You can turn off the mumbling part and just get the narrator to tell you what they are saying immediately. How could they have ever thought that was an acceptable design decision before? Whoever came up with that idea does not play games, guaranteed.

Parts of the game are beautiful and ambitious, but only in parts. Most of the time the swirling textures and slowdowns during rain and blurry goop image quality is hard to appreciate. Then, you ride your weirdly wobbly horse slug over the hill into the grassland and see a slice of a beautiful game again.

Despite all the bad parts of Biomutant, I enjoyed playing it. It feels a lot like a modern early PS2 game, with a lot of experimental mechanics and the kind of gameplay you do not get from games this big anymore. I recommend renting it.
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Child of Light


Really cute game, with a great OST. Usually these kind of RPG games wouldn't be my jam, but I kinda have just fallen in love with this one. Another underrated gem I got with PS Plus a while ago and forgot about.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Finished Sekiro for the first time last week, got two endings. Beat Ninja Gaiden Sigma, God of War, God Hand and Vanquish all in the last four weeks.
Must have been 4 weeks of maximum fun, holy shit.

How did you like Sigma? Wanted to try this one but kinda didn't because people keep telling me to play Black instead.


Child of Light


Really cute game, with a great OST. Usually these kind of RPG games wouldn't be my jam, but I kinda have just fallen in love with this one. Another underrated gem I got with PS Plus a while ago and forgot about.
Wonder how the Switch Ultimate Edition runs? Looks (and especially sounds -- yeah, that soundtrack really is something) like a great game.


After absolutely loving Bleed 2, picked up the original Bleed since it was on sale for $3. These two games are both little treasures. I'd put them in the top 10 best twin-stick shooters. The first one is more traditional while Bleed 2 adds melee and countering but both are fun as hell.


Must have been 4 weeks of maximum fun, holy shit.

How did you like Sigma? Wanted to try this one but kinda didn't because people keep telling me to play Black instead.
If you are able to play Black, play that over Sigma. Otherwise, Sigma is still a solid choice.

I'm still playing Xuan Yuan Sword 7 (PS4). Probably halfway or more done, going to beat it and then go for the platinum. Debating what to play after that.


Finished Resident Evil 2 Remake. Did the Leon A - Claire B, and did the Claire A - Leon B back to back.
What a ride - took me back to 1998. I do vaguely remember that there were small effects on how A scenario on B and it's missing on the remakes... but I enjoyed it throughly.
(Although - I'm a bit RE'ed out too - as I've played RE7 a short while ago too).

Thought the camera angle could be little bit wider, and only found out that the option is until finished the back-to-back session. lol... Maybe I will do that for the RE3.
Claire's campaign felt so much easier than Leon's though - because she was a bit more faster on the foot perhaps?
I'm not sure if I'd play the 4th survivor or Ghost Survivors... maybe someday.

Taking a break from RE series and Yakuza Series, and finally opened up the Odin Sphere for the first time. Damn, this is good stuff. :)
I missed out a lot of games during mid PS3/X360 till late PS4 days - so this game was something that I missed out back then.
I thought I bought a U.S. PS4 version from the Amazon, but it seems like it's from some other region... ah well. I guess I should be more careful of what I buy on Amazon.
Still getting used to the user interface - and currently grinding on the 2nd level. (Battle part feels the most comfortable, but there seem to be a lot of small little things and menus all over in main UX)

I can see myself going on with this game for days, and actually get fat from playing the game (Vanillaware games do make me hungry..)
Wish this and Muramasa would be ported to Switch at good price. That would be very lovely.

Patrick S.

I'm playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution on the Xbox. I had it day one on the 360, but never played much because the loading times were so horrible. Every time you died, you spent like two minutes at a load screen. Might have been a badly burnt or low quality DVD-R :p Anyhow, I've had it on Steam for ages, but never really played more than an hour or two, and now I got it in the Xbox BC sale and am playing from the couch, and I've got to say, I'm absolutely hooked. Couple hours in and it's already one of my favorite games ever!

I'm also playing through Prey. Never got far because it was far too difficult. Lowered the difficulty to easy and it's much more enjoyable. Playing on the Xbox, too.

Oh and I'm also playing playing Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy on PC, and I'm absolutely loving everything about it.
Zelda OOT on an actual N64.

Also just got a PSVR kit so Skyrim and Astrobot: Rescue MIssion.

Mostly focused on OOT but Skyrim is pretty fun, janky and the graphics are pretty miserable but it's still a pretty cool experience and is only $20 right now so can't complain. I'm playing with the dual move controllers and I'm honestly just impressed that Bethesda more or less brute forced this game into VR. With they would have done it with Fallout 3. That would be awesome.

Astrobot though, holy shit. game is amazing. Definitely one of the coolest gaming experiences I've had in a long time. One of those things where you're just involuntarily saying, "Oh Wow..." over and over.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Zelda OOT on an actual N64.

Also just got a PSVR kit so Skyrim and Astrobot: Rescue MIssion.

Mostly focused on OOT but Skyrim is pretty fun, janky and the graphics are pretty miserable but it's still a pretty cool experience and is only $20 right now so can't complain. I'm playing with the dual move controllers and I'm honestly just impressed that Bethesda more or less brute forced this game into VR. With they would have done it with Fallout 3. That would be awesome.

Astrobot though, holy shit. game is amazing. Definitely one of the coolest gaming experiences I've had in a long time. One of those things where you're just involuntarily saying, "Oh Wow..." over and over.
Pistol Whip is on sale. If it's like quest 2 it's easily worth it.
I finished Spiderman Remastered today. With all DLCs. They made a lame villain even lamer. Talking about Hammerhead. I was going to 100% the DLC but I think I'm done with that game.


Child of Light


Really cute game, with a great OST. Usually these kind of RPG games wouldn't be my jam, but I kinda have just fallen in love with this one. Another underrated gem I got with PS Plus a while ago and forgot about.
Felt the same way. Wasn't expecting much, but it was surprisingly great for what it is.
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