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What game are you currently playing?


you going IN!!!!!!!! lol

I'd say, go from shortest to longest.

Detroit 15
Nier 35
God Of War 50
Horizon 80

Those are my times (granted, I went HAM on Horizon lol)

Detroit is that short? Damn.

I'm more inclined for Nier or GOW.
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Still playing Xenogeras
just destroyed 3rd gate to solaris
oh I have so many mixed feelings about this game. Some things I really like (artstyle, combat system, gears, story, music) but somethings I really hate (bad placed save points, multiple bosses in a row, no option to make text go faster, stupid dialogues, Ygdrasil music theme). I hope it ends soon. I know its a 1998 game but by the time at least a fast speed scrollable texts shouldve been an option.

Also still playing Secret of Mana, at the beginning I hated it but now Im starting to like it, the key with it is being able to bare leveling up. But still the AI its so frustrating it really p# me off always getting stuck in corners. I hope it ends soon too so I can move on.
Just passed the Darkness temple

Edit: Forgot to mention also me and my wife were completing Yoshi's Woolly World 100% no mellow mode. Oh my god that 2-S level was infuriating. Now only the last level remains.
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Finished Modern Combat 5 on Switch and meh, its just a poor mostly-freemium-free (not fully removed) port of the mobile game.

Performance is bad, there's no AA and it lacks some Special Operations missions from the mobile game. At least it recompiles shaders at the beginning and not along the game, so stuttering is less severe.

And it still has some bugs, cant understand why since the mobile game had like 423523412312345123 updates.

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Dragons Dogma on PC.

Had already played it back on Ps3 so this time around I'm cheating with mods (one that optimized stat growth, one that give you unlimited sprinting and one that increases you carry weight) and I'm having a lot of fun with it. No black bars and 60fps make it a whole lot nicer to play. And having already played the real core experience last gen I'm actually enjoying this playthrough that lets me skip a lot of the grind
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Fox Mulder

you going IN!!!!!!!! lol

I'd say, go from shortest to longest.

Detroit 15
Nier 35
God Of War 50
Horizon 80

Those are my times (granted, I went HAM on Horizon lol)

I did too, was nearly 90 hours with base story, dlc story, all side missions, and other platinum trophy tasks done.


Finally forcing myself to play BOTW. First time I tried borrowing my roommates switch I couldn't get past how bad the joycons feel.

He has since bought a controller shaped like the Switch Pro and its MUCH better for me. So far so good, but i'm not having a life changing experience like most people seem to have.

Mr Hyde

It´s ridiculous how difficult Warframe can be when playing solo. Doing Europa now and getting my ass handed to me. Multiple enemies all over the place, with barriers and shields and buffs and shotguns and flamethrowers. Not even Rhino makes it easier. The difficulty spikes in this game is fucking bullshit. The devs need to balance it out for solo otherwise it´s gonna get real boring real fast. Some of the missions are not even worth doing because they are a load of shit, even with optimised builds.


It´s ridiculous how difficult Warframe can be when playing solo. Doing Europa now and getting my ass handed to me. Multiple enemies all over the place, with barriers and shields and buffs and shotguns and flamethrowers. Not even Rhino makes it easier. The difficulty spikes in this game is fucking bullshit. The devs need to balance it out for solo otherwise it´s gonna get real boring real fast. Some of the missions are not even worth doing because they are a load of shit, even with optimised builds.

I can't remember Europa. An optimised Rhino is virtually unkillable until lategame if you stack armor mods and ability strength. You sure you're just not behind on your mods? If you're on PC I can donate you some kit, if you want.

Mr Hyde

An optimised Rhino is virtually unkillable until lategame if you stack armor mods and ability strength. You sure you're just not behind on your mods?

I guess I am. I didn´t even know you could stack mods. Almost 100 hours in this game and I´m still a noob. Is vitality important or should I just max out as much armor and ability mods as I can instead? Do you have any tips on how I can kill enemies faster? I have maxed out smite grineer and corpus but they don´t do much. Enemies still bullet sponges. Should I stack even more? Or should I have more serration? Appreciate any tips or tricks. This game is quite complicated.

If you're on PC I can donate you some kit, if you want.

i´m on Switch unfortunately, but thanks anyway.


started up yakuza kiwami 1. I beat 0 last year and really enjoyed it. only thing I'm not a fan of is trying to remember everyone's names in this game. feels like everyone has 4 different names and they all sound the same. wish the was a character guide I could check out but I know if I google anything it will start listing characters that died or double crossed you and piss me right off


I guess I am. I didn´t even know you could stack mods. Almost 100 hours in this game and I´m still a noob. Is vitality important or should I just max out as much armor and ability mods as I can instead? Do you have any tips on how I can kill enemies faster? I have maxed out smite grineer and corpus but they don´t do much. Enemies still bullet sponges. Should I stack even more? Or should I have more serration? Appreciate any tips or tricks. This game is quite complicated.

i´m on Switch unfortunately, but thanks anyway.

So I could write a small essay on Warframe building, but the gist of it is: Steel Fibre, Armored Agility (those 2 are your armor staples). Intensify, Flow, Continuity (Ability Strength, Energy, Ability Duration) for your Iron Skin (which should always be up). Streamline (Ability Efficiency). Blind Rage (Energy regen). That gets you a decent start. From there, you want to look at Corrupted Mods in the long run. Corrupted mods are mid game mods that come from one place and are the best shit you'll ever see. Every single endgame build uses them. If you're soloing, you want your Iron Skin up with as much Ability Strength as you can get, and stacked armor behind all that.

Killing with a Rhino is pretty much all about your weapons, since the frame doesn't pack a lot of offensive potential in terms of abilities (there's a Stomp build, but it uses corrupted mods). What guns do you have? Remember every gun type has a mod for damage, crit chance, crit damage, firing speed and multishot (respectively). Those should always be your base, and then pad out the weapon with elements. I believe at MR10 you can build a Arca Plasmor. It's an endgame worthy energy shotgun that clears rooms. Also take a look at the Hek, and the Rubico meanwhile. Remember: a crap gun with good mods can do more than a good gun with crap mods.


Fired up

Which I wanted to go back to as I'd recently finished What Remains Edith Finch and certain aspects of the controls in that, especially in the Cannery section made me think about Brothers again and I thought it was worth a revisit, and even more so when I realised I'd missed some achievements. The game itself stands up pretty well as a game but unfortunately, I've been having some real issues with it in terms of getting it to play nice with Windows 10. For some reason, it really struggles with saving checkpoints (even though it says it's saving), which is a real bummer, as I died in chapter 4 and found out to my horror that the game hadn't saved since chapter 1. o_O

Need to try and figure out a solution to this, as I really want to see the game through (Starbreeze made an excellent little title here) . :unsure:


Currently playing Horizon and Apex on PS4.

Horizon I am 18 hours in to. Currently at level 21 and completing level 12 story missions. lol
I guess I was roaming around killing a lot of random Watchers. The game and story is great so far. I tend to abuse the slow motion jumping ability, does/did anyone else do this?

Mr Hyde

but the gist of it is:

So I´ve checked my build now and going with what you said I´m clearly behind with my mods. I rearranged some with more focus on Flow, Intensify and Continuity, and it works much better now. It´s still challenging but I don´t get killed so easily now. Looking back, I wasn´t very optimised at all. I´m gonna look more into corrupted mods, I think I have a couple but I´m not sure yet.

I´m currently sporting a Tetra. I liked it because it had decent fire rate and damage, with a good size clip I didn´t have to waste a mod slot to increase. But looking into things I don´t think I have optimised that very well either. Some enemies are really hard to kill, especially those with armor and barriers. Reading about it seems the community thinks it a pos-weapon, lol. I´m gonna check out the ones you recommended. I´m currently about to do MR7 so I have a bit towards 10, but I´m always making progress so eventually I´ll be there.


So I´ve checked my build now and going with what you said I´m clearly behind with my mods. I rearranged some with more focus on Flow, Intensify and Continuity, and it works much better now. It´s still challenging but I don´t get killed so easily now. Looking back, I wasn´t very optimised at all. I´m gonna look more into corrupted mods, I think I have a couple but I´m not sure yet.

I´m currently sporting a Tetra. I liked it because it had decent fire rate and damage, with a good size clip I didn´t have to waste a mod slot to increase. But looking into things I don´t think I have optimised that very well either. Some enemies are really hard to kill, especially those with armor and barriers. Reading about it seems the community thinks it a pos-weapon, lol. I´m gonna check out the ones you recommended. I´m currently about to do MR7 so I have a bit towards 10, but I´m always making progress so eventually I´ll be there.

The game is super dependent on your mods and equip. Always pushing the limits on those fronts will turn what you are currently experiencing into an absolute breeze. You constantly see Rhinos running level 60+ content and endgame bosses, so stick with it. Once you get comfortable on the star chart you'll start looking at relics, and then the game just explodes open with new frames and guns aplenty. It's the kind of activity where you just lose a weekend if you aren't careful :p


I started playing Final Fantasy 15 and it is.....a good meh?
I read from reviews the combat is really good, but so far it is very basic and repeatable. In 4 hours of gameplay I met only like 6 types of enemies.
Thankfully I like my boys and the simple story is acceptable.

I also playing FAITH: Chapter II. A 2D Horror Adventure in the style of old Atari games.
Really enjoyable so far.

Finally, sometimes I playing Overwatch and I near Finishing all the Endings of Monster Prom DLC.
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Breath of Fire III (Vita)- Around 30 hours in. I'm loving this game and I can't put it down. I love the story, and characters. The battle system is fun. I'm a big fan of the Dragon Gene gameplay.

Earthlock (Switch)- This game is really surprising me. I really like the stat progression and I really enjoy that I have to employ strategy when battling enemies.

Yokai Watch 2 (3DS)- I loved the first Yokai Watch game, and I just started this game. I'm really loving it so far.

Spider-Man (Playstation 4)- Great story, with a good combat system. The characters are well written, and I'm having a ton of fun just swing around.

Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)- Been currently doing some Colony 6 sidequests, just so I can level up the characters faster.

Danparonpa 2- Just got past the first chapter. I really like the new gameplay additions they added in this sequel. The characters are all memorable and the story is as great as the first one.

Mr Hyde

Been spending the majority of the evening with Warframe. Had a real nice progression until I hit a brick wall and realized that my setup was complete shite for any further advancements. So now I´ve been readjusting my strategies here and, strengthening my mods and gather up new weapons. I´m currently crafting two new melee weapons to expand my arsenal, Gram and Galatine, which I´ve read is coming with serious damage power. I´m more prone to fast weapons with high DPS like Dual Zoren or Ether, but I need something heavy against all of the hard hitting enemies of late. I´m also crafting a new rifle, Soma, which I´ve heard good things about so hopefully all of these can whip out a can of whoop ass.

I´m also trying to advance to MR7, but I´ve failed twice now because I fucking suck at this game. The time limit is too narrow, I can barely make it past the first wave and when the second come my abilities are drained and I´m fucked. Hopefully my new setup will kick ass so I can progress further. Just gotta grind more cash and endo. Seriously, the grind is real with Warframe. Never experienced a game so grindy, but the gameplay loop is so goddamn good I forgive. It just keeps sucking you in, with more loot and frames and weapons and story and loot and cash and loot and mods and more loot. It´s just insane how much content there is in this game. And I haven´t unlocked a fraction of it, despite nearly 100 hours played.

Mr Hyde

Warframe can be such a slog sometimes. Sometimes it feels like the game is just designed to waste your time. I did one of Maroos Ayatan hunts and it was pretty hard just getting to the end with multiple mobs coming at me. Then at the very end, she says I have to be quick to get to the door at the end before it closes. Since it was my first time, I wasn´t prepared for it and naturally I didn´t make it. I hate those kinda revelations. Fighting for your life for 20 minutes wasn´t good enough, no, you need a bullshit timer to stress about before you can reach the goodies at the end. And this is the case of Warframe far too many times.

You have to defend something (you always have to defend something in this game) and the game just throws at you hundreds upon hundreds of enemies, blasting away at the target making it impossible. Did a bounty in the Vallis and it was just mayhem, I did not have a slightest chance of completing it. It doesn´t matter what setup you have, because you will always be outnumbered and outgunned. And when I fail, I have to go back to HQ, pick the same bounty again, do it all over, fail a million fucking times, go back, pick the bounty and then maybe, just maybe, I succeed. It´s like the director of the game goes out of his fucking way to make some parts of the game as annoying as possible. It´s like he is sitting there with the "How to waste someones time" handbook and marks off every checkpoint of the book.

Strange shit happens for no reason. I did a simple XP-infestation mission because I wanted to level my rifle and suddenly, Andre the Giant shows up, 70 inches tall in black iron clad armor and a huge hammer, swinging at me until I´m dead. I mean, who the hell is that? Why is he even there? After he murdered me in cold blood he laughs and disappears. Thanks asshole, much appreciate it.

Nothing is explained in this game. The simplest of things require you to go to the internet and read up a wiki, which then redirects you to another wiki, which then tells you that the wiki you read before this wiki was actually the right wiki, but since the wikis follow the same goddamn game design as Warframe they thought it was funny to waste your fucking time by deliberately redirect you to another wiki instead of letting you know that the first wiki you read was the wiki that was intended to be read. What the fuck!


Still doing my daily routine of, login in, and accepting the daily rewards in games such as: The Secret World, Elder Scrolls Online, TERA, Black Desert Online.

Playing through Bioshock Remastered (PS4) currently, will do Bioshock 2 Remastered (PS4) once that's done.
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Still doing my daily routine of, login in, and accepting the daily rewards in games such as: The Secret World, Elder Scrolls Online, TERA, Black Desert Online.

Playing through Bioshock Remastered (PS4) currently, will do Bioshock 2 Remastered (PS4) once that's done.
I do not recommend you to play Bioshock 2 right away, instead, play another different genre game, "sometimes is best just to left that door closed", just a thought
PD.- Currently playing RE2 remake version, Radiant Historia and Arkham Knight
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Gold Member
Right now on my PC i have these games installed:

Forza Motorsport 7 + Horizon 4
Nier: Automata
Rocket League
The Division 2
Fifa 19

On Switch all I'm really playing is Zelda.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - I just finished Torna so I'm going through NG+
Phantom Dust - Still not liking it, so clunky.
Forza 7 - for new events
Horizon 4 - when the new seasons open
ReCore - Holy shit, this game plays like Crackdown! Double jumps and air dashes, grappling, lock-on shooting with lots of enemies on-screen. It can look really pretty at max settings on PC. I got this game a while back (think it was GWG) and forgot I had it, and didn't realise it was play anywhere.

Mr Hyde

Readjusted my Rhino build even further, crafting a new gun that shoots rockets with blast damage, upgrading Galatine, Soma and Dual Zoren with new mods as well as strenghtening all my existing mods as much as I can. I will further boost the mods even more, and equip my Wyrm and Laser Rifle with the most efficient mods I can find and boost them to max also. I will put Catalysts into everything making a double whammy burger out of every single weapon I can carry cramming in as many mods as I can. Seriously, if I´m not an unstoppable T-1000 deluxe Terminator TX super powered up Dwayne The Rock Johnson-edition after all of this I´m quitting this game.

Diddy X

Haven't played anything in 2 weeks, I can't get my PC hooked right now 🙁focusing now on learning programming and from time to time discusing here in the forums 😌


Bendy and the Ink Machine on PS4.

OK, I started played yesterday evening and I'm about 3hr in. I'll give 'em praise for their visuals, very lovecraftian horror style but I am gettin' pretty annoyed at the samey levels and very repetitive mission design.


I'm going full woke and playing Tacoma

which was gifted to me by a friend a while back. Looks interesting but I've had the game crash on me twice already (fuck the Unity Engine) which doesn't bode well.


Now just finished Secret of Mana on the SNES Classic, overall I didn't like it, the game just never clicked for me. Some things I liked were the graphics of some parts, which reflect their development process I guess when they were planning it for the PSX like Matango and the Secret Forest that look more like a 32bit game. Some of the songs and the design of the monsters are ok too. The character dialogues are just plain stupid and nonsensical, very basic. Come on "Mana Beast gets whacked!" and then
the Boy hesitates at the end for saving the world just before going against the final boss, ouldnt he realize that during the whole 20+ hour journey???
. Then the gameplay, in concept its fun but its not enjoyable without having to farm money and level up against the same 3 enemies again and again, Some enemies and bosses also "clamp" you without being able to move anymore until you die.

But anyway I played it because I had the little tingle, ever since I played it many years ago but couldnt beat it properly. Now at least I know Im not a fan of the series.

Update: Im still on Xenogears after that part where its supposed to be the "twist" of the story.


Still doing my daily routine of, login in, and accepting the daily rewards in games such as: The Secret World, Elder Scrolls Online, TERA, Black Desert Online.

Playing through Bioshock Remastered (PS4) currently, will do Bioshock 2 Remastered (PS4) once that's done.

How's TSW doing these days? I played a shitload way back in the day. Quit just after the Tokyo shield stuff came out.


How's TSW doing these days? I played a shitload way back in the day. Quit just after the Tokyo shield stuff came out.

Not really sure. Like I said, I just login take teh daily rewards and log out currently. However the game "The Secret World" was rebranded to "Secret World Legends" and went f2p, everything is the same worldwise and lorewise etc, but the way the combat/upgrade/build mechanics work have changed some (I prefer the old way).

Not sure how much have been added after Tokyo, i seem to remember Africa addition, but other then that...
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Not really sure. Like I said, I just login take teh daily rewards and log out currently. However the game "The Secret World" was rebranded to "Secret World Legends" and went f2p, everything is the same worldwise and lorewise etc, but the way the combat/upgrade/build mechanics work have changed some (I prefer the old way).

Not sure how much have been added after Tokyo, i seem to remember Africa addition, but other then that...

Ah. TSW was the best solo MMO I've ever played. If it's F2P I might go check it out again.


Neo Member
Can not put down Stellaris Console Edtion. Wonderful game.

Besides Stellaris i still playing Premier Manager 2 & UFO Enemy Unknown on my Amiga 1200.


Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - mopping up all the missed diamonds. this game is just a joy to play.

Tetris 99 - Finally played this. As addictive as real Tetris, but way harder. Love it!


Started playing Nier: Automata.

Couple of hours in and I can already say: this is a fine gem right here.

How did I missed this at launch? Not a clue.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I went back to Destiny 2, then I found out there was a season pass and spent even more than I wanted to. I also bought a FO76 code from eBay for the XB and started that. Double the pain.


After taking a long break from games I got in a mood to play some dark souls 2 on my pc. I installed it started playing and my gpu died 😑

Mr Branding

Finished Asura's Wrath, Puppeteer and the first Devil may cry in these last 2 weeks, all on PS Now with zero lag.
I think I'm going to jump on NG3RE for a second time before DMCV drops friday.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Currently playing Horizon and Apex on PS4.

Horizon I am 18 hours in to. Currently at level 21 and completing level 12 story missions. lol
I guess I was roaming around killing a lot of random Watchers. The game and story is great so far. I tend to abuse the slow motion jumping ability, does/did anyone else do this?
Never once even used that ability. I'm probably going to do a New Game + playthrough some time soon, I don't know if I'm going to take up a new play style or just do it all again.
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