Metroid Prime... for the millionth time 
Installed Slay the Spire from Game Pass for PC, thinking 'I see this one got good reviews, not my kind of game, let's check it out'.
Two weeks of obsessive play later I beat it with all 3 characters. Unlocked Ascensions but I've never been a New Game + kind of person so want to drop it, also it was addictive as fuck and I want to play something else. But highly recommend it.
Trying not to spoil anything but have you gotten the three keys?nstalled Slay the Spire from Game Pass for PC, thinking 'I see this one got good reviews, not my kind of game, let's check it out'.
Two weeks of obsessive play later I beat it with all 3 characters. Unlocked Ascensions but I've never been a New Game + kind of person so want to drop it, also it was addictive as fuck and I want to play something else. But highly recommend it.
Still my favorite GTA by far. Such a good cast of characters. I've recently finished gta 4 for the first time and I think I'm close to finishing GTA V but none of them hold a candle to SA. It might be nostalgia, but I don't feel like it is. I also like how diverse the locations are compared to other games.GTA: San Andreas
For the first time. Game feels more like an RPG than a classic Action Adventure. Guess it's quite amazing when you like to spend a lot of time in the game world and get engrossed by it but if you're like me and just want to progress with the story it can be a bit frustrating because of what you have to do to even unlock some of the missions.
Still, it's a great game. Such a huge jump from Vice City when it come to sheer mission varity. I'm around 70 missions in and barely one Mission felt like the other. Didn't really expect that to be honest.
I'm replaying Bloodborne, I started my 3rd character.
Order of Ecclesia, replaying it after so many years. The satisfaction after destroying that crab reminds of how much fun this game truly is. DOOM 3, made it all the way to Alpha labs 3. I'm replaying Bloodborne, I started my 3rd character. Also playing Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. I got carried away giving everyone a bow/crossbow. Made it to chapter II.
Is it your first time with TO? Such an amazing game, tied with FFT as my top game of all time.
And yeah, Order of Ecclesia...it's like a bold, delicious wine.
I've picked it up and played it over the years. I never finished it. I've played more Final Fantasy Tactics than Tactics Ogre. I played March of the Black Queen years ago and got LUCT years ago on Vita. The last tactics RPG I finished was probably Jeanne d'Arc. I'm finding archers making it much easier. I'm confused on a couple things. I learned Fire and Water magic, but my wizard doesn't learn the actual spells. I might be missing something. Learning abilities are level based right?
That changes the way I was building my party. I was thinking I'd have some type of well rounded wizard. Thanks a lot.So, TO can be a little complex when it comes to classes and how they operate. Using the wizard as an example, you need the right weapon (cudgel), the spell, skill (in this case, elemental) unlocked to cast a particular type of spell, and of course, if you're focusing on that type of attacking capacity, you'll likely want to invest in certain abilities, such as Spellcraft/Spellstrike, that enhance those things. So, you could (and likely would) have maybe two or three wizards focusing on different kinds of magic. I know I typically do. And yeah, skill and abilities will unlock at certain levels.
Trying not to spoil anything but have you gotten the three keys?
Indeed the game is very addictive. It's one of those "Just one more run" type of game. The fact that the skill ceilling is so high kind of adds to it, in my opinion.No.... I remember seeing a relic key, can’t remember if I picked it up.
Game is dangerously addictive, kind of wary of picking it up again.
You don't focus too much on dialogs and side activities you'll be fine.Mass Effect Andromeda. Pray for me.
Where is my Android Version?Been on holiday for a few weeks and just playing darkest dungeon on my ipad. Perfect platform for me to play this game on really, much more suited for the short play sessions I tend to favour with some games.
An hour in and I'm already bored out of my mind. Combat is pretty good. But everything else is so shit.You don't focus too much on dialogs and side activities you'll be fine.
Fired up Bloodborne and continued on with my Gunslinger build. Bloodtinge builds are the only ones worth building nowadays since I have grown tired of the arsenal due to playing the game too much, but I´ll never be bored with the BT stat. This build is also the most fun since I love parrying and viscerals, it is just so damn satisfying to land that perfect shot, hear that sound of the enemy being paralyzed and then obliterate them in a bloody disgusting fashion.
Reiterpallasch and Evelyn as my main weapons, and Reiterpallasch is doing some serious damage already, and I only have it at +7 with some mediocre gems attached. At +10 with some gems from Depth 5 chalices and this thing is gonna melt bosses. The gun is already dishing out around 200 so fully upgraded I expect 7-800, maybe a 1000 if buffed with paper. As my secondary weapon I use the gun rifle. It is good for long distance and closing the gap on the enemy, and I love the combo R1 into a R2 blast for that finishing move. But the damage from the shotgun is not all that great. Maybe it becomes better with time. I read it was nerfed from the flat arcane gem bullshit that gave it a ridiculous punch. I also have a Simon´s Bowblade if things get narly and I need to kill at greater distance, but this is a pure gun build so I want to use it as little as possible.
My Rune setup is following.
Blood Rapture - Viscerals restore HP. Currently 200 HP.
Clawmark - Increased damage from Viscerals 20%
Oedon´s Writhe - Viscerals grant QS bullets + 2
I´m gonna switch these up to their tier 3 obviously but even now, my Viscerals are doing ridiculous damage and I always replenish health and bullets. I am practically unkillable. The Chalices are a joke with this build (except the cursed ones, because they fuck you up no matter what set up or what build you are running) and as such, so much fun.
Love the feeling of going in guns blazing in this game. Wish there were a Western styled Souls-game.
I had the Bowblade back when Old Hunters first launched and my damage for it sucked. Are you doing anything in particular to make your bowblade useful in the DLC?