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What happened to those days?

What happend the days when gamers were just excited about the games and not their next NPD number fix. These number threads always have more pages then most specifc game threads. How come it can't be the year of great gaming for gamers instead of the year of the GC, Xbox, or PS2( well each year is the year of the PS2).

What happened to the days when innovations or attempts at creating something innovative were admired. How about devs creating their own IP's that are not clones of other popular games. Why so many gamers today try so hard to ignore games on other consoles. Back in the day, when I was growing up gamers just played everything. There was no excuses, there wasn't any prejudgement. I just wanted to play, I didn't care who made the console I was playing on, having fun was my main objective.

I still fill this way today, I just don't care. Give me the fucking controller, it looks fun to me. There's going to be a Madden04 tournament in my local GameCrazy, the console of choice is the PS2(obviously). In the words of Smokie, " I don't give a fuck". Let the fun begin.

aoi tsuki

People grew up meaning less time for gaming as well needs in gaming (ie what makes a good game) were more defined, and then there's that crazy thing called the internet, which didn't really change things until the rise of the world wide web.
aoi tsuki said:
People grew up meaning less time for gaming as well needs in gaming (ie what makes a good game) were more defined, and then there's that crazy thing called the internet, which didn't really change things until the rise of the world wide web.

That may explain why theres gamers who have back logs of games they have yet to finish or even play for that matter, because they spend to much time arguing over NPD numbers.


I don't remember the days when people didn't argue about their favorite company, when crappy movie liscensed games didn't come out and when every developer didn't have clones of successful titles.
OG_Original Gamer said:
. Back in the day, when I was growing up gamers just played everything. There was no excuses, there wasn't any prejudgement.

Where I grew up we got into arguments about NES VS Master System every day. I'm surprised it never came to blows. lol
Anyanka said:
I don't remember the days when people didn't argue about their favorite company, when crappy movie liscensed games didn't come out and when every developer didn't have clones of successful titles.

Same here, it's just worse now because there are more people playing games. Back in the SNES/Genesis days there were Mario vs. Sonic debates and Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat debates. It's basically always been like this.
loxy said:
What exactly are the "good old days" of gaming?

Image wasn't an issue, each game was different in gameplay, presentation, and overall fun. The SNES had purple or Indigo and no one cared. You didn't have people saying they hate a certain company, people just played.

How about waiting to get your turn while your brother, cousin, friend played Mario brothers, Sonic. Or when you went to your friend house that has a different console, because you just wanted to play.

Gamers today judge games before they even play them, so they ignore certain games because there not on their console of choice.
Anyanka said:
I don't remember the days when people didn't argue about their favorite company, when crappy movie liscensed games didn't come out and when every developer didn't have clones of successful titles.

I guess every experience is different, but we never got into arguments over who has the better character or console. I just saw Mario and Sonic as two different games.
Image wasn't an issue, each game was different in gameplay, presentation, and overall fun. The SNES had purple or Indigo and no one cared. You didn't have people saying they hate a certain company, people just played.

What the fuck are you smoking? Were you even around in the 16 bit days? I don't mean to sound insulting, but your little fantasyland of peace and video game brotherhood never existed.


Unconfirmed Member
OG_Original Gamer said:
You didn't have people saying they hate a certain company, people just played..
Man, the 16 bit wars were far more volatile than the more recent console wars. Everything was a battleground. The participants were just less educated about the objects of their passion, that's all.
Whether this was in the old days or not is beside the main point. I still don't understand the orgasms over NPD numbers and fanboyisms. It's fun to take sides and all, even I do it myself from time to time, but some people do seem to get serious with these arguments. It's rather funny.

Not that it'll ever end though. It's what keeps this place running and I'm afraid to say the lack of it would make this place extremely boring... that is until you step into the OT. :S


Nintendo Ate My Children said:
What the fuck are you smoking? Were you even around in the 16 bit days? I don't mean to sound insulting, but your little fantasyland of peace and video game brotherhood never existed.
Sorry, but yeah, this is the truth.

And I do believe you're mistaking this particular forum for gamers in general. "Normal" gamers don't have 50-game backlogs and 10,000 reply NPD threads.


This must be a joke character. No one could make the statements he makes with a straight face they are so f*$kin out there, he must have overdosed on fantasy Island reruns..


DarthWufei said:
Whether this was in the old days or not is beside the main point. I still don't understand the orgasms over NPD numbers and fanboyisms. It's fun to take sides and all, even I do it myself from time to time, but some people do seem to get serious with these arguments. It's rather funny.
Think of it as cheering for your favorite football team.. Same concept, different arena..


wipeout364 said:
This must be a joke character. No one could make the statements he makes with a straight face they are so f*$kin out there, he must have overdosed on fantasy Island reruns..
No, it's actually a quite common attitude, at least in Sweden. No subculture but gaming have so many prematurely geriatric people, whining about "the good old days".

If I'm allowed to play shrink, I think it's all about missing the easy, glory days of childhood. Everything was so perfect then! No licensed games, no crap games, no rivalry, just tree-hugging and peace signs and catchy songs playing in your head at all times. None of this is true, of course. People just didn't consider Goonies II to be a license game, and didn't play the crap games because no one bought everything back then.


We need to go back to the days when you had to blow in your games to get them to work. DREs just aren't as fun.
OG_Original Gamer said:
What happend the days when gamers were just excited about the games and not their next NPD number fix. These number threads always have more pages then most specifc game threads. How come it can't be the year of great gaming for gamers instead of the year of the GC, Xbox, or PS2( well each year is the year of the PS2).

What happened to the days when innovations or attempts at creating something innovative were admired. How about devs creating their own IP's that are not clones of other popular games. Why so many gamers today try so hard to ignore games on other consoles. Back in the day, when I was growing up gamers just played everything. There was no excuses, there wasn't any prejudgement. I just wanted to play, I didn't care who made the console I was playing on, having fun was my main objective.

I still fill this way today, I just don't care. Give me the fucking controller, it looks fun to me. There's going to be a Madden04 tournament in my local GameCrazy, the console of choice is the PS2(obviously). In the words of Smokie, " I don't give a fuck". Let the fun begin.

So do what I do, and I'm sure the vast majority of members here do, don't enter them. It's a predictable soap-opera that's best avoided.


The more time I spend on this forum, the more jaded I become.


Banstick Emeritus
Ridiculous, I say! Those "days" never existed. The Commodore 64 fanboys had wars with the Apple II fanboys. Amiga vs Atari ST. Speccy vs whoever. For every successful title, you'd see a zillion clones (and I have the stacks of 80's-era Ahoy!, Compute and Zzap magazines as proof).

The only thing that's changed? The stakes are higher, the hype is louder, and gaming has slunk out of the basement and emerged, eyes blinking, into the harsh sunlight of mainstream society. What you're pining for is the sense of wonder you enjoyed as a younger pup, when your gaming cherry was popped for the first time. Nostalgia, in small doses, can be fun...but don't let it cloud your vision as to what the scene was really like.
thorns said:
Think of it as cheering for your favorite football team.. Same concept, different arena..

Haha, I can't wait for the first death related to a video game argument over a forum happens. I think belgurdo will be involved with his crazy and witty one to five word replies.


MetatronM said:
Man, the 16 bit wars were far more volatile than the more recent console wars. Everything was a battleground. The participants were just less educated about the objects of their passion, that's all.

I think the thing I liked about the gaming scene back then was that when you did have arguments about 'which is better, console A or console B', people would base their arguments on which system had the better games, not all this joyless, number-crunching 'who moved the most units of product x' bullshit. The 'less educated' gamers back then had a passion for videogames, while the 'new guard' seems to have a passion for sales figures. Sorry, but I don't think that's an improvement.


^ that's about what I was going to say; people whined and argued and bitched about systems in 1994 as they do now, it's just that they didn't have NPD and Gamerankings to hide behind when their arguments were faulty
OG_Original Gamer said:
What happend the days when gamers were just excited about the games and not their next NPD number fix. These number threads always have more pages then most specifc game threads. How come it can't be the year of great gaming for gamers instead of the year of the GC, Xbox, or PS2( well each year is the year of the PS2).

What happened to the days when innovations or attempts at creating something innovative were admired. How about devs creating their own IP's that are not clones of other popular games. Why so many gamers today try so hard to ignore games on other consoles. Back in the day, when I was growing up gamers just played everything. There was no excuses, there wasn't any prejudgement. I just wanted to play, I didn't care who made the console I was playing on, having fun was my main objective.

I still fill this way today, I just don't care. Give me the fucking controller, it looks fun to me. There's going to be a Madden04 tournament in my local GameCrazy, the console of choice is the PS2(obviously). In the words of Smokie, " I don't give a fuck". Let the fun begin.

You're trying to be ironic right? I mean making this post and having the name OG_Original Gamer and all. Just curious ;)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
This forum is SO not an accurate reflection of what does and does not appeal to the mainstream gamer.

We is da hardcore!


Well for about the first 2 to 3 years of this current gen, people still fought like pmsing fanboys about which console was better, GC, XB, PS2, and which was going to do better, with the best lineup, and the best graphix, etc.

But now that this gen is in its 4th year, and things are slowly starting to wind down, I guess people just really don't care anymore. All the consoles have great lineups, so that isn't worth arguing over anymore. PS2 clearly won in total sales, with GC far behind in second, and Xbox snuggly fitting into third, so there's no need to focus on that. And clearly Xbox was the biggest graphic powerhouse this gen, so that's not worth debating either. So in about one more year, the legendary struggle between PS2, GC, and Xbox will draw to a close as we look towards the future - PORTABLEZ!

Seriously though, deep inside me there's a little caged fanboy who can't wait for the battles to start up again for PS3, Revolution, and Xenon. :D
In addition to the aforementioned console-war bickering, the whole ridiculous "violent video games make childen violent" argument has existed since the very first games. I have an article somewhere on my hard drive, scanned from an arcade gaming magazine from the early 80s, that argues with total conviction that Pac-Man encourages senseless violence. Something about how you ruthlessly chase down the scared, vulnerable ghosts and eat them. I should try to find it.
What happend the days when gamers were just excited about the games and not their next NPD number fix"

I never left those days. I refuse to turn into a sales-age bot. Games don't compete in a popularity contest in my mind.
Thanks for the insults, but unlike you I have a different experience. Gamers like me and friends didn't argue about console manufacturers. I guess we didn't take it that serious, gaming was what it was meant to be, fun. We didn't care. That may explain why I don't participate in NPD threads, I just don't care. Its entertaining though, its like reading Jerry Springer show transripts. I read comments in the threads, but that as far as I go.

My mistake was assuming many of your experiences were no different than mine.


Yeah, those days never existed.

Though, I do remember a time when I didn't prejudge games. But I was 7, I didn't subscribe to game mags, and the internet we know today didn't exist yet :p.


The "good old days" are whatever days a particular gamer was a kid and enjoyed gaming much more passionately. Game quality hasn't changed nor has the gamer. Those who think old games are better are people who are living in the past and don't want to let go of their childhood. They only remember the good games and not the mounds of crap that was also released. It's going to be the same in 10 years, some goofball is gonna say the ps2 era had better games than whatever is available then. Remembering only the good games, and wanting to have their youth back.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
fenekku-gitsune said:
I'm sorry, I think you meant to send that to GamePro's letters section.

I'd be happy to mail him a third party controller


OG_Original Gamer said:
What happend the days when gamers were just excited about the games and not their next NPD number fix.
I'd like to use this opportunity to say that efralope is a fucking pox on this Earth.
Pimpbaa said:
The "good old days" are whatever days a particular gamer was a kid and enjoyed gaming much more passionately. Game quality hasn't changed nor has the gamer. Those who think old games are better are people who are living in the past and don't want to let go of their childhood. They only remember the good games and not the mounds of crap that was also released. It's going to be the same in 10 years, some goofball is gonna say the ps2 era had better games than whatever is available then. Remembering only the good games, and wanting to have their youth back.

Its not that for me, its the cloning that goes on. I don't live for old games, I don't play them. Publishers has push gaming down this road. I think its part of reason hardcore gamers embrace games like The Chronicles of Riddick. You can tell the game had affects of real effort.

True Crime was dissapointment to me, GTA is GTA.


OG_Original Gamer said:
Its not that for me, its the cloning that goes on. I don't live for old games, I don't play them. Publishers has push gaming down this road. I think its part of reason hardcore gamers embrace games like The Chronicles of Riddick. You can tell the game had affects of real effort.

True Crime was dissapointment to me, GTA is GTA.

There was always cloning. It was going on as far back when I started gaming on my colecovision, Ladybug was one fo the first games I got for that (that was a pac man clone).

Ranger X

I'm on your side Original Gamer. People nowaday tend to love more the consoles itself, the compagny that made them and etc etc etc.

LOVE GAMES ITSELF and fuck any of other form of fanatism.
Why is it that the moaners always play some godamn martyr act as though they are a crusader for the true cause?

If they were the pure gamers that they claim to be then why are they arguing on a message board about people arguing on a message board.

No they are too self-obsessed to realise that the world does not revolve around them, and because their tastes no longer coincide with the majority of games released they make it out as though this is some terrible decay in gaming.

Ranger X

Die Squirrel Die said:
Why is it that the moaners always play some godamn martyr act as though they are a crusader for the true cause?

If they were the pure gamers that they claim to be then why are they arguing on a message board about people arguing on a message board.

No they are too self-obsessed to realise that the world does not revolve around them, and because their tastes no longer coincide with the majority of games released they make it out as though this is some terrible decay in gaming.

I don't know if it was toward but i'm nowhere near what you say. And the decay in gaming is loving a game because of the console it runs on, the style of it's presentation, it's marketing, the compagny that made it, etc... All of those things are futile. Buy what you FEEL is fun and appreciate games for they gameplay and the fun + accomplishement feeling they give you and that's all.

"Your entertainement VS the amount of money you pay for it" should be the only care of true gamers as consumers.
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