A good tune: I don't really know what makes good music with any certainty, but for me - melody, counter-melody, and sometimes deliberately defying the conventions of what make a melody sound 'right' for effect... these are what make great songs. The beat, the tune. If thats good it doesn't matter what the fuck the words are. You could leave them out in fact. Good music is as good as a good picture. It is received by an equally powerful human sense... the product can be worth a thousand words. It can be worth feeling.
Two things in modern music piss me off: over-commercialisation, and music snobs.
Commercialisation: I'm less inclined to feel anything toward a song if it's released tomorrow, but its rehashing Seattle grunge circa early 1990s. Every time something new comes along, and is good because its different, the music industry commodofies it, repackages it and sells it for generation upon generation. They commodofied the hippy movement, repackaged it for indie-kids, they commodofied goths. People tried to create their own little cliques, and got bought out, imitated and completely out-done. Even me, a radiohead fan, can see how brit-falsetto bands have been isolated and promoted right up the ass of radio listeners everywhere -- who, y'know, maybe didn't want it to be turned into a conveyor belt of bands and rammed down their throats?...
which brings me onto..
Music snobs: You are not any more cooler than anyone else because you listen to death-metal rather than pop music. Neither are you cooler for prefering pop, crazy electronica, techno or whatever other genre you choose. It's all been bought...
Record companies, rather than selling you the songs themselves, sell you on:
the lifestyle, the music genres themselves and so forth. They even sell you this snobbery that allows you to feel your music is the best, and you are more elite than anyone else because of it. It's fucking bullshit.
Such a thing as objectively good music?
I believe there is such a thing as good music. I think you can objectively decide if something sounds good or not. Why people can't just be open minded, rather than wear the hippy/goth/trendy/faux-gangsta/<whatever> uniform and stop preaching their shit to everyone else... it's just totally beyond me. I'm tired of snobby music drones. Music should be able to fill your world in all sorts of forms.
People lambast pop because bad artists can succeed on their looks/image alone... I think the same thing happens in every genre of music in one way or another. "It's all about the music maaaan". IS IT?