You can find the same ideals in parts of literature dating to the 1700s... These ideologies have been gaining momentum for a long long time, and it does have to do with the implementation of ruling systems, dominion and the exploitation and continuation of power in the hands of a selected few, be it families, be it institutions, be it authoritarian governments.
Those that have power want to control the economy to their own benefits, but the economy is ever changing and volatile, it's not something you can control by force, so instead, they aim to control its driving force, that is, the people.
If you control what people perceive as reality, how they think and react, and if you make them believe that their very existence depends on you, then you have the influence necessary to control what they do, how they behave, who they are loyal to and how they consume.
Why do you think China's buying your stuff and aiming to control the US industry and tech? Why do you think your online information is so important to these companies? Why do you think the LGBT community has been led to believe that they depend on the left to have rights and what not? Why do you think the left tells you to hate and demonize Christianity (an old ruling power) but defends Islam that is actually against homosexuality and the way of life of the west? Why do you think hypocrisy is rampant and yet only a few seem to notice?
They're trying to control what reality is and they're doing it from behind the curtains. How can you not believe what you perceive as reality if that's all there is to believe? It's Plato's cave, right? It's the 2+2=5. It's the war against Eurasia and not Lestasia and vice-versa.
You can start knowing more about it by reading... I'd recommend George Orwell, his book "1984" is a good start, or "Animal Farm", that is a bit shallower but is also a good read.