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What is really behing all the woke ideologies and movements going on nowadays?

Karma Jawa

It’s a reaction to the right wing. The right is generally hostile to individual freedom (abortion, sexual preferences) and circumstances people are born into (race, affluence).

The more extreme the right becomes, the more the left reacts, and vice versa.

It’s different here in England, but as an outsider I’d say the more that sexism, racism, classism, and mocking of mental health are condoned by your own president, the more aggressively marginalised people will fight back.

Having said that, I detest the far left in the US. I consider myself on the left. The US far left are lunatics actively looking for any excuse to be enraged.

There’s no real answer to this, as the left and right will never be able to see things from anything other than their own point of view.

People fundamentally disagree with each other, and shit will happen as a result. That’s life.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I think it's social media honestly. Everyone wants to be loved, liked, and agreed with now - right or wrong. It just took one part of the group to keep moving farther and farther into extremes and suddenly millions were agreeing. Suddenly it's not OK for basic human behavior like a man hitting on a woman. Ever. Or objectify them, even when they do so more themselves on Instagram and Twitch these days. But it's fine for women to hit on men, objectify them, whatever. Why? Social media.


This mind virus is the new godless religion. I have no religion but it seems most common folks have to have something to follow and now they're following this bullshit. It's like when you invade a country and you kill its shitty leader and two months later they have another dictator because they're fucking stupid. Ever since I was a kid I had independent thought and I always hated authority and questioned religion. This is not a jab at religious people, but my train of thought here is that the masses just need something to follow and this shitty social religion is what they follow now. Most people are fucking weak minded and act like a hive. Despise not liking religion I think society would probably be better off following something like that than this shitty degenerate Soros mind virus. End rant.
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Mr Nash

square pies = communism
People are too well off and bored in this era. Survival isn't a challenge anymore, that combined with social media turned a small group of weak minded fools into annoying social justice warriors. And a lot of big companies are too spineless to take any kind of stand.

I was reading something a while that went into this. It argued that upper middle class types don't have an easy way to create a wealth hierarchy since the doctors, lawyers, engineers, and such often make similar amounts. It's respectable earns, but they're pretty close to one an other income-wise. So, they've opted for forms of moralism to laud over one another. They already have all of the money and toys that they want, so they're duking it out with a piety competition instead.


I was reading something a while that went into this. It argued that upper middle class types don't have an easy way to create a wealth hierarchy since the doctors, lawyers, engineers, and such often make similar amounts. It's respectable earns, but they're pretty close to one an other income-wise. So, they've opted for forms of moralism to laud over one another. They already have all of the money and toys that they want, so they're duking it out with a piety competition instead.
Very interesting analysis.
IDK but there's definitely some weird shit going on.

You might think this is crazy, the CIA put a PDF file of the entire book of The Bloodlines of the Illuminati on their official government website. A copy was found in Bin Laden's cave.

I'm not making this shit up lol. If people think that weird shit is not going in the world then why did the CIA put the entire book online? What purpose does it serve? Bin Laden had dozens of books in his compound, what makes this one so important? The CIA's own page of everything else found in the abbottabad compound is a jumbled mess but yet this still exists. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

It's a crazy fucking read but some of it does make sense.

and other super rich Illuminated families generally getalong quite well with Communists, who supposedly want to take away the wealth of these men andgive it to the people.However, this is only double talk designed to bolster the superstructure of delusion that Communistsare the enemies of all Capitalists. But Communists, like the super rich families, are not the enemies ofMONOPOLY CAPITALISM: they are the foes of FREE ENTERPRISE."
Ok so if you look at the world right now it's all full of this woke propaganda, every company is into it, Music industry, Hollywood, everything.

But why?

Next time you're washing dishes listen to this...

#nowplaying #podcast E25 - The Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying | Kafka Traps; White Fragility and #BLM | DarkHorse Podcast - Bret Weinstein | DarkHorse Podcast [Podcast: https://www.podcastrepublic.net/podcast/1471581521], [Media: https://www.buzzsprout.com/424075/4...nd-blm-darkhorse-podcast.mp3?blob_id=16697795] Listen on Podcast Republic @CastRepublic

Bret Weinstein has the best take on this issue I've heard. Guy needs to get his voice heard in the mainstream. He's liberal so I think his message can be digested by more people.
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Whatever it is, it's going to get worse from here.

We have gone from "FEMALE JANITORS DOESN'T MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS A MALE ROCKETSURGEON, REEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee!" to having thousands of new sexes, people being hanged publicly for calling someone a she when they are a chocolate starfish or whatever the fuck IT felt like that day.

People are now canceling themselves - "I can't play this cartoon character any longer because i'm not black and it don't want to be branded as a slaveowner because of it" .
It doesn't matter what it is, the oppression Olympics committee will find out and burn you and everyone around you to the ground, and when they no longer get any traction of the current agenda, they go into overdrive and rage about the next thing.
"There isn't enough trans representation in media, that person who was gay wasn't perfectly portrayed in my world, you used the wrong pronoun, who the fuck are you to assume its gender? Oh you wrote the book / series?, you wrote it fucking wrong you sexist piece of shit. CANCELLED!"
"65 years ago you called that music instrument a faggot and you better fucking pray to the nonspecific gender-god of ours that your excuse to the world is good enough or you will feel the wrath for sure!"

We are censoring everything that may offensive to someone. Everything has to be inclusive, writing a new book? Well it better fucking have some Zims in it or one of the other sexes or at least be entirely about gender politics or "the woke" agenda.
Fuck, we are even changing our past it as we go "oh btw, you know that series from back in the days with that married couple? "He" was actually a transgenderfluid" and "she" was a human identifying as a parrot and the entire show was about the beauty of interspecies relationships." "Dubmledore is gay!"

There is no winning the oppression Olympics and next years games will be bigger and more retarded than ever before.

"The planet is fine, it's the people on it thats fucked!" - George Carlin


Whatever it is, it's going to get worse from here.

We have gone from "FEMALE JANITORS DOESN'T MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS A MALE ROCKETSURGEON, REEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee!" to having thousands of new sexes, people being hanged publicly for calling someone a she when they are a chocolate starfish or whatever the fuck IT felt like that day.

People are now canceling themselves - "I can't play this cartoon character any longer because i'm not black and it don't want to be branded as a slaveowner because of it" .
It doesn't matter what it is, the oppression Olympics committee will find out and burn you and everyone around you to the ground, and when they no longer get any traction of the current agenda, they go into overdrive and rage about the next thing.
"There isn't enough trans representation in media, that person who was gay wasn't perfectly portrayed in my world, you used the wrong pronoun, who the fuck are you to assume its gender? Oh you wrote the book / series?, you wrote it fucking wrong you sexist piece of shit. CANCELLED!"
"65 years ago you called that music instrument a faggot and you better fucking pray to the nonspecific gender-god of ours that your excuse to the world is good enough or you will feel the wrath for sure!"

We are censoring everything that may offensive to someone. Everything has to be inclusive, writing a new book? Well it better fucking have some Zims in it or one of the other sexes or at least be entirely about gender politics or "the woke" agenda.
Fuck, we are even changing our past it as we go "oh btw, you know that series from back in the days with that married couple? "He" was actually a transgenderfluid" and "she" was a human identifying as a parrot and the entire show was about the beauty of interspecies relationships." "Dubmledore is gay!"

There is no winning the oppression Olympics and next years games will be bigger and more retarded than ever before.

"The planet is fine, it's the people on it thats fucked!" - George Carlin
I think it's going to get worse but nothing lasts forever. It will get better someday.
One cool person was on one soccer/football team, and then all of the far less athletically able/bleachers weight limit stress testers wanted to be on the cool person's team.


It’s a reaction to the right wing. The right is generally hostile to individual freedom (abortion, sexual preferences) and circumstances people are born into (race, affluence).

The more extreme the right becomes, the more the left reacts, and vice versa.

It’s different here in England, but as an outsider I’d say the more that sexism, racism, classism, and mocking of mental health are condoned by your own president, the more aggressively marginalised people will fight back.

Having said that, I detest the far left in the US. I consider myself on the left. The US far left are lunatics actively looking for any excuse to be enraged.

There’s no real answer to this, as the left and right will never be able to see things from anything other than their own point of view.

People fundamentally disagree with each other, and shit will happen as a result. That’s life.

Yes lets not forget to huge individual freedom in countries that were historically left. Like the pride parades that were vibrant in the Soviet Union, but banned from existing in the fascist US, the raging democracy in the DDR were everyone not just had freedom of speech but were even encouraged to tell the good comrades in the Stasi who voiced their opinions, so they could make sure their voices were heard. I also heard that North Korea is the leading country when it comes to individual freedom. Ever since the sexist nazi Trump came to power Kim Jong have done everything in his power to liberate the women in the country to battle the rampant right wing misogynist extremists in the US. :messenger_fistbump:

Not to forget China, the biggest leftist country in the world and also the only one without statewide censorship in the video game industry.


Nicolas Taleb (of Black Swan fame) explains the symptoms pretty well in the article below: -

We are basically in a situation of where you have an intolerant but motivated minority leveraging the bullhorn of social media to amplify their message and strong arm corporations and the like into kowtowing to their demands. Its largely ridiculous behaviour when you consider the whole but when people are immersed in it they either struggle to understand that or just want what they see as an easy life by giving over to the path of least resistance.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion

"Široký == vtipný
Hudba je: "Song for Denise (Maxi Version)"
*Omlouvám se za reklamy, nemůžu je smazat, nevydělám ani korunu z totohle videa."

Ohh another Czech being.

"Thick == funny"
"Music is: Song for Denise (Maxi Version)"
"I apologize for the ads, I cannot delete them, I don't earn a signle Czech Crown (CZK) from this video"

Kev Kev

1.) the internet and social media gave dumb people (sheeple) instant and non-stop access to the media

2.) the media used this to herd the sheeple into an outrage mob

3.) data sharing blew the doors off this mf by feeding the outrage mob an overload of stories designed by the media to trigger them

4.) the sheeple then took to social media platforms to spread their message to other would be sheeple

5.) repeat steps 1 through 4 until the outrage mob develops into a powder keg and eventually explodes

6.) welcome to the world


It's about control - nothing else. The SJW craze we're experiencing is just a sideshow, the people that pull the strings doesn't give a f*ck.

What do you talk about?

Look, the "people" behind the scenes, ergo - non elected officials (organizations, NGOs), have spent the post ww2 period setting up a system that ties elected officials (your representatives) hands behind their back.

Imagine being able to control/steer every issue in the desired direction without having to deal with that pesky electorate!

They almost succeeded - and then 2016 happened. Brexit and the election of Donald Trump. It didn't happen in some backyard country, no - it happened two of the most influential countries on planet earth. WTF!

Instead of respecting the democratic vote of the electorate these very influential "people" have gone out of their way to try to delegitimize the results of the 2016 elections by painting themselves as the good guys (resistance) and "them" bad guys (nazis).

Let's call these "people" (orgs/NGO's) -globalists. These "people" don't exist and operate in a vacuum. They have allies on both sides of the political spectrum. It's a way of worldview - local vs global, -and how to deal with issues that arise. They are very adaptable. 20 years ago it was "war on terror", now it's "climate change" and "white people". The globalists have easily managed to align themselves with the SJWs, for them (globalists) the SJWs are just useful foot soldiers - doing the work on the ground - marginalizing and destroying traditional "Western" (read European) ideals and ways of thinking.

What we've learned the past 4 years - is that nothing is sacred. Free Speech is eroding as i type this.(It was already eroding before 2016, especially in Europe. You can blame the placating to multiculturalism for that.) General consensus and respect for due process is eroding too. Is biology even a thing anymore? , everything can be deconstructed - even our own sense of selves.

The most shocking thing for me personally is the willingness to "burn it all down" in the pursuit to regain or maintain power. This is where the "civil war" part comes into play. My prediction for Europe is 2030 and beyond, for you Americans i think the "fuse" has already been lit.

As a former self described "lefty" ,anti-globalist to the core, i would vote - if i was an american for the candidate that seeks out to destroy the "Masters of Puppets".

Decades' long effort to shift the worlds power structures.

Americans have gotten rather complacent, chanting USA for no particular reason, getting rather FAT, having shit education, forgetting history.

Americans have had it too well since at least the 80s.

There's been signals coming from the universities for years now, that something was wrong. Now it's all coming together.

I think white middleclass America is experiencing some sort of collective guilt for all this undeserved wealth.


Woke has always been a thing for a while. The real issues is social media mainly Twitter, once that site got huge. It’s been down hill for us since. It’s now guilty until proven innocent. If your LGBT and a straight female you got plot armor right now. I really wish somebody would do something about Twitter. I think Facebook was bad, but man Twitter really fucked shit up.


I think the woke movement is simply a business strategy for companies hedging on who will win on Novermber. If you look at the companies that have the most and least to gain from Trump winning or losing, you can begin to see why they are suddenly coming out against "racism". There is an active compaign against Facebook to deplatform conservatives. Companies that are declining, like Coca Cola, Verizon, and many foreigned own brands are against Trump. They have the most to lose if he wins.

Companies with interest in globalism and depend diverse consumers are coming out against Trump. Companies that are profitable and American centric aren't expressly against Trump. It's all a business bet for these corporations, who are not governed by any moral code. Corporations are amoral entities.


Its simple.

It all started with trump going for presidency and winning.
Thats when the real melt down started and never stopped ever since.
The only motive behind it is to remove trump from office.

Maybe things would go back to normal??

Dont know but what i know, if trump wins again the world will burn in flames.

The elite will make sure of that.
Its simple.

It all started with trump going for presidency and winning.
Thats when the real melt down started and never stopped ever since.
The only motive behind it is to remove trump from office.

Maybe things would go back to normal??

Dont know but what i know, if trump wins again the world will burn in flames.

The elite will make sure of that.
If that was the case, wouldn't it be easier, and cheaper just to have him assassinated?


If that was the case, wouldn't it be easier, and cheaper just to have him assassinated?
I am aware of certain attempted assassinations but they tried to do it the more humane way with russia gate ukraine gate etc.
Be assured they wont make the same misstake twice and let him stay for another 4 years





The rise of socialist politics into the mainstream along with social media being used as a very, very powerful tool to further the ideals of socialism. Communists (being real, essentially socialists) were/are the masters of mass crowd control and media manipulation. Put that set of skills hand-in-hand with social media (in which the majority of users are already easily influenced, young people) and you have one hell of a propaganda machine. Maybe tart it up a bit in the guise of seeming "progressive" no ones gonna argue against that right? do you wanna seem racist? you don't wanna be canceled, do you?

This is what I've taken away based on what I've read on the subject, but I'm a capitalism loving, conservative, atheist, so take that info as you will.


All the minority leftwing groups are coming together to challenge the dominance of the dominant group.
It's about dismantling white western conservative cultures through a rampant inversion of morality. It's comforting to think that it could be something far more complex than that, but it really comes down to reframing the world so that white is bad / evil, black is good / supreme and so on.


Neighbours from Hell
I think the answer is complex and really too nuanced to get into on a forum post, but I'll share some of my theories.

I think this ideology has existed for a while, it's just been magnified and allowed to get a grip of late. You have to ask yourself who is driving wokeness? Not the people who go along with it so they won't be cancelled. I'm talking the people who truly believe in it. It's typically a younger generation. It's typically people who are unemployed. It's typically people who are societal outcasts. It's typically people who aren't very bright.

People who are angry and desperate resorting to extreme beliefs isn't new. You've seen this in terrorism since forever. This is just another form of it, although it won't be consider as such because they typically don't resort to mass shootings, setting off bombs, or suicide bombings... things typically associated with terrorism. But any radical mentality all starts from the same place. The lesser educated and societal outcasts have years of built up anger and it manifests into hate. They hate their lives for whatever reason and I believe over time after years of self loathing, their brain psychologically as a defense mechanism of self preservation turns that self loathing into narcissism. Then it's almost like "My life sucks, but I'm perfect, so it has to be society's problem that my life sucks!" And what is true with all narcissists? When it's never their fault, they never look to self improve because they feel like they are already great in every way. They have to find someone to blame for their problems, so in this case they have blamed white people and rich people.

Now, the difference today is now they have a platform(social media) where all these like-minded people who hate their lives and hold bitter resentments against majority demographics and/or people they are jealous of(people with money) now have a means to band together, when they didn't before. And they can coordinate together now. That's why you see a lot of rhetoric from this movement that isn't about equality or ending of racism. It's about taking things away from others they think don't deserve it. They're social unrest and political situations as a guise to do what they wanted to do for the longest time: take their revenge out on society because they blame society for them hating their lives. It's why you're seeing statues being toppled and things being burned. This type of anger is very extreme and extreme anger usually comes from a place of vengeance. These people are out for revenge.

And just like with terrorism, these people can use their voices to recruit the well-educated and upper middle class. People who go to school and get a book education, but are still not very bright and are very naive and easily manipulated. We've seen well-off people give everything up to join terrorist organizations before. Really no different from people who went to law school throwing molotov cocktails. Same premise. Naive, impressionable people with low IQ being manipulated for a cause.

Another issue is the trickle down effect. These people at some point got into academia and are teaching kids this rhetoric. Not just to spread the movement, but they feel like if enough people accept something then it will then become reality. So they push this rhetoric in academia, some believe it, grow up to go into academia themselves, then they spread it, and so on. Next thing you know what was once a select group of isolated losers spread out all over have spread a virus, and with technology growing, that virus has spread like wildfire.

Combine that with most people in this world being followers, not leaders(I'd guess probably 95% of people in this world are innately followers) you don't have enough tough-minded people willing to stand up against it.

Thus a new ideology is born. But like any ideology, ask yourself what good it's done. Just a warning here, I'm about to tear into Christianity a bit, so any Christians here, I hope you aren't annoyed by it, I've stated on here many times I hate all religion, but respect anyone's right to believe in any religion they want. What has this movement done? Actual tangible change. You can say ok, the woke movement was responsible for some dirtbags like Epstein, Weinstein, Cosby being brought down. You can argue it got Chauvin arrested for Floyd's murder, though I'll argue he would have anyway. It's changed some small things here or there that have been for the good. But overall I'll argue it's done far more harm than good. Just in the last month alone all the death and destruction completely outweighs any good this woke movement has done. And I feel most religions are the same way. Christianity has brought some people peace. Believing in it has helped people turn their lives around. Maybe even a lot of people considering the religion has been around for centuries. But overall it has done more harm than good. Wars, deaths of countless throughout history, burning people alive, bigotry, covering up pedophilia and child molestations, etc. This is just another religion to me. It will hide behind words and what they say they are "truly" about just like all religions do, but look at what is actually done and you'll see nothing good comes from it.

Anyway, I know that was long winded, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately.



The Frankfurt School

Socialist/Communist theory

Performance art

Satanists & Occultists

Intersectional Feminism


Historical Ignorance


Liberal Racism Sexism & Fascism

Anarchist opportunists

Roman Emperor-style Hedonistic Narcissism

Race baiting bad faith Sensationalist media
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The Frankfurt School

Socialist/Communist theory

Performance art

Satanists & Occultists

Intersectional Feminism


Historical Ignorance


Liberal Racism Sexism & Fascism

Anarchist opportunists

Roman Emperor-style Hedonistic Narcissism

Race baiting bad faith Sensationalist media

Honestly, yeah. I think it's very multifaceted and no one thing can be pointed at as the definitive answer. I think a lot of the answers posted are definitely apart of the reason including my own, but the best answer is that it's just a perfect storm of bullshit really.
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We're witnessing the birth of a religion of Neo Liberal Fascists who are imposing their will through dominance of many key institutions. Don't think this has just suddenly happened, they've been planning for this for a long time by infiltrating these institutions with their ideology. The control of media and entertainment has given them a massive advantage to speed up their takeover and assert their dominance.
Otm it is a religious movement. Not based on evidence or facts but belief. They have the righteousness, the casting out of heretics, the laying on of hands and kissing of feet. The preaching and the judging and the evangelism. The casting down of false idols as we witness now. It has its original sin (“America started by slavery”) and its Climate Apocalypse that adherents are insistent they and only they can save us from.

Yet I don’t think it is based on any ideology, which makes it wholly different from religions of the past, which at the very least held together traditions and culture. The new religion only destroys, including foundational notions like family and sex.
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I think the media has coordinated most of it. It's more profitable for them if we all hate each other.

As far as companies joining in, I heard a theory on Rogan that resonated. I can't remember who said it. But the idea is that huge companies and the uber wealthy individuals who run them can deflect the issue of the wealth gap spiraling out of control in the US by posting a BLM banner on their website.
Social Media makes it easy to spread misinformation and reactionary thoughts. It gives a platform for stupid people to speak out. Case in point, the flat earth movement gaining traction because of youtube and facebook. There are other factors sure, but SM makes it so easy to spread. Twitter is a cancer on our society.


Golden Boy
No matter where it comes from, but i found the solution (just ignore Chinese and replace it with woke)

Social Media makes it easy to spread misinformation and reactionary thoughts. It gives a platform for stupid people to speak out. Case in point, the flat earth movement gaining traction because of youtube and facebook. There are other factors sure, but SM makes it so easy to spread. Twitter is a cancer on our society.
Twitter (and social media) are more like the biopsy.

These True Believers have always existed, they're just emboldened by technologies that allow them to speak to one another and come to the (incorrect) conclusion that they must be right because other people also think the same way (mob mentality). The cancer was there, but we never in our wildest dreams expected the cancer to hold a sign and dye its hair and make it really, really obvious that it is cancer.

So instead of their brainwashing taking decades / generations to wash out of society, we're going through an uncomfortable toilet-flush, and they're the ones with the finger on the lever slamming it up and down, not even patient enough to wait for the tank to refill, flush flush flush in the name of their purity.


It's a combination of entertainment companies cashing in on what they think is a new hot trend. Said companies bowing to radical mobs out of fear of lawsuits and controversy. And Creatives in charge having their heads too far up their own ass to see that people don't want this. It's going to continue to keep going unless there's some radical shift in the entertainment business.
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