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What is the best Back to the Future film?

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This seems like an issue where the fanbase is always interestingly split. AMC showed all 3 movies on Friday night and these are my observations:

Back to the Future 1 - Never really cared for the setting, and all the corny jokes Marty makes about what is to come. Biff is great, and Marty/Doc have wonderful chemistry together. Crispin Glover does a superb job too. It's a little weird how casual the film is about rape and incest, and it strikes me as really disturbing that Marty's plan was to somehow molest his mother so that his dad could come to her rescue. I suppose that makes it almost more funny that his mom is totally down for some in-car sexual hijinks and it requires the actual intervention of Biff to pull everything off. It's great as a standalone film.

Back to the Future 2 - I loved to futuristic 2015 sequences of this film when I was young, but now they just seem really off-putting. All the product placement is irritating and ruins immersion. While I can't fault any creator for having an incorrect vision of the future, some of the predictions are outright dumb. People will wear 2 ties at the office instead of 1! Hoverboards are still cool though. The dystopian Trump/Bifff 1985 sequence is largely solid up until the point where Biff just decides to murder Marty. It's a little weird how the antagonist in this series slowly goes from lunkhead bully to rapist to murderer. Where this film really shines though is in the 1955 sequence, and we revisit the events of the first film. Everything fits in perfectly and we are treated to a new narrative that expands on what we saw and enjoyed in the first film. All this is just so masterfully done I can't help but marvel at it.

Back to the Future 3 - I think it is hard to judge this film on its own merits. A lot of the gimmicks of the series are really starting to wear thin and be transparent at this point. Marty looking at some fading photograph to judge his progress is tiresome. Actors playing their own ancestors or distant offspring is tiresome. The filmmakers seemed so in love with this gimmick that I imagine if they had had the technology to do so, Crispin Glover would not have been in BttF1 and Michael J. Fox would have just played his own father. The movie is filled with corny ironic jokes like "You should be thinking about your future". The love interest plotline for Doc Brown is kind of annoying and hollow. If I was a bigger fan of Westerns maybe I'd get more of a kick out of this movie, but as is it's hard for me to have fun. I don't like that Marty's character arc is basically "He learns not to let people provoke him by saying he's a chicken." More frustratingly, Doc's arc seems to be "He goes from caring about the preservation of the time-space continuum to not really giving a fuck about anything he does when time-travelling." Not a bad movie overall, but viewing it in the context of its predecessors does not make it look good.

So in conclusion, I would probably have to pick BttF2 as the best film, but with the huge caveat that all the 2015 stuff is bad and should probably be skipped upon rewatching.


Unconfirmed Member
My favorite is 2. All of them are excellent, but I always thought 3 was the weakest, not being a fan of westerns.
Of course the first one is the best. It has the most self-contained story and works as a stand alone movie. Back to the Future II however really does need the context from the first movie to work. The third movie is alright, it goes back to a much less convoluted story line than the second film and caps the series off quietly.


You're supposed to have a favorite of the 3? They're all good enough for me to be one big movie.
This can't be happening. This thread can't be here! It doesn't make sense for this thread to be here. I don't believe that this thread is here.


Biff in 2 always felt waaaay too mean to me. Like he stops being a bully you can take joy in dunking on and he becomes a deplorable monster whose defeat is your grave duty.

1 is the obvious best. And 3 has trains and I like those so it gets a pass for me. Watching 2 just makes me feel unclean. And I gotta imagine that Trump ascendant makes 2 even more dire and uncomfortable to watch today.


Well here ya go. 2 is the worst.

While I think there's an entirely fair case to be made that 1 is better than 2, I really don't see how someone can see that 3 is superior to 2. By the third film, BttF is just too up its own ass with irony and wink-wink-nudge moments.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
As a kid I enjoyed 2 more because of all the futuristic gadgets. But as a film, the first is definitely the stronger product. It's a movie that even someone who doesn't enjoy time travel could get into.
They're all really good or at least pretty good

One is probably the best, but Two is right up there. Three isn't up to par with the others, but gets more shit than it deserves and is fun.


1 is the best overall. 2's vision of the future is super creative and entertaining, despite being super inaccurate. 3 is great when it tries to be a western, but is only okay in it's other area's.


2 has the future I imagined when I first saw the title "Back to the FUTURE" but 1 has the hottest Marty's mom...

1 is better
I can see people debating on whether 2 or 3 is better, but seriously, it should be a common consensus that 1 is the best.


honestly, the movies all complement each other so well i think it's kind of sacrilege to start dissecting and ranking each one. i mean, you can, but where's the "fun" in that. these are some of the best movies ever

that said, it's pretty obvious 2&3 were banged out pretty quickly, neither of the two are as inspired as the first. but the first is such a timeless and just flat out fantastic movie, we're lucky the sequels were anywhere near as good.
1>2>3, with all three being great movies.

About 2015 being inaccurate, I don't think they were trying to be accurate as much as they wanted a future that would be different enough from 1985 and 1955 to be exciting. The real 2015 doesn't look too different from 1985. People have smartphones and computers and stuff but that's not exciting or striking enough for a blockbuster.


The first one. This isn't even close to a choice. I don't dislike 2 and 3, but there never should have been sequels to BTTF.


Three is pointless. 2 could have ended the same way.

2 is more pointless than 3. 3 is at least about people, as the first film was. 2 is one long plot contrivance that plays out like a Saturday morning cartoon. In 1 and 3, the time machine is the device that allows the story to happen. In 2, the time machine is the story, and the second film is by far the weakest of the three as a result.


Biff in 2 always felt waaaay too mean to me. Like he stops being a bully you can take joy in dunking on and he becomes a deplorable monster whose defeat is your grave duty.

1 is the obvious best. And 3 has trains and I like those so it gets a pass for me. Watching 2 just makes me feel unclean. And I gotta imagine that Trump ascendant makes 2 even more dire and uncomfortable to watch today.

Eh, Biff was going to rape Lorraine in 1. He was always deplorable. 2 just showed how that part of him would become with 30 years of unchecked power and alcohol abuse. And the 2015 segment shows how pitiful his life turned out after Marty's meddling. You know, maybe they should have had a scene were Marty is nice to 1985 Biff so he doesn't turn out so bitter.

1 is obviously the most self-contained movie since it wasn't made with sequels in mind. The ending was a joke and caused problems for them when they had to come up with Part 2. I really like Part 2. It's definitely got a lot going on and less of a centralized plot than the other 2 Parts, but it's a LOT like Empire Strikes Back in that regard. It's a transition piece with 3 distinct acts. The third act is especially impressive with how they integrate all of the scenes from the first film. Part 3... eh. I've never been a big fan of westerns, so it has that against it to me. The Wild West setting feels too disjointed from the other 2 Parts. Where Part 1 and Part 2 mesh together well, Part 3 feels kind of tacked on.


Eh, Biff was going to rape Lorraine in 1. He was always deplorable. 2 just showed how that part of him would become with 30 years of unchecked power and alcohol abuse. And the 2015 segment shows how pitiful his life turned out after Marty's meddling. You know, maybe they should have had a scene were Marty is nice to 1985 Biff so he doesn't turn out so bitter.

Yeah you're not wrong. But "almost raping a lady once" is a different order of magnitude than "terrifying a woman into marrying you and getting cosmetic surgery and basically raping her in marriage for a decade".


Yeah you're not wrong. But "almost raping a lady once" is a different order of magnitude than "terrifying a woman into marrying you and getting cosmetic surgery and basically raping her in marriage for a decade".

It's just a difference of time. Part 1 only gave Biff one night to be a rapist. Part 2 gave him 30 years. He became that way on prom night because he was trying to exert his power and in the normal and first alternate timeline he lost that power after high school. In Part 2's Biff 1985 his power increases and goes unchecked, so he continues being a rape monster and gets even worse.


The first one is best on the merits. The second one however, captures the imagination way more. That's a very underrated aspect of movies.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
The second. Much darker and more interesting.
First is great but I always loved the second more.
Third is just plain bad. Terrible setting, boring concept. Considering it was suppose to be the big conclusion, it jus didn't feel very significant or epic. Just a wet fart with a few good moments before it shit itself.
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