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What kind of door-to-door scam is this?

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So a girl just rang our door bell and said, "Hi! We're doing a promotion right now and will scotchguard any room for free. Just show us the most heavily traffic-ed area of the room!"

I said no and she left. But kept thinking, why the hell would anyone do this?

My instant guess was that she could survey the house and find out what kind of shit you have, then let her buddies know.

Any ideas?


Price Drop said:
So a girl just rang our door bell and said, "Hi! We're doing a promotion right now and will scotchguard any room for free. Just show us the most heavily traffic-ed area of the room!"
Most heavily traffic'ed area? Tell her to get busy scotchguarding the front porch she standing on...


No, she's trying to sell Scotchguard. After she finishes and you see how great it looks, she'll try to sell you some.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Price Drop said:
So a girl just rang our door bell and said, "Hi! We're doing a promotion right now and will scotchguard any room for free. Just show us the most heavily traffic-ed area of the room!"

I said no and she left. But kept thinking, why the hell would anyone do this?

My instant guess was that she could survey the house and find out what kind of shit you have, then let her buddies know.

Any ideas?

Quagmire would just tell her the bedroom, and lock all the doors...


=W= said:
Should have pulled out your weiner.

Unfortunately she wasn't cute. She was short, squat, hispanic chick trying to sound like a salesperson. Now this would be a simple dismissal if I didn't live in a nice neighborhood that happens to be only a mile away from a bad neighborhood. Ever heard of Pomona, CA? It's been featured on COPS! That's where we live by and that's why I don't trust this scotchguard woman.

If she were hot, well, that's a whole different story!

aoi tsuki

=W= said:
Should have pulled out your weiner.
Agreed. Door-to-door salespeople are practically exempt from sexual harassment claims (until a precedented case). i mean, fuck, they're on your freaking property. Just whip it out, FHUTA, and tell no one she wasn't cute.
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