... Or have you frequented in the past.
This is primarily where I go now for gaming and non-sensical off-topic discussion. I have an IGN account, but I don't really go there too often; I was posting pretty heavy in the SSB:M discussion board after SW 2000 until release and hung out in the DVD boards there too. Also, I had a gaming-force ID but didn't really use it too much.
Outside of gaming, I spent a shitload of time at the Countingdown message boards from about '99 to about '02, where I divied that time up between the X-men (not so much there), SW, and LOTR boards even having a modship at the LOTR boards for about 6 months or so, before school caught up with me. The CD boards weren't bad until Dreamworks started using it to promote their movies and stuff.
What about the rest of ya?
This is primarily where I go now for gaming and non-sensical off-topic discussion. I have an IGN account, but I don't really go there too often; I was posting pretty heavy in the SSB:M discussion board after SW 2000 until release and hung out in the DVD boards there too. Also, I had a gaming-force ID but didn't really use it too much.
Outside of gaming, I spent a shitload of time at the Countingdown message boards from about '99 to about '02, where I divied that time up between the X-men (not so much there), SW, and LOTR boards even having a modship at the LOTR boards for about 6 months or so, before school caught up with me. The CD boards weren't bad until Dreamworks started using it to promote their movies and stuff.
What about the rest of ya?