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What our options are

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After sitting down today and reviewing what our realistic options are for 'protesting' some of the behaviors of the government - considering our geographic diversity, the first thing that seems to make sense is that we develop a letter writing campaign to our various senators, representatives, governors, and respective political party contact persons.

There are some pro's and con's to this approach and I'll start with the cons. A letter writing campaign is only slightly more effective than an email campaign. We don't really have any way of knowing that the people we're trying to contact are actually receiving our letters or are responding to them. This will be discouraging to many because even if a politician DOES ready a letter, what you get back in response will amount to a preformatted form letter.

However, everything needs to be done in baby steps. I'm a firm advocate that if you start small and get something done first, you can eventually do much larger things. This for many people will be the first time that they've actually ever tried to mail anyone in government to state their displeasure with anything so this is probably the best starting point. Its 'low hanging' 'low effort' work for us to write some letters to politicians, and if we can't even get this part done - we're not going to get any further.

It is my belief that we should document this letter writing exercise and our experiences therein. Once we've done that I think we should take the next step which is a slight bit higher on the protest food chain: coordinated submissions to all of our local newspapers opinion/editorial sections. A well-written and clearly thought out op/ed piece is likely to be read by a large number of people and maybe even have them think about issues and perhaps even ask some questions. At this point it would be nice to direct people to a website where our 'position' is clearly described.

I wanted to start something that was clearly attainable and would require little effort such that people actually DO it.

Questions, comments, criticisms?


Thanks for thinking about this in some more detail.

It seems that developing a GAF "platform" is implicit in your strategy. ("Coordination" implies, at least to some extent, that we are speaking with a unified voice.) If so, how do you propose coming up with position(s) which are mutually agreeable?


-jinx- said:
Thanks for thinking about this in some more detail.

It seems that developing a GAF "platform" is implicit in your strategy. ("Coordination" implies, at least to some extent, that we are speaking with a unified voice.) If so, how do you propose coming up with position(s) which are mutually agreeable?

There's the rub. I've been trying to figure out what is the best way to approach that. I value everyone's right to protest what is important to them - and that is one of the things about the website that I thought made things difficult as you're at that point trying to present the 'lowest common denominator' opinion. So to be honest, I don't know. What I'd like to do is help everyone start off with their individual issues that we could perhaps group together into a platform. What may come from that is that some people don't want to participate - and that's okay, I still want to help people get involved and be empowered to speak their mind in right forum and in the right way.

I think that is definitely something we need to discuss though as we start getting people saying "yes I agree that we need to write a letter". At some point after deciding that, we need to agree about what the text will be in the letter.


Hollywood Square
I had a discussion about this today in IRC, actually...

[16:53] <Willco> Haha, there was some guy on the radio saying we should impeach Bush.
[16:53] <GaimeGuy> we should
[16:53] <Willco> He sounded like he was 20. I love my generation. They get all pissed and do nothing.
[16:53] <Willco> They're like, "OOOOOH WE'RE SO ANGRY WE COULD DO SOMETH- Hey, the MTV Movie Awards are on!"
[16:54] <BOOZE_Rx> haha
[16:54] <GaimeGuy> :O
[16:54] <BOOZE_Rx> Will, you hit it right on the head, man
[16:54] <GaimeGuy> "right after I beat this 999,999 high score"
[16:54] <Willco> We'll be known as the generation that complained the most and did nothing.
[16:54] <BOOZE_Rx> now you know why the army is running low on recruits
[16:54] <GaimeGuy> probably
[16:54] <BOOZE_Rx> cause motherfuckers are too busy playing COUNTERSTRIKE
[16:54] <Willco> And was vaporized by nuclear exchange with North Korea.
[16:56] <Willco> I bet more people in their 20s turn out for the Xbox 360 launch than turn out to vote.
[16:57] <ShuriBF2> Willco: sad, but true

What it boils down to is that our generation is great at complaining, and horrible at mobilizing anything that would resemble a coherent movement. The belief that a handful of people on a forum that do a letter writing campaign will rock the boat is nice, but we just don't have the numbers and good luck getting anyone within the young adult demographic to do anything other than watch televised sports, eat junk food and play videogames.

I'm pretty sure the only thing that'll make a difference in this country is instituting the draft, because only when something directly impacts our generation's daily lives, will they actually do something. For now we're too concerned with learning the opinions of women on pornography to be bothered with politics.


This is a good topic and its nice to see someone try to initiate action. IMO there seems to be a disturbing level of apathay among our generation when it comes to Iraq, social security, the economy etc., however it seems that there are alot of intelligent posters on this forum who make valid points in thier dissatisfaction with the government. I have many opinions which Im sure are not shared by everyone, but I tend to think that alot of people can agree on very general concepts or ideas.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
If they ever actually DO instate the draft, all hell will break loose.


To be honest I'm not interested in 'saving the world' (well I am- but I'm realistic), but I am a firm believer that people who are properly taught what their rights are and how to excercise them will use their rights and teach others to do the same. Every successful movement starts with a handful of people who have decided that enough is enough....


Small balls, big fun!
I'm not caucusing with any of you jerks.

However, I will donate $5 to any campaign that gets Orin on a ballot.


Honorary Canadian.

Haha, I've already gone there and signed up to be on a local draft board. It'll never happen, but I figure, if it does, I'd rather be the asshole sending others to go than the asshole having to go. My grandfather went to Korea... I have no will to go there. There's something about fending off wave after wave of Chinese that doesn't appeal to me. SORRY.

What do you guys expect from this generation? We're talking about the first full generation completely raised and influenced with the full impact of the baby-boomers. Haha, George Carlin defines baby-boomers perfectly:

george carlin said:
Now, a lot of these cultural crimes I've been complaining about can be blamed on the Baby Boomers. Something else I'm a little bit tired of hearing about... the Baby Boomers. Whiny, narcissistic, self-indulgent people with a simple philosophy: "GIMME IT!!! IT'S MINE!!! GIMME THAT ITS MINE!!!" These people were given everything. Everything was handed to them, and they took it all... took it all. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and they stayed loaded for 20 years and had a free ride. But now they're staring down the barrel of middle-age burnout, and they don't like it. They don't like it so they turn self-righteous, and they wanna make things hard on younger people. They tell them to abstain from sex, say no to drugs. And as for rock and roll, they sold that for television commercials a long time ago, so they could buy pasta machines, and stair-masters, and soybean futures. Ya know something? They're cold, bloodless people. It's in their slogans, it's in their rhetoric...

These people went from "Do your own thing" to "Just say No." They went from "Love is all you need" to "Whoever winds up with the most toys wins." And they went from cocaine to rogaine.

Oh well. I digress.

You guys want a letter writing campaign? Have at it. I've tried letter writing though and it does nothing. Politicians don't care about individuals or small numbers... they care about their reign. And you can come at them with numbers all you like, but numbers do not equal power, contrary to popular belief, unless they have a means to an end. You can't talk to these people, because they worship themselves too much to respect anybody elses opinions. The only way to get through is to scare them, and scaring the 13th district congressman of wyoming isn't gonna do a damn thing, because nobody outside wyoming cares about that district. You guys want change? You start organizing people to get off their ass and do more than write letters. You want change? You march on washington. You show them the power of your numbers... because they'll ignore you otherwise. Out of sight, out of mind. But if you have a million pissed off youths standing in front of the washington monument, demanding answers and accountability and justice, then you get answers. And if you REALLY want answers, and you REALLY want your government, you arm each one of those people. You don't start a war, but if you're armed then the police are going to be a lot less likely to start shooting tear gas randomly. Cops tend to respect their adversaries a bit more when their adversaries can strike back. And what kind of political structure is going to try and move a peaceful protest, or ignore one, that's partially armed and on your doorstep. And they can't touch the crowd, cuz once they do, imagine what that says to the world. "We have a million people in front of our faces demanding change, and we turn the other cheek," or if they try to open fire to dissipate the masses, then it's all right there on satellite television around the globe in hi-def, picture in picture broadcast so real you could almost taste the brain matter.

You want answers and justice? You march. Anything short of that is just political masterbation... it may feel good for awhile but at the end of it all you're still just fucking yourself.

I don't want violence, but without that threat, nothing will change. Just a new bunch of filthy rich Americans will come to power and be as equally out of touch with the people as a whole, using the people instead of working for the people. So yeah... don't bother me with this letter writing shit. Wake me up if you ever want to actually change things.


I've already begun e-mailing politicans these last few weeks, and while I know people will say it's futile, if they read it, great. If they don't, I lose nothing. Fact of the matter is, doing nothing resolves nothing. I don't want to be one of those vague, meaningless "Support the Troops" people, so it's very much about putting power behind the words. But right now, it's a start. All of this has very much been on my mind and I'm willing to do more, so I'd be more than happy to participate in this discussion and whatever may follow. Count me in.
i occasionaly fire off emails to john kerry and john edwards. i also donate to their respective pac's and make sure to leave some leftover for the dscc.


*drowns in jizz*
You want answers and justice? You march. Anything short of that is just political masterbation... it may feel good for awhile but at the end of it all you're still just fucking yourself.

I'll have to disagree with this statement. I've been to more marches than I can count.. and unfortunately, I'd have to say that unfortunately it is usually the epitome of 'political masterbation' .


Honorary Canadian.
Slurpy said:
I'll have to disagree with this statement. I've been to more marches than I can count.. and unfortunately, I'd have to say that unfortunately it is usually the epitome of 'political masterbation' .

No way. At least with a march you're making your cause known to people outside your cause, as long as the march is done correctly. Every march done in Seattle may have been ultimately futile, but it still got tons more attention focused on the problems of the WTO than if every person had stayed home and simply wrote a letter to those people.

You can disagree with me if you want, that's your choice. But personally I think that political action doesn't start until you have thousands of people gathered for a common cause.


Bump to get some visibility for this thread (since Phoenix posted it late on a Friday night), and I'll have some more significant comments later if I can get some of this !#%^%#@^ing work done...


Not to sound like the ignorant schmuck that I am, but what exactly are you hoping to achieve? You want us to get the ball rolling on something but don't mention what... maybe this was brought up in another topic...?

In any case, I admire what you are trying to do, but I hope you realize that you are going to muster up just as much opposition as you do support, what with this forum ust being a cross-section of the general public. I'm sure you've seen the disparity in pretty much all of the political topics in the OT.


Small balls, big fun!
Really, this is a very silly idea. GAF is a tiny group of people, separated geographically, and there are tons of organizations designed for this kind of thing out there already. Support one or more of them.

The main purpose of political discussion on GAF is to argue with people who disagree with you about stuff, and feel better about yourself because they're idiots. It's pretty good for that. As a catalyst for any kind of significant political, social, or economic changes, not so much.

That said, I'd like to propose the first plank of the GAF platform: No Lokis.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Mandark said:
The main purpose of political discussion on GAF is to argue with people who disagree with you about stuff, and feel better about yourself because they're idiots. It's pretty good for that. As a catalyst for any kind of significant political, social, or economic changes, not so much.
I don't think the plan is to use GAF. It'll be a collection of GAF members doing something on the side, quite unrelated to GAF. This won't be taking place here, at least that's my understanding and what's logical.

Wellington said:
In any case, I admire what you are trying to do, but I hope you realize that you are going to muster up just as much opposition as you do support, what with this forum ust being a cross-section of the general public. I'm sure you've seen the disparity in pretty much all of the political topics in the OT.
Again, I don't see this as something that all of GAF is required to work on, let alone even see. It's a sidebar project for those interested, nothing more, nothing less. What would there be to oppose? If it's the viewpoints presented, well, that's natural. If it's the organization, that's absurd.

Hopefully there's more discussion on this. I'm definitely interested, after failing to find much around me that I could or would get involved with. It'd be an intriguing experiment at the very least.


I don't think this was ever intended in particular as a GAF-exclusive affair, Mandark. Rather, I think it's intended more for those of us who are tired of the status quo and simply want to put actions behind our words, and perhaps coordinating those efforts on issues we agree upon, including lending our voices to those organizations that already exist. Obviously, the six of us or however many care to participate aren't going to do much alone. That said, there are those of us who would like to do something if we knew where to start, and I view this more as something to help people find outlets to do so, and ideally, to do so together if we agree on certain issues. It's not a particularly silly idea; and I certainly can sympathize with those who are simply jaded or apathetic to the entire affair, feeling that they can't do anything or it won't matter, but doing nothing does nothing. So given the choice, I have no qualms about trying to put something together.


Dan said:
I don't think the plan is to use GAF. It'll be a collection of GAF members doing something on the side, quite unrelated to GAF. This won't be taking place here, at least that's my understanding and what's logical.

Again, I don't see this as something that all of GAF is required to work on, let alone even see. It's a sidebar project for those interested, nothing more, nothing less. What would there be to oppose? If it's the viewpoints presented, well, that's natural. If it's the organization, that's absurd.

Hopefully there's more discussion on this. I'm definitely interested, after failing to find much around me that I could or would get involved with. It'd be an intriguing experiment at the very least.

What I meant was that there will be differences of opinion within GAF and that it would be difficult to be one unified voice for or against anything.


A letter writing campaign? Lets take over Washington, by force. A GAF march and battle royale for control of the US government.

I'm in though.

Edit: When the tear gas begins, don't run like pussies.


Is anyone still interested in this or is this going to be a one-man show? Need I remind you, we have three more years of greatness ahead if we start voicing opinions here.

If anyone is still interested, we can begin by amassing a list of resources: a list of how to contact government officials such as Senators, House representatives, as well as their voting records and bios, local/national organizations who share our disatisfaction on key issues, and so on.


No letters. No emails. No visits trying to play nice.

We need to kill their first born, every single elected official in Washington. Then they'll know we mean business.


Macam said:
Is anyone still interested in this or is this going to be a one-man show? Need I remind you, we have three more years of greatness ahead if we start voicing opinions here.

If anyone is still interested, we can begin by amassing a list of resources: a list of how to contact government officials such as Senators, House representatives, as well as their voting records and bios, local/national organizations who share our disatisfaction on key issues, and so on.

I've been working on that piece as well as getting public relations contacts for a couple of choice media outlets.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I'm interested as long as my time permits and I'm capable of providing something to the cause. It's worth exploring at the very least.
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