It's safe to say with the upcoming Sun/Moon that the Alola forms of previous Pokemon have generated a fair amount of buzz, a great way to add variety and options to a playthorugh using tweaked versions of classic designs while sidestepping the more polarizing and limited Mega Evolution angle.
This seems like one angle Gamefreak would continue with in future generations and while thus far it's been a Gen 1 bonanza for these alternative forms there's a ton of potential in the future and maybe more surprises to come within the Alola Dex.
In any case I'm going to shine a light on a pokemon from each generation that I feel could make good candidates for a regional variant.
Gen 1: Primeape
Type: Electric/Fighting
Might as well tackle my mighty bias here seeing that the original series ape looks to be maintaining his standard style for Sun/Moon.
So Primeape is a raging primate and that reminds me of this one other (mostly) pocket related monster from another series, that being the Monster Hunter series Rajang, a creature resmebling an ape that's notable for exploding into an electrical fury when enraged.
In this case I'm thinking you could make a fun nod to the Rajang with Primeape, its zig zaggy fur pattern already lends itself to the electric type exaggeration and the typing in general still hasn't been touched by the series.
Gen 2: Noctowl
Type: Ice/Flying
Yeah yeah, it's a typing that gets wrecked and all but a Snowy Owl Hoothoot that maybe takes in a Great Grey Owl angle for Noctowl seems like a suitable choice to add flavour to a snowy area of an upcoming region.
Plus surely you can see that Noctowl brow being all solid ice like.
Gen 3: Spoink
Type: Ground
Hey another pig, well the series has a surprisingly high amount yet only Piloswine really gets close to that "wallows in mud" angle.
Time to fix that, A spoink that uses its spring coil to slosh and splash in flithy mud and whose pearly is replaced by a flingable mud ball.
Plus considering that its evo Grumpig is considered a pretty ugly pokemon by most folks standards you might as well just filth it up and embrace the hideous mucky nature.
Gen 4: Cherubi
Type: Poison/Fairy
What happens if those cherries just aren't good for you? well it probably wouldn't be great for your stomach.
In general the Cherubi/Cherrim line has that kinda fairy like vibe going for it, upon evolving this one wouldn't need the sunlight either opening the door for a design that could draw from both Cherrim's forms and also just try and make it not completely useless
Gen 5: Durant
Type: Bug/Fire
Years of being stalked by its natural predator Heatmor led to some future regions Durants having just about enough of things and countering by becoming literal fire ants themselves, you could say this evolutionary path was a slow burn, hohoho
Gen 6: Hawlucha
The kind of Hawlucha who cares not for lucha libre honour and would rather wallop you with a steel chair from behind via fling. I'd also have this one incorporate an angle I'd have liked the original Hawlucha to have which is randomised mask patterns.
Post your ideas!
This seems like one angle Gamefreak would continue with in future generations and while thus far it's been a Gen 1 bonanza for these alternative forms there's a ton of potential in the future and maybe more surprises to come within the Alola Dex.
In any case I'm going to shine a light on a pokemon from each generation that I feel could make good candidates for a regional variant.
Gen 1: Primeape
Type: Electric/Fighting

Might as well tackle my mighty bias here seeing that the original series ape looks to be maintaining his standard style for Sun/Moon.
So Primeape is a raging primate and that reminds me of this one other (mostly) pocket related monster from another series, that being the Monster Hunter series Rajang, a creature resmebling an ape that's notable for exploding into an electrical fury when enraged.
In this case I'm thinking you could make a fun nod to the Rajang with Primeape, its zig zaggy fur pattern already lends itself to the electric type exaggeration and the typing in general still hasn't been touched by the series.
Gen 2: Noctowl
Type: Ice/Flying

Yeah yeah, it's a typing that gets wrecked and all but a Snowy Owl Hoothoot that maybe takes in a Great Grey Owl angle for Noctowl seems like a suitable choice to add flavour to a snowy area of an upcoming region.
Plus surely you can see that Noctowl brow being all solid ice like.
Gen 3: Spoink
Type: Ground

Hey another pig, well the series has a surprisingly high amount yet only Piloswine really gets close to that "wallows in mud" angle.
Time to fix that, A spoink that uses its spring coil to slosh and splash in flithy mud and whose pearly is replaced by a flingable mud ball.
Plus considering that its evo Grumpig is considered a pretty ugly pokemon by most folks standards you might as well just filth it up and embrace the hideous mucky nature.
Gen 4: Cherubi
Type: Poison/Fairy

What happens if those cherries just aren't good for you? well it probably wouldn't be great for your stomach.
In general the Cherubi/Cherrim line has that kinda fairy like vibe going for it, upon evolving this one wouldn't need the sunlight either opening the door for a design that could draw from both Cherrim's forms and also just try and make it not completely useless
Gen 5: Durant
Type: Bug/Fire

Years of being stalked by its natural predator Heatmor led to some future regions Durants having just about enough of things and countering by becoming literal fire ants themselves, you could say this evolutionary path was a slow burn, hohoho
Gen 6: Hawlucha

The kind of Hawlucha who cares not for lucha libre honour and would rather wallop you with a steel chair from behind via fling. I'd also have this one incorporate an angle I'd have liked the original Hawlucha to have which is randomised mask patterns.
Post your ideas!
First person to do this with an Eevee evo gets banned...if I had the power to do so