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What review scores do you predict for Paper Mario 2?


Just curious.

I've been thinking about this, because it could finally score anywhere between 8.7 and 9.5, though I doubt much more.

Give your predictions.
la la la la la la la

Can I make a thread predicting fanboy backlash to each of the predicted scores?

Why does it matter? Why does anyone care? Isn't speculating about review scores several levels too meta to actually affect anyone's enjoyment of the game? Shouldn't I go to bed? Yes. Yes I should.


I predict high 8s to mid 9s to average anywhere from an 89% to a 92%. I've heard pretty good things about this game.


Sucks at viral marketing
Paper Mario
Gamespot - 9.5
IGN - 9.0
Average - 89.3

Mario & Luigi
Gamespot - 9.2
IGN - 9.0
Average - 90.9

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Gamespot - 9.1
IGN - 9.0
Average - 90.1

You'll hear whining about the name and little about it being a sequel ... knocking it a fraction.

Holy crap!! I didn't realise that the game releases next week! Oct. 11th.
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