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What series needs a reboot, or continuation more than Legacy of Kain?


Gold Member
I remember playing the original game on the PlayStation. I got the game on a whim from the Warehouse Video. Maybe the box art sold me.


Whatever the case, I went home and fired it up. Holy shit was I hooked. The game might have been the most mature game I had ever played. Not because of the blood or violence, but the story. The voice acting and story arc treated me like an adult. At the time some of it went over my head, but after a few playthroughs, it had all made sense, which led me to thinking how smart the writers were.

Then a day came and we learned of a sequel, which continued the smart writing and story, while introducing a whole new gameplay system. It made me think it was a mature Zelda.

Then after a few more sequels, we learn all about the history of the characters, and how smartly the games were connected. And then, we are left on a cliff hanger. And then nothing.

If I could make one wish for gaming, it’s that we see a new Legacy of Kain. And in the meantime, through us some lazy remasters. This series is too good to be left in the dust.

Let me leave you with this, if you’ve played the series and have some time to kill. It’s not my video, but it’s worth a watch.

Soul Reaver would look amazing with modern day graphics, shifting realm mechanics could work really well now that we have SSDs in consoles. My two cents about Legacy of Kain. I mean whole LoK series is awesome but I grew up with Soul Reaver, so I am a bit biased.

As for other remakes I would want to see:
*Dino Crisis
*Thief series (The Dark Project/Gold, The Metal Age, Deadly Shadows) - I don't acknowledge the awful 2014 version. So I want a proper remake. I hope Embracer Group delivers...

Also on a more curious note I've been reading lately a lot of stuff about cancelled Thief 4 from Ion Storm under Harvey Smith (Dishonored), it was supposed to be called The Dagger of Ways and the game was supposed to have realm shifting mechanics similar to Soul Reaver, and they more you would kill in Human world, the Wraith world was supposed to get more vicious- forcing player to think about consequences.
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Give it to Nightdive and make it a middle market title.
I don't trust any AAA studio to do it justice. Maybe Nintendo but they already have the Eternal Darkness IP and are just sitting on it.
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Blood Omen ftw but...

1. Conker - Xbox has been ignoring the cries for years from fans of this series and it's a shame. I even enjoyed the Xbox reboot back in the day and it's the game that made me sub to Xbox Live to play online. The problem is they'd have to ignore the screaming hyenas to get this done right.

2. Cannon Fodder - One of my favorite early PC games. There's Tiny Troopers today but it's not the same. This is a little action strategy game with a lot of charm and a message that war sucks.

3. Carmageddon - I thought Max Damage was a real return but they've just fell off the face of the earth again. A mix of 90s gory titles with demolition racing. Id love an UE5 version of this.

4. Incredible Machine - Another PC gem. They made Contraptions on PC and those are great but that series once again fell off. It's a simple game that has you figure out a puzzle with a select few gadgets. Highly addictive.

5. Soldier of Fortune - I loved the first game. It's one of the few things I joined the ranks of a community years ago with a WWF/WWE map and some skins. The ultra violent shooter was a blast to play and had some great multiplayer maps. Sadly, Payback ruined the series.

6. Unreal Tournament - Arena shooters are dead but I think they're the most skill based games next to fighting games. In the 90s and 00s, these were the kings for owning a PC and spectating. The mod community was hot and the action was intense. Best we get today is COD.

7. Command & Conquer - EA put out that remaster of the first and Red Alert but then has forgotten about it again. I was hoping to see a return of TV quality cheesy FMVs with quality action RTS action but years later, nothing.

8. King's Quest/Space Quest/Legend of Kyrandia - These are hardcore adventure titles with scores and the ability to totally screw up forcing you to restart. They're also forms of entertainment for my family growing up. If these titles rebooted, I'd be in heaven.

9. Commander Keen - You can grab the first game on Switch for free btw but anyway, this game is an old school side scroller platform shooter and the charm alone is why I revisit it from time to time. I saw it in a computer store growing up and begged my dad for it after. Id require emulated PC speaker and VGA graphics for this to work as a reboot.

10. Dungeon Siege - Diablo isn't near as good as DS2 and it's probably the best ARPG ever created. What Square did to DS3 is a shame but put it back in the right hands, I'd be all over it. DS has a coherent story about farming and murdering goblins as a savior. It's highly addicting but it's one I fear we'll never see again.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I LOVE the Legacy of Kain series.

That said there's probably a few remakes that would be cool. I'm almost surprised Temple of Apshai was never remade unless you count the Temple of Apshai Trilogy.

It was pretty much the first big Diablo game. I used to play the hell out of it on my Commodore 64 and I had both the original and the trilogy remake.

But game and series has disappeared throughout time and it's a real shame considering how popular it was back in the early 80s and what it contributed to role-playing games.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Legacy of Kain really needs a new installment. It's one of my favorite game series of all times. Darksiders is the closest we have. Maybe they just figure those type of games won't sell. I mean, look at Darksiders - it's not particularly popular and there's no new game even in that series in sight so maybe the general gaming audience doesn't really care about a new Legacy of Kain?


Gold Member
Legacy of Kain really needs a new installment. It's one of my favorite game series of all times. Darksiders is the closest we have. Maybe they just figure those type of games won't sell. I mean, look at Darksiders - it's not particularly popular and there's no new game even in that series in sight so maybe the general gaming audience doesn't really care about a new Legacy of Kain?
Still waiting on Soul Reaver 3.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Still waiting on Soul Reaver 3.
I'm all for another sequel. In a way I'm kind of surprised we haven't gotten one especially with how popular and how much people want it. But I'm thinking maybe more younger gamers don't care and they figure it's not going to sell. It seems like Legacy of Kain and Darksiders and other games that are similar just don't sell well and I can't figure out why.
As someone who adores the first two entries there's few I'd trust to continue the legacy without fucking them up. Sadly I think they're just a bubble of magic lost in time.


2. Cannon Fodder - One of my favorite early PC games. There's Tiny Troopers today but it's not the same. This is a little action strategy game with a lot of charm and a message that war sucks.
It amazes me how deep old games were that current ones aren’t able to accomplish, even in the indie field.
I can get behind the mentions of Prince of Persia (I'd even take a 2d one), Killzone (specifically 2) and FEAR.
I'd also like another Kane& Lynch, Condemned, Extreme-G, Geometry Wars (or Waves continued by a professional studio).
Dead Nation and Alienation should also be on every new gen plattform, with procedurally generated levels.
No reboot or continuation. There is no way that wouldn't lead to a complete disappointment, because the writing in soul reaver, soul reaver 2 and defiance are lightning in a bottle. I'd put the entire journey of Kain and Raziel quite above Planescape: Torment, and light years above anything else. It's a shame such an incredible story is trapped in a series of shoddy ass video games.

A faithful remake? I'm all in.
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Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
They attempted it once, and it was DREADFUL. I'm glad it got cancelled. One of my favorite series ever, and for that reason I hope it stays dead.
They attempted it once, and it was DREADFUL. I'm glad it got cancelled. One of my favorite series ever, and for that reason I hope it stays dead.
We need a good remaster collection though. At least the superior version of Blood Omen is on GOG, but still, those Steam releases of the others are dreadful.


Why does Legacy of Kain need continuation or reboot? Its an ok game for its time. Let creatives make new shit.
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