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What series needs a reboot, or continuation more than Legacy of Kain?


I'm still mad at how these two games were done dirty like that.

Imsonmniac fucked up so badly with Resistance 2 that it killed all the momentum the first game built as a launch title. They decided to follow trends (mostly CoD) and stripped the franchise out of everything that made it special. The removal of couch co-op for a campaign with an online-only co-op experience was a bad call (the idea of 8 players in the campaign was cool but the local co-op defined the singleplayer campaign of the first game). Then they came up with the "brilliant" idea of removing the weapon well from the first game for a two-weapons at all-times system... Killing all the variety and strategy you could implement against certain types of enemies (with scarce ammunition drops, so you'd have to change weapons constantly, but it didn't work well in practice)

The worst mistake was killing off the protagonist by the end of the game. It didn't work with AC and didn't work here either. It was abrupt, and the build-up was anticlimactic, to say the least. The worst is that you play with his murderer, who, at the time, was portrayed as a huge dipshit in the whole special squad/unit you work with. Then comes the third game but the damage was all done. They brought back the old weapon system, local co-op, and surprisingly redeemed the other guy and the story as decent enough. Nonetheless, it was too little, too late.

Dino Crisis was fuck up after fuck up. I can't believe they made Dino Crisis 3...
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Definitely lost planet, first is a masterpiece, 2 was pretty bad other then imptoving the mp and 3 was decent but not good enough to carry the series


Nobody said it so i say Deus Ex, i don't mean a remake of the first, there is Revision on pc, no i'd like a sequel to Mankind Divided because the way it ended wasn't satisfying, but i know it won't happen probably 😓

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
I agree the original is one of the few games deserving of a remaster or remake as the loading times on the PS1 were loooooong. Don't need any Soul Reaver remakes as those games were a slog.
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Resistance yes, the rest can fuck off... unless we're talking Nuts and Bolts 2 ;)
No sir you can fuck off, Dino Crisis MORE THAN ANY OTHER needs a reboot!

On topic though, Im sorry OP but Legacy of Kain without Amy Hennig or Simon Templeman or Michael Bell and Richard Doyle just wouldn’t be worth playing, even if it did get rebooted Crystal Dynamics as they are now just suck plain and simple. They managed to ruin Lara, cant say I have confidence in them to not fuck up something as complex snd convoluted as LoK


Mega Man series without true endings - X, Legends, ZX, Star Force

Golden Sun

Cliffhanger endings should be banned for video games.
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