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What store do you buy your games from? (cheapest stores)

I live in Australia but import games from the US because it's cheaper for me to import and I get the games months earlier!

My dad is going to the US today and I've given him a list of games and dvds to get me while he's there (as it saves me paying shipping fees). What are the cheapest stores to buy games from? Like in Australia, I generally wouldn't buy a game from Electronics Boutique because they usually charge the full RRP whereas stores like K-Mart and Target (sell large variety of things) charge less.

I'm not sure what general stores you have over there that sell games and dvds cheaper then the speciality game stores which is the reason I ask. So your suggestions would be great.



Generally, almost all stores charge near or at full MSRP. It's primarily during sales that Wario posts that games are cheap by a significant amount.


Yeah, it's not worth worrying about. All chain stores charge full MSRP for all games, other than a handful of games that they might have on sale that week. Your father will have a much easier time at an EB were he is sure to find everything you are looking for in one place.


loxy said:
The best retail store for videogames, in terms of value and selection, is Fry's.
IAWTP. Almost every new game comes out cheaper here.

Fry's is almost exclusively a west coast only chain though.

Sho Nuff

Bic or Yodobashi Camera. Used, Trader's or your local Mom and Pop chain.

It's all about the point card, though!


For me, it's Target, Best Buy, and CompUSA. I'm too cheap to go to gamestop/eb. I only buy big name titles like MGS or GTA there and hunt down new Greatest Hits titles trying to find one without a red sticker. Which reminds me, thanks wario64, for all the money you've saved me. Please continue doing so. I wish to heaven that there was a Fry's in NY, let alone the east coast. :( I don't like buying games online, I'm too paranoid to.
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