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What. the. F***. (you can say fuck) PS: MATRIX THREAD, MATRIX THREAD!!

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Just watched Matrix Revolutions tonight...it was all going good until...the Neo vs. Smith fight. what the hell? it should've been one of the most memorable movie fights ever...but what did we get? A half-assed one. SO LAME. The city should've gotten demolished, or at least some part of it or something...AND that's not even considering the ending...WHAT THE FUCK were they going for?? Neo gets assimilated, so that means....he explodes? Is it supposed to make sense?? Then they have the nerve to end it with little hints to make you think that another sequel is possible...HELL. I don't want another Matrix. Ever. SOMEONE HELP ME!!! *brain explodes*

oh and a pre-emptive "WELCOME TO LAST YEAR"


Yah, I thought it was ass also. How is the last battle with Smith not as good as the ones from the first 2 movies? Fukkin ridiculous!!!

IMO, it was a forced trilogy cos Revelations was really low on content...


well not really...yet
damn, not even going to bother explaining that ending again, jesus.

Edit: and the showdown was absolutely awesome. the climax of it was incredible.

Edit 2: and no its not a set up for a sequel


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Im sick of the movies and my name :(


The DBZ air battle was kind of weak, but the rest of the Neo/Smith showdown rocked imo. Great audio too on the DVD (even tho it's not friggin DTS, and it never will be, not even in the box set)

And the ending does make sense if you paid attention to all the blabbering that went on in Reloaded.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I think battles between relatively immortal people are inherently flawed. How interesting is it to watch two guys pummel the hell out of each other when they can't be defeated through violence? There was real pain and conflict in the fights from The Matrix, but the sequels lacked that. It sounds cool and all to have these uber-fights, but they just don't work, or at least, I haven't seen them work before, and I think it'd be hard to find a way to do so.


well not really...yet
XS+ said:
And the ending does make sense if you paid attention to all the blabbering that went on in Reloaded.
and watched the animatrix, specifically the second rennaisance


I was satisfied. But the thing I didn't get is in the first film they say there are 'rules' or 'laws', whatever of the matrix, but they can be bent, or broken. But everything still remains relatively... real.

But in the final fight, they are just flying around, invincible, smashing shit up, the only enemy they have is their own stamina. My question is A) what happened to these rules, they despite being broken, are supposed to still remain pretty strict, and B) if these rules were broken down completely, why wasn't the last fight absolutely earth-destroying mayhem? They COULD have destroyed everything, because it was all reset at the end.


Actually, if we ever get a live Dragonball film, well, its probably going to end up looking like that ending Neo vs Smith fight........except that there will be fireballs and projectiles all over the place as well


well not really...yet
SKluck said:
I was satisfied. But the thing I didn't get is in the first film they say there are 'rules' or 'laws', whatever of the matrix, but they can be bent, or broken. But everything still remains relatively... real.

But in the final fight, they are just flying around, invincible, smashing shit up, the only enemy they have is their own stamina. My question is A) what happened to these rules, they despite being broken, are supposed to still remain pretty strict, and B) if these rules were broken down completely, why wasn't the last fight absolutely earth-destroying mayhem? They COULD have destroyed everything, because it was all reset at the end.

theres one scene which would have completely destoryed but wasnt included because of budget constraints, so I doubt they couldve afforded any more destruction.


They shouldn't have wasted their money on building a strip of road from scratch to create a sorta bleh freeway chase scene (it was OK but the chase in Bad Boys II destroyed it, using existing roads, less resources and better direction), maybe then we could have seen Burly Brawl with more live action and less CG, and Smith actually taking over the world instead of a few blips on a LCD monitor..


Alright, what with this being a "Matrix WTF?" thread, question for anyone who can answer it:

The programs are purely Matrix-generated entities, correct? (as opposed to machines hooked up to the Matrix the same way altered humans hook up to it) Is the Architect a program as well? If the answer is yes and yes, how did the Architect "create the Matrix" before the Matrix existed?? Were the W Brot.. Sis.. whatever trying to go for a sort of biblical "In The Beginning" twist with the Architect, or is he a machine, or what?
XS+ said:
Alright, what with this being a "Matrix WTF?" thread, question for anyone who can answer it:

The programs are purely Matrix-generated entities, correct? (as opposed to machines hooked up to the Matrix the same way altered humans hook up to it) Is the Architect a program as well? If the answer is yes and yes, how did the Architect "create the Matrix" before the Matrix existed??
Uh, I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Architect was a program/machine who was created outside of the Matrix (like a sentinal, a machine in the real world), who was in charge of creating and managing the Matrix.


well not really...yet
XS+ said:
Alright, what with this being a "Matrix WTF?" thread, question for anyone who can answer it:

The programs are purely Matrix-generated entities, correct? (as opposed to machines hooked up to the Matrix the same way altered humans hook up to it) Is the Architect a program as well? If the answer is yes and yes, how did the Architect "create the Matrix" before the Matrix existed?? Were the W Brot.. Sis.. whatever trying to go for a sort of biblical "In The Beginning" twist with the Architect, or is he a machine, or what?
The architect = machine AI ----> designed the matrix, the old man is his avatar in the matrix (sahti being a young indian girl is a nice idea, being opposed to a relatively victorian era English Male)

Edit: essentially what mike said. The old man is just his avatar in the matrix


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>The DBZ air battle was kind of weak, but the rest of the Neo/Smith showdown rocked imo. Great audio too on the DVD (even tho it's not friggin DTS, and it never will be, not even in the box set)<<<

If it's any consolation, the eventual HD release will almost certainly have losslessly compressed multi-channel, which rips DTS, SDDS, DD, and every other lossy compression a new one.


Ending in a nutshell - Neo is jesus. They shove that down our throat when he basically dies as if crucified and is enveloped in an angelic light. It was horrific.

The good thing about the last film was that there was not another rave scene.


well not really...yet
Tortfeasor said:
Ending in a nutshell - Neo is jesus. They shove that down our throat when he basically dies as if crucified and is enveloped in an angelic light. It was horrific.

The good thing about the last film was that there was not another rave scene.
nice try, but no. Thats just a cop out explanation. Wrong religion too. It works in two meanings and neither of them is some metaphor about Jesus Christ. ugh.
J2 Cool said:
Neo vs. Smith (Matrix 1) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neo vs. Smith (Revolutions)


To elaborate, in the first battle between the two, there was something at stake - Neo could die. In Revolutions, after the very first hit the battle had no tension because it seemed like neither side could lose. They just kept trading millions of dollars in special effects hits until Neo clued in and figured out another solution.
Crazymoogle said:

To elaborate, in the first battle between the two, there was something at stake - Neo could die. In Revolutions, after the very first hit the battle had no tension because it seemed like neither side could lose. They just kept trading millions of dollars in special effects hits until Neo clued in and figured out another solution.

yep :( the fight in the first film was so much better


Still Tagged Accordingly
Revolutions and Reloaded should be part of the curriculum at film schools as the perfect example of how a bigger budget doesn't make a better movie.

The Matrix is one of my favourite movies of all time, but Revolutions and Reloaded were terrible. It's as though the brothers browsed the net for the worst fan fiction they could find and used that as the basis for these sequels.


The One says:





DeadStar said:
nice try, but no. Thats just a cop out explanation. Wrong religion too. It works in two meanings and neither of them is some metaphor about Jesus Christ. ugh.

Enlighten us, then.


well not really...yet
Desperado said:
Enlighten us, then.
bleh literal sense --> hes a conduit for the source and by destroying smith, his "one data" is sufficiant for reloading the matrix, enough for it to be Utopia for those who accept it. those who dont will now be set free.
allegorical sense ---> His journey in the movie is fulfilled by finding enlightenment, a true zen like state. The throbbing lights emmited by his body after being assimilated are whats representative of this.

Whatever, just a bastardized explanation. I dont care enough to type an in detail post and frankly am tired of discussing these films.

The only thing that didnt make sense to me was the machines carrying neo's body off after the fight.
I havent watched the movie in a while, if I remember, theyre either taking him to reinsert his code or stroring the body.



Chili Con Carnage!
The only thing that didnt make sense to me was the machines carrying neo's body off after the fight.

Everything else was fine, i mean in the first film neo jumps into an agent, and he pops, so when neos code gets assimilated into all the smiths...they all pop...doesnt seem too complicated to me, Smiths a dumbass.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Reloaded was awesome

Revolutions was awesome up until just after
Smith took over Neo, which I thought was absolutely awesome while on cue with the music

The ending sucked so much :(


SKluck said:
I was satisfied. But the thing I didn't get is in the first film they say there are 'rules' or 'laws', whatever of the matrix, but they can be bent, or broken. But everything still remains relatively... real.

But in the final fight, they are just flying around, invincible, smashing shit up, the only enemy they have is their own stamina. My question is A) what happened to these rules, they despite being broken, are supposed to still remain pretty strict, and B) if these rules were broken down completely, why wasn't the last fight absolutely earth-destroying mayhem? They COULD have destroyed everything, because it was all reset at the end.

I'm no Matrix Scholar, but i'll just throw out some random points I think may answer or help answer:

(1) Doesn't that info come from Morpheus in the first movie? If so, well, Morpheus doesn't know everything....he didn't know that this is actually the sixth interation of the Matrix, etc. So since he isn't all-knowing, what he says/believes can't be taken as an all-encompassing truth.

(2) After the first film, Agent Smith is disconnected from the Matrix("you set me free"), plus it's possible Neo may have changed his code...he's able to clone himself.

(3) In the last film, he ends up merging with the Oracle, and it is after that, that he is able to change things. So after that, he rules are no longer in play.


being watched
The Oracle sums it up:-

"You can't see beyond the choices you don't understand".

And Smith...he can't undestand the concept of choice, why someone would fight on like Neo does...and so ultimately dooms himself in the end..although he nearly twigs before his ego gets the better of him.

"Why Mr Anderson...why do you persist!?!?"

Revolutions biggest failure in the eyes of the general public is that it didn't conform to the hollywood ideal of a sequel. No predictable humans win >>> Machine whupped. cue flag waving stars and stripes ending as humans emerge from the rubble as the entire race of machines twich their last death throes. Hats off to the Bros - they didn't give us such a contrived ending. Which is not to say I liked the ending they did give us...needed one more scene with the 'regulars' - Morpheous for example.

The sequels needed at least another year of script revisions from the bros. As it is the movies feel like a first revision, first writing of the script. I'm sure if they'd had another year to re-write and polish then both sequels would have been the best things to ever hit the silver screen - in terms of the vampires / werewolves and other threads - more Smith for example, espeically in Revolutions where we should have seen him running amok in the Matrix spreading like a virus asmiliating everyone in his path. One scene I would have loved to have seen:- Smith assmiliating a pregant woman...with a mutant / fucked up baby smith emerging from her stomach as she's taken over.


I don't know shit about shit
DeadStar said:
and watched the animatrix, specifically the second rennaisance
I don't think anyone should have to watch or read some side story (Star Wars comes to mind) just to understand the movie. That's usually indicative of a movie that is lacking in the setup department.

And also, I do agree, Neo was to fucking strong in these movies, It wasn't even fun to watch him fight.


Could we please have more movies in which the protagonist turns out to be "the one?" I'm getting really tired of unpredictable, non-cookie cutter flicks.


being watched
Flynn said:
Could we please have more movies in which the protagonist turns out to be "the one?" I'm getting really tired of unpredictable, non-cookie cutter flicks.

Indeed. It was great in Revolutions to discover as predicated in the matrix, that Neo wasn't the one. ;)


well not really...yet
Flynn said:
Could we please have more movies in which the protagonist turns out to be "the one?" I'm getting really tired of unpredictable, non-cookie cutter flicks.


Dreamfixx said:
I don't think anyone should have to watch or read some side story (Star Wars comes to mind) just to understand the movie. That's usually indicative of a movie that is lacking in the setup department.
Itc certainly not lacking, as the whole setup was the multi-media plan game - movie - anime. Its certainly not required viewing, as the train station sequence set up the ending already in a sense, but it gives you more insight and youll realise fully what they were going for with the ending.


Indeed. It was great in Revolutions to discover as predicated in the matrix, that Neo wasn't the one. ;)


I think I should just give up trying to understand these movies. ugh...
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