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What the hell just happened to my system?


I turned on the Xbox to play Riddick and some screwy shit went on. The loading light was flashing red and there was green text on the screen in 4 languages telling me It needed service, I don't remember the exact warning. I turned it off and back on 3 times and it was ok each time. I misplaced the manual. Has this happened to anyone else? WHY? I bought it in January and didn't buy a warranty. I was 2 seconds from tossing it against the wall.


That's just letting you know the final countdown to buying a replacement system has begun. You're good for a few months yet.


I had it happen to me permenantly, and all I had to do is call MS up and tell them my Xbox was broken. They sent an UPS guy to my house to pick up my Xbox, and about 10 days later, I had a good Xbox. Really nice service on MS' part.

EDIT: And I didn't have to pay anything.
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